Friday, April 1, 2022

4-Belief of Hanbalis / Atharis (past) vs "Salafis"- Table of Contents


 Thread Posted: 2/05/2021

Page 69: Here

These are the relevant quotes in this thread here until now:

Belief of Hanbalis / Atharis (past) vs "Salafis" ( Thread)


1-Belief of Hanbalis / Atharis (past) vs "Salafis":Here

2- Belief of Early Hanabila :Here

3- Hanbali position regarding the divine 'Uluw, Istiwa` and Nuzul :Here


Table of contents (until 30-1-2021):

Opening post: Some books and treatises that represent mainstream Hanbali creed and the mentioning of those who don't represent them

Comparison between the beliefs of Hanbalis with Ash'aris and Maturidis from one side and the "Salafis" from another side

- From Imam Ahmad to Ibn Qudama to al-Saffarini: Tafwidh is the correct way! (Part 1)
From Imam Ahmad to Ibn Qudama to al-Saffarini: Tafwidh is the correct way! (Part 2)
From Imam Ahmad to Ibn Qudama to al-Saffarini: Tafwidh is the correct way! (Part 3)

Belief of early Hanabila from Tabaqat al-Hanabila (Part 1)
Belief of early Hanabila from Tabaqat al-Hanabila (Part 2)
Belief of early Hanabila from Tabaqat al-Hanabila (Part 3)
Belief of early Hanabila from Tabaqat al-Hanabila (Part 4)
Belief of early Hanabila from Tabaqat al-Hanabila (Part 5)

Mainstream Hanbalis: Allah is beyond space and time and His existence is non-bodily one
Hanbali position (as in al-Mu'tamad): All bodies are emergent and therefore created and the corporealists are disbelievers

Imam Ibn Qudama's rejection of Tajsim

Hanbali position regarding 'Uluw and Istiwa` as mentioned by Imam Ibn Hamdan (short quote)
Hanbali position regarding the divine 'Uluw, Istiwa and Nuzul as mentioned by Imam Ibn Hamdan (long quote)
The difference of Hanbalis and Ash'aris on Istiwa` and 'Uluw as mentioned by al-Qadhi Abu Ya'la

The reliability and general acceptance of Nihayat al-Mubtadi`in of Imam Ibn Hamdan by the Hanabila
Imam Ibn Rajab's praise for Imam Ibn Hamdan

'Allama al-Saffarini: Tafwidh al-Ma'na is the correct way and the Ahl al-Sunna are three groups and Yad is a divine attribute and not a limb
'Allama al-Saffarini: Allah is not composed of parts and the three dimensions do not apply to Him
Three reliable books of creed that the 'Allama al-Saffarini teached himself

Rejecting or affirming the expression of direction and the verification of this issue as explained by Shaykh al-Gharsi

The exact difference of Ash'aris and Hanbalis in Tafwidh
Ash'ari and Hanbali agreement on Tafwidh and disagreement on Ta`wil
Hanbali explanation of the issue of "letter and sound"

Shaykh Muhammad 'Abd al-Wahid on the historical dispute between Ash'aris and Hanbalis
Shaykh Muhammad 'Abd al-Wahid: Hanbali position regarding Ash'aris in comparison to their position regarding Najdis
Shaykh Muhammad 'Abd al-Wahid: The arrogance and foolishness of the Nabita ("Salafis")!
Shaykh Muhammad 'Abd al-Wahid regarding the chaos and confusion that "Salafis" have caused
Shaykh Muhammad 'Abd al-Wahid and his defence of al-Qadhi Abu Ya'la
Shaykh Muhammad 'Abd al-Wahid: The position of a Madhhab is what their adherents have stated in their books and not what others claim against them

Hanbali Madhhab Q & A session by Shaykh Yusuf Sadiq al-Hanbali

Shaykh al-'Awni: I wish I would be an Ash'ari like al-Baqillani!
Shaykh al-'Awni: Tafwidh is the Madhhab of the Salaf and the difference between Ash'aris and Hanbalis in the foundations of creed are only in wording!

The different directions of the Hanabila regarding creed

Shaykh Muhammad 'Abd al-Wahid regarding the difference between Hanbalis and the Shaykh Ibn Taymiyya on Tafwidh; Shaykh Yusuf Sadiq regarding Ibn Taymiyya's position in the Hanbali Madhhab

How Ibn Taymiyya left the way of his mainstream Hanbali forefathers
- Ibn Taymiyya's distinction between Sifat Ma'nawiyya and Sifat 'Ayniyya


Ibn 'Uthaymin ("Salafi"): There is some degree of similarity between the Creator and the creation vs. the Hanbali response
Ibn 'Uthaymin's claim: al-Saffarini is wrong and declaring God to be transcendent from being a body is not allowed
- Ibn 'Uthaymin: Al-Saffarini is upon polytheism in lordship and divinity; Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab: Al-Saffarini, his teachers and his students did not know Islam!
Ibn 'Uthaymin and his broken chain of knowledge
Ibn 'Uthyamin turning the 'Ayn of Allah into the tool of seeing
Ibn 'Uthaymin: God has ONLY two eyes and IF He would have MORE eyes, then this would be MORE perfect!

Putting the puzzles together regarding the Tashbih of Ibn 'Uthaymin

"Salafi" Mashayikh admitting that Imam Ibn Qudama was from the people of Tafwidh
"Salafi" belief regarding Istiwa` and 'Uluw; Ibn 'Uthaymin's interpretaton of Istiwa` as Istiqrar (settlement)
"Salafis" accuse classical Hanbalis of "treason" and "misrepresenting" Imam Ahmad's creed

Additional posts:

- Imam al-Tahawi: Islamic understanding of the Tawhid of Allah ta'ala (very recommended)
Imam al-Tahawi: Our belief in the divine attributes
How to understand the texts regarding the divine attributes and the different Sunni positions as mentioned by Imam al-Nawawi
The way of the early Muslims regarding the divine attributes according to Imam al-Khattabi
What's the safest view regarding our belief in the Tawhid of Allah ta'ala?
Meaning of Jism in the language and in terminology
Imam al-Qurtubi's Takfir upon those affirming the literal meaning of the Mutashabihat
Regarding those who claim to worship the Creator, but do not know Him in reality
The importance of denying corporeality regarding the Creator
Note on al-Azhar and the closing down of the schools of the 4 Madhahib on the Arabian peninsula by Najdis and "Salafis"
Another defense of al-Azhar al-sharif and the Hanabila connected to them
The Legal Ruling Upon Those who Undermine the Ash’aris: Imam Ibn Rushd al-Jadd [al-Maliki] (d. 520 AH)

(There are other interesting posts in this thread, but the above are the most relevant ones.)



Q: What was their reasoning behind saying "if Allah is not one eyed, then he must have two eyes"?
Just because something isn’t one, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is two. It can be zero.


Abu Sulayman:

Al-Salamu 'alaykum,

my problem is actually not the affirmation of A'yun or even 'Aynayn, but rather the way this Ibn 'Uthaymin affirms it and the absolute pagan reasoning that he uses.
The affirmation of A'yun as a description of Allah ta'ala is correct, but we don't delve into its exact meaning and relegate its reality to Allah ta'ala while being sure that similarity is not intended in any way.
We basically rely on the Muhkamat for our creed and understand the Mutashabihat in their context and not the other way around.

As for what Ibn 'Uthaymin affirms: He affirms two tangible entities (meaning: which can be physically pointed at) that make up the divine Self (because in his pagan imagination "god" is made up of inseparable eternal parts), so his affirmation of 'Aynayn is such that it shares the reality of the eyes of the creation and just differs with it in size, form, substance and so on.
In his imagination these 'Aynayn are the TOOLS OF SEEING and he explicitly states this here:

المجسم ابن عثيمين لله عينين حقيقتين يبصر بهما لأن العينين هما أداة الإبصار !!! (تجسيم


His whole imagination and understanding is nothing less than Kufr. And whosoever defends this Kufr is also guilty of it.


Ibn 'Uthaymin said in Sharh al-'Aqida al-Wasitiyya (scanned page HERE):

وهذا الحديث يدل على أن لله تعالى عينين اثنتين فقط. ووجه الدلالة أنه لو كان لله أكثر من اثنتين، لكان البيان به أوضح من البيان بالعور، لأنه لو كان لله أكثر من عينين، لقال: إن ربكم له أعين، لأنه إذا كان له أعين أكثر من ثنتين، صار وضوح أن الدجال ليس برب أبين. وأيضاً: لو كان لله عز وجل أكثر من عينين، لكان ذلك من كماله، وكان ترك ذكره تفويتاً للثناء على الله، لأن الكثرة تدل على القوة والكمال والتمام، فلو كان لله أكثر من عينين، لبينها الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام، لئلا يفوتنا اعتقاد هذا الكمال، وهو الزائد على العينين الثنتين

This narration indicates that Allah ta'ala has only two eyes.
The way of indication [here] is that if Allah would have more than two eyes, then its proclamation would be clearer than the proclamation of one-eyedness (or blindness of one eye) [found in the narration], because if Allah would have more than two eyes, then he would have said "your Lord has eyes". [This is so] because if He would have more than two eyes, than the clarity of the Dajjal not being the Lord [of the worlds] would be more obvious.
And also: If Allah 'azza wa jall would have more than two eyes, then this would be from His perfection; and then abstaining from mentioning [this] would be missing out on mentioning the praise of Allah, because multiplicity indicates power, perfection and completion. So if Allah would have more than two eyes, then the Messenger - peace and blessings be upon him - would have made it clear, so that we do not miss out on believing in this perfection, and that is the addition [of more eyes] to the two eyes.

[end of quote]


Abu Sulayman:

Note that his statement that multiplicity indicates power, perfection and completion is from the reasoning of the pagans in order to affirm the multiplicity of divine beings.
Connecting the above pagan reasoning with his claim that "god has only two real eyes", it is an affirmation of a lack of perfection for that which he worships besides Allah ta'ala.

And as for him stating that if "god" would have "more than two eyes" that it would become more obvious that the Dajjal is not our Lord, then it shows that he's a full-fledged pagan, who has no knowledge of our Lord whatsoever to the degree that even if a man with all the characteristics of a creation stands before him he will still need to check how many of healthy eyes this man has in order to know that this man is not our Lord jalla jalaluhu.


Regarding the Hanabila and their creed and using them as a proof upon us:

Allah ta'ala has not obliged us to follow anyone in the manner he obliged us to follow our Master Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam). So if the claims of the anthropomorphists of our time regarding the Hanabila would be true, then it would not change the fact that we're obliged to follow our noble Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and to reject any way that opposes his way.

Now the Hanabila have actually several ways in creed. One could basically divide them into three groups:

1- The mainstream group, which is represented by al-Mu'tamad of al-Qadhi Abu Ya'la and the Lum'at al-I'tiqad of Imam Ibn Qudama and their likes and they regard Tafwidh with the understanding of Ithbat with Tanzih as the only correct way.
2- The group that is inclined towards Ta`wil (but supports Tafwifh in general), which is that of Imam Ibn 'Aqil and Imam Ibn al-Jawzi and their likes.
3- The group that are basically anthropomorphists and they are represented by the likes of Ibn Hamid and Ibn Taymiyya.

Note that the Hanabila in general (till this day) like to deny that the last group are actually anthropomorphists and like to present them as "mistaken only", but this most likely due to their partisanship to their Madhhab.
In other contexts they mention the very statements that this last group believes in and then openly describe it as Tashbih and Kufr.

​​​​​​Now the question is: 

How did Tashbih creep into the last group?

The answer: 
A good portion of the Hanabila - and this even from the mainstream group - relied upon utterly weak and inauthentic narrations for issues of creed, which lead to the formation of the last group, which said due to sheer number of these inauthentic narrations that all these types of texts are to be understood literally and thereby fell into anthropomorphism.
In addition to this the majority of the Hanabila regarded single authentic narrations as proofs even in major issues of creed, so anytime they would falsely regard a narration as authentic they would rely upon it. The scholars of the other Madhahib however were more cautious and only relied upon that which is established beyond doubt in authenticity.

With time many Hanabila realized the weakness of all these narrations - and this usually thanks to the efforts of Ash'ari scholars! - and therefore distanced themselves from these narrations.

Note that even al-Qadhi Abu Ya'la and Imam Ibn Qudama (who were both mainstream Hanbalis and supporters of Tafwidh) relied upon utterly weak and inauthentic narrations as seen in Ibtal al-Ta`wilat and al-'Uluww.
​​​​In fact Ibtal al-Ta`wilat contains the affirmation of so many utterly weak and inauthentic narrations with some narrations being so obviously from the creed of the Jews (like "god" lying on the back and putting one foot upon the other or the affirmation of molar teeth or other rather strange narrations) and their likes that a lot of other scholars have heavily attacked this work and accused its author of anthropomorphism and this despite the author clearly and explicitly declaring Allah ta'ala transcendent from corporeality and temporarility in the very same work.

There is really a reason why the majority of the scholars preferred the Ash'ari way over the Hanbali one, because unlike the Hanabila the Asha'ira were much more cautious in how they describe their Lord jalla jalaluhu.

We should not forget that those issues which are important to believe in are stressed upon in the book of Allah ta'ala and upon the tongue of our noble Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) such that we should not look for our creed in strange narrations here and there.
And we should also not forget that the foundations of our creed are the texts with a clear meaning which allow for one interpretation only and that everything else must be understood in their context.

So any statement like "so and so stated this and that" can never take precedence over the clear texts for we are neither Jews nor Christians nor pagans, but rather pure monotheists who submit completely to their Creator jalla jalaluhu and affirm His absolute uniqueness, oneness and perfection as is established by revelation and sound reason.


Abu Sulayman:

I seriously don't understand why some people are such extreme blind followers of Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728 AH) to the degree that they are ready to accept whatever they understood or misunderstood from his words and this even if it's wrong with certainty.
What is also shocking is that they are ready to accuse anyone of a mistake to the degree that they may even not shy away from accusing Prophets (peace be upon them), but when it comes to their Ibn Taymiyya it suddenly becomes disallowed for anyone to say a word against him.
Since Imam Ibn Rajab's quote was mentioned: Let it be known to the blind followers of Ibn Taymiyya in their ignorance that he names one of those upright Hanbali judges elsewhere and states that he disallowed him giving Fatwa regarding the issue of triple Talaq.
Only an innovator or a heretic will deny that Ibn Taymiyya had abnormal positions and this both regarding creed and regarding jurisprudence.

Let everyone know that blind following in major issues of creed is NOT an excuse in front of Allah ta'ala.

If Ibn 'Uthaymin utters words of disbelief and paganism (which he certainly did!), then following him regarding this is likewise disbelief and paganism and bringing up Ibn Taymiyya is no excuse.


Last edited by Abu Sulayman; 11-01-2022, 11:25 AM.

Page 69: Here


(Edited by ADHM)