Erasing the Accusation of Shirk:
A Conversation with a Kharajite
HAVING WITNESSED THE countless hours, days and months that Abu Ammar
had dedicated to this book, it was only natural that I was too happy to read
through the first draft and see what it was that had taken precedence over me
as a loving wife! Having had such an opportunity, I would like to
congratulate my husband for engaging with this topic in a thorough way and I
applaud him for his unique style which makes it accessible for the masses. May
Allah reward him and increase him further. Amin. However, despite such praise,
I did note one considerable drawback: no where did I find an explicit
description of the term shirk.
A simple and clear definition was essential
considering that the entire book dealt with this issue.
So I queried Abu Ammar regarding this and he suggested that I research
this subject myself and write something for his book. And so, what you read
before you is the outcome of that modest research.
I began by
first challenging myself to find a clear and simple definition for the term shirk which I did by consulting the hadith collections
and works such as Tarikh (history)
and of course the Tafsir (Interpretation of the Qur’an)
consulting the Qur’an, even though it speaks to us about the evilness of shirk in
many instances, there were no verses that offered an explicit definition.
It then dawned upon me that to fully understand what shirk
is one must first acknowledge the precise meaning of Tawhid (the
oneness of Allah). Naturally then, anything that opposes the meaning of Tawhid
would then necessitate it being classified as shirk.
Tawhid is thus understood to fall within two basic
The first concerns the Essence of Allah, which
humans cannot comprehend, but as Muslims, we have faith that He (Allah) is
alone with no partners.
The second category deals with what are known as the attributes
of Allah, i.e., the names of Allah which give us an idea of His supremacy. We
can see in our own world that most of creation always has an opposite.
For example, we have the darkness of the Night and light
of the day; Male and Female; Hot or Cold; Sweet and
Sour, good and bad (etc)
and in the case of Tawhid, its opposite is shirk.
There is a principle in the Islamic sciences
which notes that all things are identified by their opposites, so to recognize
an act of shirk one must be sure that there is
something competing with Tawhid, i.e., against either the Essence or
attributes of Allah.
Currently, we are faced with a dire situation where a
particular group of people are accusing other Muslims of committing actions of shirk.
what these people do not understand is that shirk is
only a reality when something is challenging the understanding of
Allah’s Tawhid.
In the Qur’an
we are told of the shirk that was committed by
previous nations. We understand from them that they committed
shirk by establishing rivals to Allah in both the Essence and
Attributes of Allah.
For example, the polytheists would set up partners besides Allah and make sacrifice for them in their name.
As Muslims, we fully understand that Allah is alone and that there is no
other deity besides Him. Any understanding which
opposes this is shirk.
One can say
that shirk is based upon three premises:
1) To
unite any partners with the essence of Allah
2) To
unite any partners with the attributes of Allah
3) To
think that anyone other than Allah is entitled to being worshipped

It was the
increase of the use of this word (shirk) in our
time that made me question what was the actually meaning of this term that was
being used so frequently.
A friend of mine, a sister of wisdom and kindness,
went to visit another sister. They discussed many things as they had not seen
one another for a while, and they began to talk of food and particular recipes a
typical topic for women!
My friend
told the sister of a dish that I had given to her a few days back her exact
words were:
“Umm Ammar gave me such and such dish which I really enjoyed.”
Upon hearing the sister frantically stood up, clearly outraged.
Upon hearing the sister frantically stood up, clearly outraged.
My friend asked her what was wrong and she replied that the
statement she made was shirk:
as she was
saying someone other than Allah had given her
something?or provided her with food.
My friend was shocked and deeply saddened by
what this sister had just said. She explained that this was not her intention
and it was a matter of mere words?of course Allah is the sole provider she
further explained, but the sister did not want to hear of it and accused her of
becoming a polytheist.
My friend
left her house in a sate of confusion and shock. Later when my friend told me
of this incident I did not know if I should have laughed or cried. I could not
understand how she could come up with such an absurd idea! Sadly, this is the
reality that we are currently faced with: a
nation crying shirk! I am deeply appalled that Muslims have become
so accustomed to saying the word shirk without understanding the weight
of its meaning. It is one thing to merely use this word but another to accuse a
Muslim committing shirk. SubhanAllah! What a sad
state indeed.
Another similar example occurred
when a young girl recently approached me. I was aware that she had been
learning how to read the Qur’an from another sister who had studied from one
particular institute in Islamabad (Pakistan). The young girl told me
that she was talking amongst her friends in her Qur’an class about some new
Nike trainers she had brought. She told her friends that she loved her new Nike
trainers very much.
When her teacher heard this she gave a similar reaction that my friend received from the other sister. The teacher stopped her entire class and explained that the statement the young girl had made was a statement of shirk!
She spoke angrily as she explained that to love other than Allah was shirk? particularly the love of shoes!
When her teacher heard this she gave a similar reaction that my friend received from the other sister. The teacher stopped her entire class and explained that the statement the young girl had made was a statement of shirk!
She spoke angrily as she explained that to love other than Allah was shirk? particularly the love of shoes!
The young girl explained to me that she was so upset at
the embarrassment her teacher caused but knew in her heart not to bother
protest to such stupidity!
These are
just two examples of the misuse of the word shirk that have happened to people
I know. I am both saddened and amused by the ignorance and the delusion about
shirk which people have. This reminds me of a story I read during my youth:
There was a prince who fell ill with the flu.
The doctor requested an explanation to the patient as to how he thought he had caught the flu. The prince explained that he was riding on his horse and his horse galloped upon a radish peel and it must have been for this reason he caught a cold and then the flu. The doctor laughed at his ignorant presumption. It is this similar ignorant presumption of shirk that certain people have, which is causing them to accuse their own friends, families and students of shirk.
The doctor requested an explanation to the patient as to how he thought he had caught the flu. The prince explained that he was riding on his horse and his horse galloped upon a radish peel and it must have been for this reason he caught a cold and then the flu. The doctor laughed at his ignorant presumption. It is this similar ignorant presumption of shirk that certain people have, which is causing them to accuse their own friends, families and students of shirk.
else which I have found in the people who are deluded with the idea of shirk is
that they often intimidate other people: they use loud voices and claim to have
ample proof from the Qur’an.
They take
the verses of the Qur’an out of context and recite verse after verse to sincere
people on the path of knowledge. When one sees such “knowledge” and “passion”
we do not dare to argue. I have recently seen famous Muslim sportsmen,
ex-Singers, and doctors, being brainwashed with this same delusion of shirk.
Such personalities also intimidate and influence others, forcing them to accept and join the club of the “Shirk Brigade!”
An example of these intimidating people is when I was invited to give a speech amongst some sisters, one of the sisters was filming the event.
As she was filming another sister stood up (she was a doctor at the local hospital) and began to recite a verse from the Qur’an at the top of her voice. She used the verse to prove that to film using a camera was shirk!
Such personalities also intimidate and influence others, forcing them to accept and join the club of the “Shirk Brigade!”
An example of these intimidating people is when I was invited to give a speech amongst some sisters, one of the sisters was filming the event.
As she was filming another sister stood up (she was a doctor at the local hospital) and began to recite a verse from the Qur’an at the top of her voice. She used the verse to prove that to film using a camera was shirk!
disturbed me further that almost everyone in the hall immediately accepted what
she was saying.
Because of the intimidation they felt. Unease
filled the room as all the sisters thought to themselves, she must know better
than us, she knows Arabic, she is a doctor and the tone of her voice shows
certainty. It is this very personality that scoops people into this incorrect
But let me show you the ignorance of these people by telling you the verse she presented:
But let me show you the ignorance of these people by telling you the verse she presented:
“Therefore, set right your face for the obedience of Allah
being one devoted to Him only. The established pattern of Allah upon which He
has created mankind. No change in the created things of Allah. This is the only
right religion. But most of the people know not.”[1]
It was by the grace of Allah that I had a copy of Sahih al-Bukhari with me at the talk. I asked the sister to come forward and asked her to read the Tafsir of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) of this verse from Sahih al-Bukhari which said:
It was by the grace of Allah that I had a copy of Sahih al-Bukhari with me at the talk. I asked the sister to come forward and asked her to read the Tafsir of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) of this verse from Sahih al-Bukhari which said:
Narrated Abu-Huraira: Allah's Apostle said,
"No child is born except on al-Fitra (Islam) and then his
parents make him Jewish, Christian or Magian, as an animal produces a perfect
young animal: do you see any part of its body amputated?" Then he
recited: “The religion of pure Islamic Faith
(Hanifa), [i.e. to worship none but Allah], The pure Allah's Islamic nature
with which He (Allah) has created mankind. Let There be no change in Allah's
religion (i.e. to join none in Allah's worship). That is the straight religion;
but most of men know not...?? (30.30).[2]
Upon reading
this the Sister left the hall. Afterwards many of the sisters came to me and
thanked me for removing the doubts she had placed in their hearts. The sister
filming was almost close to tears as she too thanked me. She said she could not
comprehend how her intention of filming the event could compromise the Tawhid
of Allah!
I then explained that in Islam some acts have been defined as shirk, however many actions have also been categorized as Haram (Forbidden), Makruh (disliked) and La Yajaaz, (Not recommended).
Those people though they only wish to use the term shirk, even for minor acts, it seems they do not receive any piece of mind until they use this word!
I then explained that in Islam some acts have been defined as shirk, however many actions have also been categorized as Haram (Forbidden), Makruh (disliked) and La Yajaaz, (Not recommended).
Those people though they only wish to use the term shirk, even for minor acts, it seems they do not receive any piece of mind until they use this word!
Meaning of Tawhid: The belief in One
In Islam,
Tawhid means that Allah is One in His essence, attributes, actions and has no
partner and there is none like Him.[3]
Meaning of Shirk: To unite/make a partner
In Islam,
shirk means to unite someone with Allah’s essence, attributes or actions or to
believe that other than Allah possesses his unlimited qualities.[4]
Allamah Taftazani writes that the term shirk means to make an equal partner with Allah, just
as the polytheists did. Shirk also entails believing (as the polytheists of
Makkah did) that so-called partner of Allah are entitled to be worshipped just
as the polytheists did with their idols.[5]
I feel
that Allamah Taftazaani (may Allah be pleased with him) has given a very
accurate description of the term Shirk, because the polytheists of Makkah used
to think that their idols were entitled for their worship and this was clearly
described as Shirk as Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an:
039.003 Yes, the sincere exclusive devotion is to Allah only.
And those who have taken for protectors other than Allah say, 'we worship
them only so that they may bring us nearer to Allah'. Allah will
decide among them concerning that wherein they are differing. Undoubtedly,
Allah guides not him who is a great ungrateful liar.
In the above
verse we see how the polytheist themselves
confessed that they believed their idols were
entitled of being worshipped and that, in fact they did worship them. Can one
ever think that a Muslim, someone with the faith of the One Allah and His Holy
Prophet, ever think, even for a second, that someone other than Allah is
entitled to be worshipped? Of course not!
This is the
description of shirk, yet there are some ignorant people who still think that Muslims can commit shirk and have made it their
mission in life to label other Muslim’s polytheists!
(I seek
refuge from Allah)
We have
already established that the meaning of Tawhid is to have complete faith in the
oneness and unity of Allah, to believe that He has no partners, He is alone and
only He is entitle for all worship and sacrifice.
polytheists (of Makkah) could not grasp the fact that the entire world had been
created by Allah alone, and that it is Allah Almighty who is controlling every
movement of this world; from the hurricanes to the movement of a leaf. Instead
of accepting the truth of Allah’s oneness, the polytheists thought that there
must be a power other than the one God; they concluded that there must be two
gods. (I seek refuge from Allah!). It was this thought that brought about the
concept of two gods rather than the One Allah Almighty.
Allah then sent the blessed Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), who explained to them the truth of the one God?Allah. He told people to turn away from their idols of wood and stone and submit to Allah alone; however the polytheists were so astray that they were shocked at what the prophet was preaching. Allah then revealed this verse:
Allah then sent the blessed Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), who explained to them the truth of the one God?Allah. He told people to turn away from their idols of wood and stone and submit to Allah alone; however the polytheists were so astray that they were shocked at what the prophet was preaching. Allah then revealed this verse:
038.015 What! Makes he the gods a single
Allah? A strange thing is this, to be sure!
Allah then
revealed a verse of truth and perfection, which shattered their false ideology,
as Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an:
016.051 And Allah has
said: Take not two gods, He is only one Allah; so of Me alone should you be
021.022 If there had been in them any
gods except Allah, they would both have certainly been in a state of disorder;
therefore glory be to Allah, the Lord of the dominion, above what they
attribute (to Him).
Almighty explains in this verse that the concept of two gods is one of
foolishness. If there had been two gods, there would be a state of disorder?one
god would desire one thing and the other would want something else. One god
would want the sun to rise from the East and one god would want the sun to rise
in the west! If there were two gods, the concept of an all powerful god would
not exist, as one god would be more superior, thus their concept was one of
sheer stupidity?the destruction of the universe would be inevitable. This was
the manner in which the polytheists would make partners with Allah?they would
insult the essence of Allah by giving something else the same status and
essence-this is known as shirk fid-dhat meaning shirk
with the essence of Allah. (I seek refuge from Allah.)
When a child
is born, often the child inherits characteristics from their parents. A son may
take the same height or eye colour as his father. It was bearing this idea in
mind that the polytheists believed that Allah also had children and that his
children had inherited some of his characteristics and traits. They further
believed that the children of Allah also had the right to be worshipped. (I
seek refuge from Allah) we are informed of this in the Qur’an, as Allah
Almighty says:
006.100 And they make the jinn associates
with Allah, while He created them, and they falsely attribute to Him
sons and daughters without knowledge; glory be to Him, and highly exalted
is He above what they ascribe (to Him).
043.019 And they make the angels-- them
who are the servants of the Beneficent Allah-- female (divinities). What! did they witness their creation? Their evidence
shall be written down and they shall be questioned
043.015 And they
assign to Him a part of His servants; man, to be sure, is clearly ungrateful.
From these
verses we see the second explanation and type of shirk, fidh-dhat.
By claiming that Allah has children or attributing creation as his children is
associating partners with him-this is what the polytheist of Makkah did and
again, this is shirk with the essence of Allah.
Polytheists always
commit Shirk Fidh-Dhat
(Shirk with the Essence of Allah)
The Kharajite sect have accused other Muslims of
committing shirk by venerating the Prophets and
the pious. They say there is no difference between Muslims who do this and the
polytheists of Makkah. The belief that Muslims are committing shirk by “worshipping” Prophets and the pious is a
completely lie and based on falsehood. (I do not want to discuss this subject
as my husband has thoroughly explained this with many evidences later in this
The polytheists always committed shirk Fidh-Dhat, in that they made partners with the essence of Allah in the form of children or with the concept of two gods. They did not commit shirk Fidh-Dhat by saying the attributed partners were pious though they committed shirk Fidh-Dhat by claiming that they were the children of Allah!
The following verse explains that this false belief has been passed on from ancient generations:
The polytheists always committed shirk Fidh-Dhat, in that they made partners with the essence of Allah in the form of children or with the concept of two gods. They did not commit shirk Fidh-Dhat by saying the attributed partners were pious though they committed shirk Fidh-Dhat by claiming that they were the children of Allah!
The following verse explains that this false belief has been passed on from ancient generations:
009.030 And the Jews say: Uzair is the son
of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are
the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who
disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!
Many people
wrongly claim that shirk originated from people associating the Prophets and
pious with Allah and this is also what the polytheists used to do. However,
this verse informs us that the polytheists committed Shirk Fidh-Dhat by
attributing sons and daughters to Allah: they
did not worship their false deities due to their piety, the
reason for worshipping them was because they
believed they were the sons and daughters of Allah.
We further come to know that even the nations before these polytheists (nations before the time of the Pharaoh) committed this exact shirk with the essence of Allah as Allah says, they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before. This highlights the fact that never was anyone worshipped due to piety?the shirk that took place was because of shirk with the essence of Allah by attributing sons and daughters to Him.
We further come to know that even the nations before these polytheists (nations before the time of the Pharaoh) committed this exact shirk with the essence of Allah as Allah says, they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before. This highlights the fact that never was anyone worshipped due to piety?the shirk that took place was because of shirk with the essence of Allah by attributing sons and daughters to Him.
There are
many attributes of Allah, we can never know of them all, but the names that
have been attributed to Him in the Qur?an we do know of. The attributes of
Allah are all:
· His
own (personal)
· Eternal
· Unlimited
If anyone
was to believe that someone other than Allah shares his attributes with the
above three conditions then that would be shirk with the attributes of Allah
(shirk Fis-sifat). In other words, if someone were to say “such and such has personal knowledge of the world which
is unlimited and eternal” this would be shirk.
However, if someone were to say that “such and such has knowledge,” knowing that of course it is unlimited and not his own (i.e., granted by Allah) and that it is not eternal then this is not shirk.
Similarly, to say that someone has power or is powerful in some way is fine. If one acknowledges that their power is not his own and was given by Allah, the power is neither eternal or unlimited, then again this would not be shirk.
However, if someone were to say that “such and such has knowledge,” knowing that of course it is unlimited and not his own (i.e., granted by Allah) and that it is not eternal then this is not shirk.
Similarly, to say that someone has power or is powerful in some way is fine. If one acknowledges that their power is not his own and was given by Allah, the power is neither eternal or unlimited, then again this would not be shirk.
The Kharajite sect say that to believe someone has excessive
knowledge or knowledge of the unseen is Shirk; they say the same with “power”; they claim that to say the Prophets and the pious have power,
particularly supernatural power is also Shirk
because only Allah has knowledge and power, no one else can share these
attributes, so to believe someone has power is Shirk.
Below is an explanation that this is not shirk fis-sifat.
Below is an explanation that this is not shirk fis-sifat.
In the below two verses, we are informed of one of the attributes of Allah?the Honourable. In one verse we are told that all honour is for Him. However in another verse we are told that honour is for Allah, His messenger and the Muslims. Some will say that to give others the attributes of Allah (here being ?honour?) is shirk. This is absurd because what is implied in the verse is that honour is bestowed upon the Prophet and Muslims by Allah: it is limited, not eternal and it is not like the Honour Allah the Almighty has. If we acknowledge this, then it cannot be shirk, as Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an:
In the below two verses, we are informed of one of the attributes of Allah?the Honourable. In one verse we are told that all honour is for Him. However in another verse we are told that honour is for Allah, His messenger and the Muslims. Some will say that to give others the attributes of Allah (here being ?honour?) is shirk. This is absurd because what is implied in the verse is that honour is bestowed upon the Prophet and Muslims by Allah: it is limited, not eternal and it is not like the Honour Allah the Almighty has. If we acknowledge this, then it cannot be shirk, as Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an:
004.139 Those who take non-believers as awliya [6] instead of Muslims, Do they seek honour from them?
Then surely all honour is for Allah.
063.008 They say, 'if we return to Madina, the one most honour
able will surely expel therefrom the one most mean, whereas the honour
is for Allah, and His Messenger and Muslims, but the hypocrites know not.
From the
above verse we see that Allah has given the attribute of honour to Himself, the
Prophet and the Muslims, so this cannot be shirk.
You will find this is the case of many of Allah’s attributes in the Qur’an,
where the Prophets and Muslims have been given the same attributes of Allah.
Let me give you another example:
002. 143 Verily Allah is very Kind
and Merciful to human beings.
009.128 Assuredly there has come to you
a messenger from among yourselves, heavy upon him is your
suffering; ardently desirous of your welfare, and to Muslims is most
Kind and Merciful
In the above
verse, the words (Kind and Merciful) are attributed to Allah and
then they are attributed to the Messenger of Allah
(may Allah bless him and grant him peace). This further proves that others can
be recognized by Allah’s attributes, knowing that it was Allah who
granted it to the person anyway, it is not eternal and unlimited.
Shirk Fis-Sifaat with Idols
polytheists used to give their idols the same attributes of Allah. i.e., “Powerful, knowing, Kind, Merciful”? they also
believed that these attributes were the idol?s own and were not granted to them
by anyone; they believed that these attributes were unlimited and eternal: this
was shirk with the Sifat of Allah (Attributes of
Allah). Allah has never mentioned any quality of the idols or given them any
status or any praise, instead they have been cursed and will be brought
alive on the final day and thrown into hell, whereas the Prophets and Muslims
have been praised by Allah. They have been given status and their qualities
have been mentioned time and time again in the Qur’an; He has called them
addressed them and praised them with his own attributes. For example: Powerful,
knowledgeable, Kind, Merciful, Helpers and the Muslims have been promised a
great reward unlike the idols.
Bin Luhayy was the man who brought idols
from Syria into Makkah. It was at this point that people left the
teachings of Sayyidina Ibrahim (upon
him be peace) and began to listen to the commands of Amr
Bin Luhayy. He told the people to worship the idols he had brought and
told them to sacrifice for the idols, claiming that the idols were equal to
Allah. The polytheists left the command of Allah and that of the Prophets and
accepted the command of Amr bin Luhayy. They
made the command of Amr Bin Luhayy superior to
the command of Allah; this was shirk Fil
Ahkam (Shirk by making commands superior to Allah).
First Question
Earlier this
year during the month of Rabbi al-Awwal, I had been invited to give a talk
in Wales as there was a gathering to celebrate the Mawlid. At
the event, I talked of the events that surrounded the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant
him peace) and the blessings of the day. After the lecture, one of the sisters
said she had not come to listen to the talks but only come to warn us all that by
celebrating the birth of the Holy Prophet we were all committing shirk!
I then explained that firstly celebrating the birth of the Holy Prophet
does not fit into any of the categories of shirk explained in the Qur’an, and secondly by celebrating the birth of the Holy Prophet we are in
actual fact declaring the Tawhid of Allah by celebrating that the Holy Prophet
was a man and was born unlike Allah Almighty!
Again I was
taken aback at how easily people use the word shirk;
many of you will have come across these people who often cry shirk, but if you are to compare their accusations
with the true definition of shirk, the meanings will never fit and their
accusations will be false.
Second Question
sister questioned me on whether I thought that the Prophets had the authority
to make things lawful and unlawful. I answered ‘Yes’.
She replied that only
Allah has the right to do this and to believe that the Prophets can make things
unlawful and lawful is an act of shirk; she then gave the example of Amr Bin
Luhayy who introduced the worship of idols in Makkah when Allah had
forbidden this and made it unlawful.
I answered
by explaining to her that Allah has all right to make whatever He wills lawful
and whatever He wills unlawful; however Allah did not give any right to Amr Bin Luhayy to do this, who contradicted Allah
by making lawful that which Allah made unlawful. However Allah Almighty has
given the Prophets the permission and right to decide what is lawful and
unlawful, and the Prophets never made anything lawful which was already forbidden by Allah, for this reason it is not shirk, as Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an:
009.029 Fight those who believe not in
Allah, and in the Last Day, and accept not as unlawful what Allah and His
messenger made unlawful.
007.157 He will bid them to do good and will forbid them from
doing evil, and will make lawful for them clean things and will forbid
for them unclean things, and will take off from them that burden and
shackles which were upon them. Then those who believe in him and honour him and
help him and follow that light which has been sent down with him, they are the
persons who attained their objects.
I presented her these two verses from which we see that the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was granted the authority to make things lawful and unlawful; so to say they have the power to do shirk is definitely not shirk!
Third Question
sister stood up and said that Muslims who call the Prophet of Allah “Hakim” (the judge) are
committing Shirk. I then simply showed her with the following verse; as
Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an:
004.065 Then O beloved! By your Lord, they shall not be
Muslims until they make you judge in all disputes among themselves, then
they find not any impediment in their hearts concerning whatever you decide,
and accept from the eve of their hearts.
In the above
verse we are informed that we cannot even be Muslims unless we give the Holy Prophet the status and name of
a Hakim.
So how could this possibly be Shirk! The above questions were all asked to me on the same day! This is how frequently
and easily the word “Shirk” is being used!
However I do not blame the sisters themselves, most have been brainwashed by
the Khwaarij sect who have made the use of
this word a custom, though their habit of using and spreading this word is
clearly not justified as they do not even know what it means.
By now, you
should have realised that I am very concerned at the frequent use of the word shirk. One must understand that someone can only
commit shirk if they are competing with the Tawhid of Allah: it is impossible
for a Muslim to have this thought! The word Shirk is not a hat that you can
place on anyone’s head! However this seems to be an active practice of the Kharajite sect.
The First people to accuse Muslims of committing Shirk
I have come
across a number of brothers and sisters who have a sincere desire to study
Islam and follow in the footsteps of the beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him
and grant him peace); many set out in a search for enlightenment and knowledge
and meet people belonging to the Khwaarij Sect.
The people of this sect
always highlight the importance of ?amal (good deeds) and
are very firm in their own practice, they will have beards on their faces and
piety in their clothes and actions, Salah will be given the utmost importance
and they will have revised many quotations of the Qur’an (often on the topic of
Their evidences for any matter will be given from the Qur’an (which they
take out of context); they have a huge concern for the Ummah at large; they
think that they are the only ones who truly care for the suffering Ummah when
this is clearly not true. Upon seeing this, the sincere
people looking for a path are often very impressed by the Khwaarij sect, their extreme piety and “knowledge” of the Qur’an will blind you from
seeing their reality.
However the Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him
peace) in his great wisdom warned us of these very people centuries ago as he
Abu Musa (May Allah
be pleased with him) narrated that the Holy Prophet said:
“A nation will appear, many of them will be young and they
will be brainwashed; they shall try to prove everything from the Qur’an, they
will seem very pious, their slogans and aims will seem very attractive, however
they shall be far from the deen.”[7]
It is very
difficult for people nowadays, particularly the youth to avoid this particular
sect. Especially when they are receiving much praise and support from
influential people such as sportsmen and ex-singers; but it is essential to remember
that even though they may present the correct slogans of Tawhid, Qur’an
and Jihad, their intentions are incorrect and they lack the most important
thing in our deen: love. Love for the Prophets and the Pious, for without this mahabba we
are lost and empty.
To say these
people are wrong and to not fall into their trap is very difficult.
Indeed it is
a struggle for us to stand up to these people and face them; it is a huge test
and we are being tested just as the sahabah (companions) were
tested. Great companions such as ‘Ali Ibn
Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) were tested. It was during
the time of Sayyidina Ali (may Allah
be pleased with him) that the Khwaarij sect
first appeared and since then they have been developing to this day.
The Khwaarij were the unfortunate, confused people when they accused Ali Ibn ‘Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with
him), the cousin of the Holy Prophet of
committing Shirk and Bid’ah
(innovation in Islam).
The Khwaarij taunted Sayyidina ‘Ali
and many of the other companions with this accusation and would insult and
embarrass them day in day out. Sayyidina ‘Ali
and the other Muslims of the time were faced with a huge trial; they tried to
rationalise with them and preserve patience, but even for a great personality
of Islam such as Sayyidina ‘Ali (may
Allah be pleased with him) it was just too much!
The Khwaarij then began to kill many of the sahabah because they thought they were committing shirk.
The Khwaarij then began to kill many of the sahabah because they thought they were committing shirk.
consulting with the other companions, Sayyidina
‘Ali decided to wage war with them. Many of the companions fought
alongside Sayyidina ‘Ali (may Allah
be pleased with him) during this war and they were victorious against them. The
name of this war was Nehrwaan and the classical scholars of Islam such
as Imam Tabari, Ibn al-Jawzi, Ibn Kathir and Allamah Dhahabi and Ibn
Athir have written about the above events in their respective Tarikhs(History
books) under the chapter of “Khilaafa of Sayyidina ‘Ali” and Hafidh bn Taymiyyah has also written of these events in
detail in his fatawa Volume 11.
The trial of the Sahabah
When Sayyidina ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him)
and his followers left for the war at Nehrwaan, they found the Khwaarij deep in worship and supplication, whilst
some were beautifully reciting the Qur’an others were in prostration. Upon
seeing this, the Sahabah were uneasy about fighting against this sect. How can
we fight against such pious men they thought to themselves; it was these
thoughts that provoked the following two events:
Hafidh Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani and Qadi
Shawkani write:
Famous Sahabi, Sayyidina Jundub (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “When we
went to fight against the Khawarij at Nehrwaan, once I saw their piety, doubts filled
my heart, how could I possibly fight these people, the beards upon their faces
their heads touching the ground, their recitation of the Qur’an echoing around
me. I had to find a way not to fight against these people. I then made the
excuse of an extended prayer and placed my spear in the ground. I asked
Sayyidina ‘Ali (may Allah be please with him) to go on without me as I wanted to
pray. Sayyidina ‘Ali left me to pray. During my Salaah I was still pondering on
whether to fight against these people; after I completed my salaah I raised my
hands to Allah and asked him “Oh Allah if to fight these people is wrong
then do not give me the strength to fight”. As I finished my supplication I
saw Sayyidina ‘Ali running towards me at an extreme speed, he came to me and
hit his hand against my chest and said “remove the doubts from your heart”.
My prayer had been answered: it was from here my heart acknowledged that I
must support Sayyidina ‘Ali and to fight against the Khwaarij sect
was indeed correct. I then went and joined the army and killed many of the Khawarij.”” [8]
We can see
the trials that the Khawarij caused the
sahabah, both physically and mentally, and if it was difficult for them to
endure this trial then surely for us this is a huge struggle. I understand it
may be hard to acknowledge that the Khawarij sect
are wrong, but it is indeed a great blessing to have the wisdom to understand
this as this even the sahabah were unsure. However, The Holy Prophet has
already warned us about the Khawaarij in
detail, warning us of their signs and slogans, so if anyone truly wants to
understand they will not have any problem knowing who is right and wrong.
I pray to
Allah that He accepts this small contribution of mine. I especially pray that
people understand this and benefit from it and that their suspicions, doubts
and accusations of shirk shall be erased. May Allah further give people
the strength to stand against the Khwaarij as
the companions did. May Allah give the Khwaarij
the wisdom to love the Prophets, the family of the Prophet and of the Pious:
let our end be with those that you love.
O our Lord! We heard a proclaimer that he calls for
believing, that believe unto your Lord; then we believed. O our Lord! Forgive
us our sins and wipe off us our evils and cause us to die along with the
October 15, 2006 | Ramadan 23, 1427
the Accusation of Shirk: A Conversation with a Kharajite
- By Abu Ammar
(Edited by ADHM) ---
"The Shirk Telegraph"
Published: 10:30PM BST 24 April 2012

Wahhabi Man, has chopped off his own
right hand!
Ebrahim Patel, a very well known Wahhabi, has chopped off his
own right hand. His friends tried in vain to prevent him for sanity reasons,
but his mate felt that
Tawheed would be better served by his right hand removed.
“As soon as a beggar kissed his hand he knew that it had to
Baaz, Ebrahim Patel best friend
“We tried to tell him that it’s okay, but he insisted that only
God is to be revered not his right hand.”
Ebrahim Patel concluded that, “his
right hand must be chopped off because it was being worshiped.”
he is wrong,” says Sheikh Al Ebaani, his mentor,
“ Ebrahim Patel is wrong, we only demolish mosques, houses of Sahaba, erase Prophet’s memories, and chopping other people’s hands, that’s our job not chopping our own hands.”
“ Ebrahim Patel is wrong, we only demolish mosques, houses of Sahaba, erase Prophet’s memories, and chopping other people’s hands, that’s our job not chopping our own hands.”
Ebrahim Patel is recovering but is worried about his
head being worshipped because the Sheikh kissed his head!
(Khwaarij sect of today: Wahhabi/Salafi,Ahlehadith
and their admirers Deobandi,Tablighi jamaat...etc)