Saturday, October 22, 2011

Is this Darud/Durood Shirk?



"Is this durood shirk

Is it shirk to recite this darood :


Wahabi scholar Answers: "Yes, this counts as shirk, because it is seeking the help of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and complaining about one’s situation to him."

*"This implies that the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) can hear the call of those who call upon him in any place, and that he helps those who seek his help, and that he can relieve their distress."

*"The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)was not able to do this when he was alive, so how about after his death?"

* "He does not know the unseen, and he does not possess the power to cause harm or bring benefits to himself or to others..."

"Knowing the unseen, relieving distress, hearing the call of those who call upon Him and responding to them, are all things which only the Lord doesWhoever attributes any of these things to anyone else is a mushrik who is guilty of major shirk (shirk akbar)."


Quote: "Yes, this counts as shirk, because it is seeking the help of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and complaining about one’s situation to him."



Quote: "This implies that the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) can hear the call of those who call upon him in any place, and that he helps those who seek his help, and that he can relieve their distress."

Quote: * "The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was not able to do this when he was alive, so how about after his death?"




Tabarani, in his "al-Mu'jam al saghir", reports a hadith from 'Uthman ibn Hunayf that a man repeatedly visited Uthman ibn Affan (Allah be pleased with him) concerning something he needed, but Uthman paid no attention to him or his need. 

The man met Ibn Hunayf and complained to him about the matter - this being after the death (wisal) of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and after the caliphates of Abu Bakr and Umar - so Uthman ibn Hunayf, who was one of the Companions who collected hadiths and was learned in the religion of Allah, said:
"Go to the place of ablution and perform ablution (wudu), then come to the mosque, perform two rak'as of prayer therein, and say:

'O Allah, I ask You and turn to You through our Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of mercyO Muhammad (Ya Muhammad), I turn through you to my Lord, that He may fulfill my need,' 

and mention your need. Then come so that I can go with you [to the caliph Uthman]." 

So the man left and did as he had been told, then went to the door of Uthman ibn Affan (Allah be pleased with him), and the doorman came, took him by the hand, brought him to Uthman ibn Affan, and seated him next to him on a cushion.
'Uthman asked, "What do you need?" and the man mentioned what he wanted, and Uthman accomplished it for him, then he said, "I hadn't remembered your need until just now," adding, "Whenever you need something, just mention it." 

Then, the man departed, met Uthman ibn Hunayf, and said to him, "May Allah reward you! He didn't see to my need or pay any attention to me until you spoke with him." 

Uthman ibn Hunayf replied, "By Allah, I didn't speak to him, but I have seen a blind man come to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) and complain to him of the loss of his eyesight. The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, "Can you not bear it?' and the man replied, 'O Messenger of Allah, I do not have anyone to lead me around, and it is a great hardship for me.' The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) told him, 'Go to the place of ablution and perform ablution (wudu), then pray two rak'as of prayer and make the supplications.'"

Ibn Hunayf went on, "By Allah, we didn't part company or speak long before the man returned to us as if nothing had ever been wrong with him.""

Quote: * "He does not know the unseen, and he does not possess the power to cause harm or bring benefits to himself or to others..."

Quote: "Knowing the unseen, relieving distress, hearing the call of those who call upon Him and responding to them, are all things which only the Lord does. Whoever attributes any of these things to anyone else is a mushrik who is guilty of major shirk (shirk akbar)."


He forgot what his master did...

 Here and Here 


Imam Ahmad and Tawassul:

: ( المرداوي في الإنصاف ( 2:456

“… يجوز التوسل بالرجل الصالح على الصحيح من المذهب، وقيل:يُستحب. قال الإمام أحمد للمروذي : يتوسل بالنبي صلى اله عليه وسلم في دعائه
وجزم به في المستوعب وغيره..”

Al-Mardawi said: “The correct position of the [Hanbali] madhhab is that it is permissible in one’s du`a to use as one’s means a pious person (saalih), and it is said that it is desirable (mustahabb). Imam Ahmad said to Abu Bakr al-Marwazi: Let him use the Prophet as a means in his supplication to Allah.’” (Al-Insaf 2:456)

This is also cited by Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmu’ Al-Fatawa (1:140).


Abdul Maalik ibn Abjar:

حدثنا أبو هشام محمد بن يزيد بن محمد بن كثير ابن رفاعة قال: جاء رجل إلى عبد الملك بن أبجر، فجس بطنه فقال: بل داء لا يبرأ قال: ما هو ؟ قال: الدبيلة، قال: فتحول الرجل فقال: الله الله الله ربي لا أشرك به شيئاً، اللهم أني أتوجه إليك بنبيك محمد نبي الرحمة، يا محمد إني أتوجه بك إلى ربك وربي يرحمني بما بي، قال فجس بطنه فقال: قد برئت مما بك من علة.وقد كان ابن أبجر حافظاً ثقةً، وكان مع ذلك طبيباً ماهراً يداوي الناس مجاناً، وهو من رجال مسلم وأبي داود والترمذي والنسائي

Ibn Taymiyyah has related a story in the perspective of this tradition that Ibn Abī Dunyā has narrated a tradition in his book Mujābī ad-du‘ā’ that a person came over to see ‘Abd-ul-Malik bin Sa‘īd bin Abjar.

Abd-ul-Malik pressed his belly and told him that he was suffering from an incurable disease. The man asked him: ‘what is it?’ ‘Abd-ul-Malik replied that it was a kind of ulcer that grows inside the belly and ultimately kills the man. It is said that the patient turned round and then he said:
Allāh! Allāh! Allāh is my Lord. I regard no one as His rival or partner. O Allāh! I beseech You and submit myself to You through the mediation of Your Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم), the merciful Prophet. O Muhammad! Through your means I submit myself to your and my Lord that He should take mercy on me in my state of illness.
It is said that ‘Abd-ul-Malik pressed his belly again and said: ‘you are cured, you are no longer suffering from any disease.’


Al-Hafiz Ibn al-Jawzi relates in Kitab al-Wafa (p. 818 #1536):

الباب التاسع والثلاثون
في الاستسقاء بقبره صلى الله عليه وسلم
عن أبي الْجَوْزاء قال: قَحِط أهلُ المدينة قحطاً شديداً، فشكَوْا إلى عائشة فقالت: انظروا قبر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فاجعلوا منه كَوًّا إلى السماء حتى لا يكون بينه وبين السماء سقف، قال: ففعلوا، فمطروا مطراً حتى نبت العشبُ وسَمِنت الإبل حتى فُتقت فسمي عام الفتق.عن سعيد بن عبد العزيز قال: لما كان أيام الْحَرَّة لم يؤذَّن في مسجد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ثلاثاً ولم يُقَمْ، ولم يَبرح سعيد بن المسيَّب من المسجد، فكان لا يعرف وقت الصلاة إلا بهَمْهمة يسمعها من قبر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم.عن أبي المِنْقَريّ قال: كنت أنا والطَّبَراني، وأبو الشيخ في حَرَم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وكنا على حالة، فأثَّر فينا الجوع، فواصَلْنا ذلك اليوم، فلما كان وقت العشاء حضرتُ قبرَ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وقلت: يا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم الجوع الجوع وانصرفت.فقال لي أبو الشيخ: اجلس فإما أن يكون الرزق أو الموت.قال أبو بكر: فنمت أنا، وأبو الشيخ، والطبرانيُّ جالسٌ ينظر في شيء. فحضر بالباب عَلَوِيّ فدقَّ الباب، فإذا معه غلامان مع كل واحد منهما زنبيل كبير فيه شيء كثير. فجلسنا وأكلنا، وظننا أن الباقي يأخذه الغلام، فولّى وترك عندنا الباقي، فلما فرغنا من الطعام قال العلوي: يا قوم، أشكوتم إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم؟ فإني رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في النوم فأمرني بحمل شيء إليكم

Abu Bakr al-Minqari said: "I was with (al-Hafiz) al-Tabarani and (al-Hafiz) Abu al-Shaykh in the Mosque of the Prophet and we were in a predicament. We became very hungry. That day and the next we didn`t eat. When it was time for `isha, I came to the Prophet`s grave and I said:
"O Messenger of Allah, we are hungry, we are hungry!" (ya rasullallah al-ju` al-ju`) Then I left.
Abu al-Shaykh said to me: "Sit. Either there will be food for us, or death." I slept and Abu al-Shaykh slept. Al-Tabarani stayed awake, researching something. Then a `Alawi (descendant of `Ali) came knocking at the door with two boys, each one carrying a palm-leaf basket filled with food. We sat up and ate. We thought that the children would take back the remainder but they left everything behind. When we finished the `Alawi said: "O people, did you complain to the Prophet? I saw him in my sleep and he ordered me to bring something to you.""


Wahhabi/Deobandi Fatwa:
“Darud Taj is Shirk”



Ibn Taymiyya About


Who is Al-’Utbi?
The Narration of Al-Utbi

The ruling of seeking aid with the Prophet (s)
according to the scholars of the
Shafi'i Madhhab 
Scholar’s statements of the Madhahib 
regarding seeking intercession through the Prophet(s)

Shifa al Siqaam
fi Ziyarat Khayr al Anaam
by  Shaykh ul Islam
Imam Taqi al-Din al-Subki (d. 756 AH)

(Edited by ADHM)