Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wahhabi/Deobandi Fatwa: “Darud Taj is Shirk”

Wahhabi/Deobandi Fatwa:
“Darud Taj is Shirk”


When the Wahabis of India objected on Darud Taj , the great Hanafi scholar, Mujaddid of the last century , Imam Ahmed Raza Khan [Rd]  wrote:

Al-Amnu wa al-'Ula : '' Li Naa'iti al-Mustafa bi Daafi'i al-Balaa '' 
Safety and Greatness for those who describe the Chosen One as the Eliminator of Difficulty
Imam Ahmad Rida Khan(ra)
''Al Amnu wa al-'Ula Li Naa'iti al-Mustafa bi Daafi'i al-Balaa ''
Translated into English by : Muhammad Hussain al-Qadiri
First Edition United Kingdom

In 1311H /1893CEMawlana Karamatullah Khan sahib of Delhi sent a question to Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, Radi Allahu anhu. 

The question was about the leader of the innovators, Mu-hammed Ismail Dehlvi (d. 1242H/ 1831CE) and his people, who have criticised the reading of Durud-e-Taj

They say it is shirk [polytheism] as the words ''Dafi al-Bala wa al-Waba'' and other words have been used to denote the power gifted to Prophet, Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam, by Allah, the All-Powerful. 

These words penetrate their hearts because according to their satanic beliefs, to call the Prophet as an elder brother, and to call him helpless, powerless and weak is all acceptable. 

Imam Ahmad Raza, Radi Allahu anhu, was asked to answer their false beliefs.

Imam Ahmad Raza, Radi Allahu anhu, answered them by writing,
 ''Al Amnu wa al-'Ula Li Naa'iti al-Mustafa bi Daafi'i al-Balaa (in 1311H).
He proved the powers of the Prophet of Allah through sixty (60) verses of the Qur'an and three hundred (300) Ahadith.

This great book was written to prove the power of the Prophet, Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam, and has been unreciprocated for the last 68 years (now 117 years), and those who burn by reading the virtues and authority of the great Beloved of Allah, SallaAllahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam, have been helpless and could not challenge this book. And through the grace of Allah it will remain the same, ''And Allah allows not the guile of betrayers'' - (Surah Yusuf 12: 52).

In this book, the beliefs of the 'People of the Truth' - Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah; have been clarified beautifully. Here the Wahabis are disturbed by the fact that if they would accept the sixty verses of the Qur'an and the three hundred Ahadith, then they would have to accept their predecessors as the insulters of the Prophet and the close Friends of Allah Almighty.
How then will they accept it when they have kept their predecessors close as ''Arbaaban Min Dunillah'' - ''gods besides Allah'' (Surah at-Touba 9: 31)

If only those who give verdicts of Shirk against Muslims understand the concept that their own predecessors are committing polytheism.'' by 'Abd al-Hakim Khan Mujaddidi Mazhrai [1395 H / 1975 CE]

-Contains Explanatory footnotes with full references.
-Highly Recommended !
-First ever English Translation

Later another great Hanafi scholar, Syed  Kazmi [rd] wrote: 
Darud Taz per Aitraaz ke Jawab” (Answer to the objections on Darud Taj)

Ismail Dehalvi ,  as you know wrote: Tafwiyatul Iman”  
In this book he showed disrespect to Holy Prophet (sal allahu alayhi wa sallam) and called Muslims as “mushrik”.
Continuing his evil work, his followers:  
Rashid Ahmad Gangohi issued a fatwa that reciting Darud  Taj is shirk (polytheism).
(Fatawa Rashidiyyah, Kitab al-’Ilm; p.169, Dar al-Isha’at)


What do scholars of religion, Allah have mercy upon you, say about the proof, virtues and reward for Durud Taaj? It is generally famous among the laity and particularly the ignoramus and whether the following words of it are affiliated towards Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace); dafi’ al-bala’ (remover of distress), wa al-waba’ (and epidemic), wa al-kaht (and drought), wa al-mardh (and ailment), wa al-‘alm (and agony). Now whether reciting it and having the belief of its virtues and reward is established and correct from legal proofs or not or is it shirk and bid’ah? 

Whatever virtues of this durud are mentioned by some ignoramus are false and its status is impossible to know except that from Holy Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) himself, and this durud was written after passing of [many] centuries. So how can these wordings of [this] durud can be considered as rewarding? So to leave the wordings that have appeared in authentic narrations and to expect abundance of reward in this [Durud Taaj] and to recite it is innovation of deviancy. And because it contains words that are shirkiyyah (polytheistic) and there is fear for corruptness of belief of laity hence its recital is prohibitedSo to instruct Durud Taaj is akin to giving poison to laityBecause many people fall into prey of polytheistic beliefs and it becomes a cause of their peril. (Fatawa Rashidiyyah, Kitab al-’Ilm; p.169, Dar al-Isha’at)


Zakariyya Kandahlawi

Mu-hammed Zakariyya was a deobandi/Tablighi hadith scholar of India. He was given the honorary title of : Shaykh al-Hadith" ("Great Scholar of Hadith") by his teacher: 
Khalil Ahmad Anbethawi (Saharanpuri)!
Zakariya Kandehelvi  "Shaykh al-Hadith" said:
It is Haraam to read or recite Durood-e-Taj...This Durood is disliked.”
Reference - Zakariya Kandehelvi, Faza'el Amaal, page 52 and 73, Chapter Fazaa'ele Durood, Maktaba Aarifeen, Karachi Publication.

Darud Taj

Darud Taj is recited by a huge Muslim population and it has nothing but love and praise of the best of the creation, the Most Beloved of Allah ( sal allahu alayhi wa sallam).
By calling the majority of the Muslims as “ mushrik” (polytheist) !
Rashid Ahmad Gangohi  created division and confusion among the Muslims. 
The British succeeded in using deobandi as a tool in dividing Muslims.

Readers should note that deobandi group is just another name for Wahabis.  
The evil methodology of calling Muslims polytheists has since continued.

Mufti Taqi Usmani

Quote a deobandi said:
"Mufti Taqi Usmani on Durud Taaj, etc.
Invented duruds, e.g. Durud Taaj contain words contrary to Shari'ah and many such duruds also contain polythestic words.”


The present fatwa from deoband is a reminder to this fact.

Rashid Gangohi Fatwas: On "Darud Taj"
[The invocation of blessings on the Prophet called:"The Crown"

What do the 'ulama of Deen say in regard to the excellence, merits and proofs of Durood-e-Taj which is established among the majority of Muslims especially amongst the ignorant, and in which the following words [=qualities] are ascribed to the Prophet ('alaihis salaam) :
"One who repels calamities, epidemics, droughts, ailments and anxieties."
 Is the recitation of this Durood and accepting its excellence and merits is established/proven by the Shariah ruling or not? Or is it Shirk? or Bid'a ?

Answer: [From Rashid Gangohi]
 Whatever excellence is attributed to Durood-e-Taj by the ignorant (jahil) is absolutely wrong. And its status is impossible to be defined, until outlined by the Legislator (Holy Prophet) 'alaihi salaam. And this Durood was drafted years after [him].

So how can the reading of this wording (seegha) of durood be declared worthy of reward? To disregard the wordings of durood which are established by sahih hadith and hope for merits in this (durood) and reciting it, is Bid'a Dalaala. And since there are shirkiyah statements (contaminated with shirk) included in it, there is a great danger of misleading the beliefs of masses. So the reading of this Durood is FORBIDDEN. And the teaching of Durood-e-Taj to the masses is like giving them lethal poison, because many people will become victims of contaminated shirk beliefs and that causes them to be destroyed.
Source: Fatawa-e-Rashidia
Lahore ed. page 162, Delhi ed. Volume 3, Page 98-9,
Lines 9,10,11,12 and 1,2,3,4

*A recent fatwa issued by Deoband  has repeated  this wahabi verdict
Deoband Fatwa- Answer 3186 -04 Mar, 2008(Fatwa 196/197=L):
The virtue and merit of Durood-e-Taj mentioned by ignorant Muslims is mere nonsense and baseless. The other duroods narrated in traditions are far better. The Durood-e-Taj contains some words leading to shirk (associating God with Allah), so it must not be recited. It has no base in Shariah. 
and Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) Knows Best

Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband

Q:) Is it permissible to recite the Salawat known as Durud at-Taj?

Another Deobandi Mufti who is in a habit of presenting deobandi false belief in a sugar coated way to the Muslim population, says: [...]

...In conclusion, there are three conditions for the permissibility of reciting the Salawat known as Durood al-Taj. If these three points are taken care of, then one will be rewarded for sending blessings upon the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) and achieve proximity to him in this world and the next.

 This Salawat should not be considered to be specifically established through the Sunna, neither should it be considered superior to other forms of Salawat that are established and narrated from the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace). 
 One should avoid attaching benefits of reciting this Salawat that are connected to the hereafter. However, there is nothing wrong in mentioning the many worldly benefits of reciting it, as they are based upon experience.
c) The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) must be considered a “means” of removing afflictions, sicknesses, droughts and the like, whilst Allah Most High must be regarded the absolute remover of all pains and calamities.

Some individuals may not be giving due attention to one, two or all three of the above mentioned conditions; hence it would be wise to explain the matter to them. It is in this context that some scholars of the past prohibited its recitation, for they saw the non-observance of these conditions.

However, if these conditions are taken care off, then there is nothing wrong whatsoever in reciting this Salawat (Durood al-Taj), and one will be rewarded for doing so.

And Allah knows best”
Muhammad ibn Adam
Darul Iftaa
Leicester, UK

*Zakariya Kandhalvi don't forget "Shaykh al-Hadith"  al deobandi compiled

Fazil e Darud sheriff” (virtues of sending blessings upon prophet)  

 in which most of the darud  is not authentically related from the prophet!

There are literally hundreds of supplications by pious latter-day Muslims that were compiled years after the Prophet ( sal allahu alayhi wa sallam), such as the famous Ahzab by al-Shadhili, al-Rifa`i, etc.
Most especially Dala'il al-Khayrat by al-Jazuli which is nothing but Durood, some of it from the Sunna and some of it from the heart of the author; not to mention the countless poems to the same end by the Awliya' such as al-Busiri (whose Qasidat al-Burda apparently is in the Deobandi syllabus), al-Nabahani, Shaykh Muhammad al-Burhani, etc.

As for the statement, "its status is impossible to be defined, until outlined by the Legislator (Holy Prophet) 'alaihi salaam. And this Durood was drafted years after [him].

So how can the reading of this wording (seegha) of durood be declared worthy of reward?"

This criticism is astounding in view of the fact that it applies to much of Dala'il al-Khayrat, although the latter booklet of Salawat is part of the daily recitations of the Deobandi Shuyukh as reported by the Shaykh's student Khalil Saharanfuri in al-Muhannad (Karachi ed. p. 24-25):

"We consider it desirable to invoke blessings on the Prophet ( sal allahu alayhi wa sallam) abundantly and this is among the best acts of obedience and among the recommended acts that are closest to being obligations, whether through the recitation of the Dala'il [al-Khayrat] and the Awrad of Salawat composed in that chapter, or with other texts. However, the best according to us is whatever wording is authentically narrated from him. But if one uses other than what was reported from him , then *such can never be devoid of merit* and it deserves the glad tidings of [the hadith] 'Whoever invokes one blessing upon me, Allah blesses him ten times. AND OUR SHAYKH THE `ALLAMA AL-GANGOHI USED TO RECITE THE DALA'IL [AL-KHAYRAT] and so did the rest of our Shuyukh... and they used to transmit the narration of the Dala'il just like hadith narrations, and Mawlana al-Gangohi would give ijaza for it to his friends, Allah have mercy on him."

Please noteDeobandis wrote Al- Muhannad only to fool the Sunni Arab scholars.

Deobandi objection is on this part:
One who repels calamities, epidemics, droughts, ailments and anxieties”
( dafi’ al-bala’I wal- waba’I wal-qahti wal- maradi wal –alam)

Now, Readers will be Shocked! to see hypocrisy of these deobandi “akabir” (deobandi elders)

After  Shaykh Rashid Gangohi  died , his student Mahmoodul Hasan wrote elegy (song written in praise of dead) for  Mawlana Rashid Gangohee!

Mawlana Mahmoodul Hasan is called “shaykhul Hind” by the deobandis and he is among deobandi “ akabir”

The elegy has following wording:

My guides, my teachers, for me the be-all and end-all,
You are my masters, my patrons and my princes.

Rasheed and Qaasim-i-Kairaat, both are venerated teachers
Both of them are Qibla-e-Deen and Ka'ba-e-lmaan".

To whom shall I now turn for the redress of my needs!
The redresser of all my physical and spiritual needs is now gone. "

"He is the second Junaid and Shiblee and Abu Mas'ood Ansari,
He is the Rasheed-e-Millat-o-Deen, the Ghaus-e-A'zam, the Qutb-e-Rabbani."

(Ghaus" means one who redresses one's grievances.) And Mahmood-ul-Hasan Sahib addresses Gangohi Sahib not only as "Ghaus" but as "Ghaus-e-A'zam

Even while present in the Ka'bah, it is a very good act to remember Gangoh.
"At the Ka'bah they went about inquiring about the way to Gangoh
 Those that had in their hearts a keen desire to get at the truth".

Click on ^scan - Enlarge


Mawlana Rashid Gangohee writes in his Fatwa:

Those who read and write Marsiyah ( elegy =song written in praise of dead ) are Fasiq ( sinner) ( Vol 2 , page 39)

Mawlana Rashid Gangohee also writes:
“All the marsiyah which is read in praise of martyrs of Karbala should either be burnt or buried”
 ( Fatwa Rashidiya p 276. Karanchi edition. )

In another work with the name:  “ Haarikul Asrar “ which used to come as a supplement along with “Taqwiyatul Iman” it is written that to read and write marsiyah is the work of Majoosi ( fire worshipper).

The "Sheikh-ul-Hind" of the Deoband, Janab Mahmood-ul-Hasan, sought remedies for all his needs from the Imam of Deobandis , Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi Sahib!

He says:
" To whom shall I now turn for the redress of my needs!
The redresser of all my physical and spiritual needs is now gone. "

"Ghaus" means one who redresses one's grievances. And Mahmood-ul-Hasan Sahib addresses Gangohi Sahib not only as "Ghaus" but as "Ghaus-e-A'zam". Just see.

"He is the second Junaid and Shiblee and Abu Mas'ood Ansari,
He is the Rasheed-e-Millat-o-Deen, the Ghaus-e-A'zam, the Qutb-e-Rabbani".

Mahmood-ul-Hasan Sahib declared Gangohi Sahib to be not only all these things, but also as "Murrabiye-Khalaaiq", "Maseehaa-i-Zamaan, Qaseem-i-Faiz-e-Yazdaah, the equal of the founder of Islam, host to all creations, Muhyud Deen Jeelaani, the fountainhead of all beneficence, without any parallel, the object of veneration and reverence in this world and in the next, the light through and through, and Allah alone knows what else besides. In the compendium of his poetical works, he says:

"My guides, my teachers, for me the be-all and end-all,
You are my masters, my patrons and my princes.
Rasheed and Qaasim-i-Kairaat, both are venerated teachers

We sent these original lines to different Deobandi Mufti asking them whether these type of statements constitute kufr or not?

We did not tell them that these lines are from their own scholar!
The deobandi muftis were United that all thes statements constitute KUFR!
So the deobandi scholars have done takfir upon their own sheikhul Hind, Mawalan Mahmoodul Hasan,

Kindly see the scan of original fatwa issued by deobandi muftis:

Click on ^scan to Enlarge


Deobandi 3 Conditions 

Click ^image Enlarge


Haaji Imdaadullaah Sahib,( the supreme spiritual guide of all Deobandis) after the death of his spiritual guide and teacher, Maulana Noor Muhammad Sahib, calls out to him thus:

Why should Imdaad have any fear when you are there to help me,
But my hands and feet tremble when I listen to the talk of love.
O prince Noor Muhammad! This is the time to come to my help,
For you are my only sources of help in this world.”
(Shamaa'im-e-lmdaadiyah, Page 83; and Imdaad -ul-Mushtaaq, Page 116 (Thanvi)

Ashraf Ali Thanvi says:
(O Prophet!) you are the one who reveals what is hidden in our heart."
(O prophet) you are the one who provides relief from difficulty to those in need.”
( Hayatul Muslimeen,page 9 )

See the scans : here

It is sufficient for the readers to see that how these deobandis have praised their scholars but when the similar words are used for the Holy Prophet (s), these wahabis do not hesitate to call Muslims as mushriks!

Back to the ^deobandi mufti  who said:

a) This Salawat should not be considered to be specifically established through the Sunna, neither should it be considered superior to other forms of Salawat that are established and narrated from the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace).

 I am sure that this Deobandi Mufti knows that except Darud e Ibrahimi, no other darud is authentically related from Prophet with a sahih chain of narration.
Then why is that this Mufti is making this point which is irrelevant at this point?
The answer is clear! This Mufti is making a foundation to justify the claim of his “sect”!

Even  if this Darud is considered to be established  through the Sunna (which is not), how will this belief constitute shirk?

Does this Deobandi Mufti know what is shirk?  

If a layman considers a mawdu  narration to be from prophet, will it make him mushrik???

The answer is clear!  No one has ever said that this darud has been established though the Sunna ,Just like  Qasida Burdah 

This Deobandi Mufti wanted to call Sunni Muslims as mushrik , that is why he  wrote this belief of  his sect !

The second claim by the Deobandi Mufti:

One should avoid attaching benefits of reciting this Salawat that are connected to the hereafter. However, there is nothing wrong in mentioning the many worldly benefits of reciting it, as they are based upon experience. “

By making this claim, the living Mufti has unknowingly hurt the claim of his  “Imam e Rabbani” of the deobandis, Shaykh Rashid Gangohi!

Rashid Ahmad Gangohi said,
Whatever excellence is attributed to Durood-e-Taj by the ignorant (jahil) is absolutely wrong”.

Rashid Gangohi “only the ignorant attribute the excellence to Darood  Taj.

And this living Deobandi mufti says,
there is nothing wrong in mentioning the many worldly benefits of reciting it, as they are based upon experience.”

 Can this Deobandi Mufti tell us, who had this experience of worldly benefits?
 If these were ignorant (Jahil), then how can we base our ruling on experience of these ignorant?
 Did these ignorant Muslim inform him that they are not getting any benefit  after they are dead.?
 Did they come back  after being buried ?

Note it a part of Deobandi belief that prophet cannot help us or move from his blessed resting place , but the deobandi scholars can do so .  see scans: Here


How does this living Deobandi mufti come to  know that there is ONLY wordly benefits   from reciting Darud Taj?

How is he sure that there is no reward/ benefit after this life?

Why is he not mentioning these hadith:
“Recite Durood on me in abundance on Fridays, for Durood is presented to me (on Fridays)”
(Abu Dawood, Nisai, Ibni Majah and Ibni Hibban)

 “Allah bestows ten measures of mercy to the one who recites Durood on me; ten of his sins are forgiven; he is elevated ten ranks and ten virteous deeds are written in his Book of Deeds”  (Nasai and Tibrani)

Imam Mustaghfiri  narrates that Rasulullah (sal allahu alayhi wa sallam) said :
"Whoever recites 100 times Durood on me daily, 100 of his needs will be fullfilled - 30 worldly needs and 70 pertaining to the Akhirah."

 And Darud Taj begins with:

“O Allah, send blessings and Peace upon our Master and Patron Muhammad, The Owner of the Crown……..”

Deobandis hidden hatred for the Holy Prophet(صلى الله عليه وسلم) can be seen in the writing of this deobandi mufti:

The Deobandi Mufti then writes:

“ The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) must be considered a “means” of removing afflictions, sicknesses, droughts and the like, whilst Allah Most High must be regarded the absolute remover of all pains and calamities.”

The Imam of the wahabis in India, Ismail Dehalvi said that even if the belief is that prophet or anyone else is a "means" ., it will still constitute SHIRK ! [ Tafwiyatul Iman]

So if this Deobandi mufti considers prophet ( sal allahu alayhi wa sallam) to be a "means" he still commits shirk as per the fatwa of his wahabi imam!!!

Muslims have nothing to do with this wahabi fatwa

But which Muslim in the world thinks that Anyone except Allah  has absolute power over anything?
Why is  he bent on  proving that all the Muslims are mushrik and do not know this fact? 

Does he not know that all the Muslims know that Allah has absolute knowledge, control and authority over everything. Allah bestows this upon anyone whom HE wishes.

Let’s look at the hadith of Black seed as found in  Sahih of  Imam Bukhari

Narrated Aisha (RA) that she heard the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) saying, "The black cumin is healing for all diseases except As-Sam." Aisha (RAA) asked "What is As-Sam?" He (SAW) said, "Death."

Does this deobandi mufti think that the black cumin has healing power in itself or Allah has given this in it?

The Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) did not say “Allah has given shifa in black seed” rather the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) said: “ The black cumin is healing for all disease….”  Because it is known and understood by every Muslim that Allah is the ultimate power for everything.

But our learned mufti wanted to fulfill his desire of calling Muslims as mushrik and to prove his sect correct !

For better understanding of this topic the learned mufti should read:
Fatwa Khairiya.( Kitab al Iman )

We seek refuge in Allah from these wahabis  and pray to Allah to guide these people on the right path. Ameen!

 Proof from Quran and Hadith

And Allah is not one to chastise them, till ('O beloved Prophet) you are in their midst. And Allah is not to chastise them, whilst they are begging forgiveness. (Al Anfal , 33)

Here Allah subhanahu wata’ala clearly says that  He will not chastise these wrong  doer  till our beloved prophet is between them . It means prophet is the cause for these people  not getting punished . Hence he  is definitely “One who repels calamities,” as  found in Darud Taj.

And We sent not you, but a mercy for all worlds. ( Al Anbiyaa, 107)

And it is understood that being a mercy includes being a cause of   removing calamities.

 And We have not sent any messenger, but that he should be obeyed by Allah's will. And if when they do injustice unto their souls, then O beloved! They should come to you and then beg forgiveness of Allah and the messenger should intercede for them then surely, they would find Allah Most Relenting, Merciful. (An Nisaa, 64)

 Allah has full authority to forgive any one whom He wishes , But Lord of the entire creation says that the sinners should have gone  to prophet ( sal allahu alayhi wa sallam) and requested him to pray for them.Getting ones sin forgiven is definitely a great news as  we will not  get punished for these sins in the hereafter . Which means the calamity get removed. Again it is Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) who was made a cause for forgiving these people. Hence Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم)  is definitely “One who repels calamities,” as  found in Darud Taj.

Those who were driven out from their homes without right only on this pretext that they said, 'Our Lord is Allah. And if Allah had not removed men one by means of other, then necessarily, the cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques wherein the name of Allah is mentioned much would have been pulled down. And undoubtedly, Allah will necessarily help him who will help His religion; verily Allah is necessarily, Powerful, Dominant ( Al Hajj , 40)

 This shows that through mujahidden difficulty and hardship is removed.

And if Allah would not repel some of them by some others among people, then necessarily the earth, would have been ruined, but Allah is Munificent to entire, world . (Al Baqara, 251)

 The commentators ( mufassireen) have said that  due to Muslims the calamites which are  to come on evil doers is removed .

 They are those who disbelieved and hindered you from the Sacred mosque, and the sacrificial animals were detained from reaching their place of sacrifice. And if it had not been for certain believing men and some believing women whom you knew not that you might have trampled them, and there befall you any harm from them unknowingly, We would have permitted you to fight. This protection of theirs is for that Allah may admit into His mercy whom He pleases. If they had been separated, necessarily then We would have punished the infidels among them with a painful punishment.
 (Al Fath, 25)

The  verse mentions the incidence before the victory of Makkah. When prophet went for umra and the mushrikeen of the Makkah did not allow him to enter the city of Makkah.  Allah revealed this verse telling the wisdom behind not enetering makkah this year. As it says clearly it was due to muslims that the unbelievers were not given punishment.

Imam Bayhaqi has narrated a hadith in  Shu`ab al-Iman  on the authority of  Anas bin Malik[rd]  that Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) said  that Allah azz wa jal says, “ When I see  those who visit my House ( masjid), those who love me and those who are awake in the night asking for forgiveness , then I do not send afflictions on land”.

Imam Tabrani in his Mu’jam al-Kabir and Imam Bayhaqi in his Sunan have narrated a hadith on the authority  of Rabia [rd] that Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم )  said “ had  there not been worshippers punctual in salah ( prayer)  and  infants  and grazing animals , then Allah would have surely sent afflictions on  you.

The old name of Medina al Munawwara was “ Yathrib” which is derived from the root word “tharb” meaning “fasad’ ( wickedness). People used to get high fever when they used to enter this city. When the companions of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) entered this city they all fell ill. When Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) was informed about this , he made dua (supplication) and every one became well.
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) then said, “the dust of the city of medina  has cure  for  leprosy
[ Al wafa.; Imam Ibn Al Jawzi al Hanbali ]

This is a clear proof that Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم)  was given the Authority of Removing Affliction.

Darud Taj

O Allah, send blessings and Peace upon our Master and Patron Muhammad,
The Owner of the Crown and the Ascent and the Buraq and the Standard,
The Repeller of Affliction and Disease and Drought and Illness and Pain.
His name is written on high, served and engraved in the Tablet and the Pen,
The Leader of All, Arabs and non-Arabs,
Whose body is sanctified, fragrant, and pure,
Illumined in the House and the Haram,
The Sun of Brightness, the Full Moon in Darkness,
The Foremost One in the Highest Fields, the Light of Guidance,
The Cave of Refuge for Mortals, the Lamp That Dispels the Night,
The Best-Natured One, The Intercessor of Nations,
The Owner of Munificence and Generosity.
Allah is his Protector, Gabriel is his servant.
The Buraq is his mount, the Ascent is his voyage,
The Lote-Tree of the Furthermost Boundary is his station,
Two Bow-Lengths or Nearer is his desire,
His desire is his goal, and he has found his goal,
The Master of the Messengers, the Seal of the Prophets,
The intercessor of sinners, the friend of the strangers,
The Mercy for the Worlds,
The rest of those who burn with love, the goal of those who yearn,
The sun of knowers, the lamp of travellers,
The light of Those Brought Near,
The friend of the poor and destitute,
The master of Humans and Jinn,
The Prophet of the Two Sanctuaries,
The Imam of the Two Qiblas,
Our Means in the Two Abodes,
The Owner of Qaba Qawsayn,
The Beloved of the Lord of the Two Easts and the Two Wests,
The grandfather of al-Hasan and al-Husayn,
Our patron and the patron of Humans and Jinn:
Abu al-Qasim MUHAMMAD Son of `Abd Allah,
A light from the light of Allah.
O you who yearn for the light of his beauty,
Send blessings and utmost greetings of peace
Upon him and upon his Family.


Also Read
“Is this durood shirk?
Is it shirk to recite this darood :


(Edited by ADHM)