Friday, April 1, 2022

2-Belief of Hanbalis / Atharis (past) vs "Salafis" - Belief of Early Hanabila



Belief of Hanbalis / Atharis (past) vs "Salafis"


1- Belief of early Hanabila

The Imam Ibn Abi Ya'la (d. 526 AH) has a famous book which he named as Tabaqat al-Hanabila.

In it he mentions the biographies of the Hanbali scholars from the time of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (d. 241 AH) until his time.
Under the chapter regarding his father al-Qadhi Abu Ya'la (d. 458 AH) - who is one of the greatest scholars of the Hanabila and has a great role in transmitting and spreading the Madhhab and is one of the pillars (Arkan) of the Madhhab (as mentioned by Imam al-Saffarini (d. 1188 AH)) - he mentions the beliefs of his father and those of his [Hanbali] predecessors (meaning: the early Hanbalis) by saying (quote is long and splitted in 5 parts by me):

فلنذكر الآن البيان عن اعتقاد الوالد السعيد ومن قبله من السلف الحميد فِي أخبار الصفاتفاعلم زادنا اللَّه وإياك علما ينفعنا اللَّه به وجعلنا ممن آثر الآيات الصريحة والأحاديث الصحيحة عَلَى آراء المتكلمين وأهواء المتكلفينأن الَّذِي درج عَلَيْهِ صالحو السلف وانتهجه بعدهم خيار الخلفهُوَ التمسك بكتاب اللَّه عز وجل واتباع نبيه مُحَمَّد صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ثُمَّ ما روي عن الصحابة رضوان اللَّه عليهم ثُمَّ عن التابعين والخالفين لهم من علماء المسلمينوالإيمان والتصديق بما وصف اللَّه تعالى به نفسه أو وصفه به رسوله مَعَ ترك البحث والتنفير والتسليم لِذَلِكَ من غير تعطيل ولا تشبيه ولا تفسير ولا تأويل وهي الفرقة الناجية والجماعة العادلة والطائفة المنصورة إلى يوم القيامة فهم أصحاب الحديث والأثر والوالد السعيد تابعهم هم خلفاء الرسول وورثة علمه وسفرته بينه وبين أمته بهم يلحق التالي وإليهم يرجع العالي وهم الذين نبذهم أهل البدع والضلال وقائلو الزور والمحالأنهم مشبهة جهال ونسبوهم إلى الحشو والطغام وأساءوا فيهم الكلامفاعتقد الوالد السعيد وسلفه قدس اللَّه أرواحهم وجعل ذكرنا لهم بركة تعود علينا فِي جميع ما وصف اللَّه تعالى به نفسه أو وصفه به رسولهصَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ -: أن جميع ذَلِكَ صفات اللَّه عز وجل تمر كما جاءت من غير زيادة ولا نقصان وأقروا بالعجز عن إدراك معرفة حقيقة هَذَا الشأناعتقد الوالد السعيد ومن قبله ممن سبقه من الأئمة: أن إثبات صفات الباري سبحانه إنما هُوَ إثبات وجود لا إثبات تحديد لها حقيقة في علمه لم يطلع الباري سبحانه عَلَى كنه معرفتها أحدا من إنس ولا جان. واعتقدواأن الكلام فِي الصفات فرع الكلام فِي الذات ويحتذي حذوه ومثاله وكما جاءوقد أجمع أهل القبلةأن إثبات الباري سبحانهإنما هُوَ إثبات وجود لا إثبات تحديد وكيفية


So let's now mention the explanation regarding the belief (I'tiqad) of [my] blissful father (al-Walid al-Sa'id; al-Qadhi Abu Ya'la is intended) and those before him from the praiseworthy predecessors (Salaf) regarding the narrations of the [divine] attributes:

Know - may Allah increase us and you in knowledge through which Allah benefits us and [not] make us from those who favor to take the clear verses (Ayat) and the authentic narrations (Ahadith) upon the opinions of the speculative theologians or the [vain] desires of the pretenders - that the way that the pious ones of the Salaf took and that which those after them from the best of the Khalaf regarded as [the correct] methodology is [the following]:
To hold firmly to the Book of Allah - 'azza wa jall - and the following of His Messenger Muhammad - sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam - then after that what has been narrated from the companions - may Allah be please with them - then those who followed them (Tabi'in) and those after them from scholars of the Muslims; 
and to believe and confirm that which Allah ta'ala described Himself with or that which His Messenger described Him with while leaving [further] discussion or repulsion and to submit to it without rejection (Ta'til) or attributing similarity (Tashbih) or explanation (Tafsir) or interpretation (Ta`wil). This [methodology is that of] the saved and righteous and victorious group (al-Firqa al-Najiyya wal Jama'a al-'Adila wal Ta`ifa al-Mansura) until the day of judgement; they are the people of al-Hadith wal Athar and [my] blissful father was from their followers, [for] they are the successors (Khulafa`) of the Messenger and the inheritors of his knowledge and the ambassadors between him and his nation (Umma), the coming is attached to them and the lofty [ones] go back to them and they are the ones whom the people of innovation and deviation and those who say falsehood and impossibilities ridicule as Mushabbiha (those who liken Allah to his creation) and ignorants and accuse of Hashw and being rabble and are abusive in their speech towards them.
So the belief of [my] blissful father and his predecessors - may Allah bless their souls and make our mentioning of them a blessing that returns on us - regarding all that which Allah ta'ala described Himself with or His Messenger - sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam - described Him with is: All of them are from the attributes (Sifat) of Allah - 'azza wa jall - and [they are] to be passed on as they've came without adding (Ziyada) anything to them or taking away (Nuqsan) from them while admitting ones inability to comprehend the reality of this issue.
The belief of [my] blissful father and of those before him from the leading scholars (A`imma) is that the affirmation (Ithbat) of the attributes of al-Bari (the Maker) - glory be to Him - is one of affirming their existance (Wujud) and not one of defining (Tahdid), they have a reality in His knowledge and the Maker - glory be to Him - has not shared its comprehension (Ma'rifa) with anyone from the humans and the jinn.
And they believed that speaking regard the attributes (Sifat) is a branch from the speaking regarding the [divine] essence (Dhat) and they took it as a lead and example and as mentioned.
Indeed the people of Qibla have agreed that affirming the Maker - glory be to Him - is an affirmation of [His] existance and not one of defining [Him] or [affirming] a modality [for Him].


Belief of early Hanabila from Tabaqat al-Hanabila (part 2):

هكذا اعتقد الوالد السعيد ومن قبله ممن سلفه من الأئمة: أن إثبات الصفات للباري سبحانه إنما هُوَ إثبات وجود لا إثبات تحديد وكيفية وأنها صفات لا تشبه صفات البرية ولا تدرك حقيقة علمها بالفكر والروية. والأصل الَّذِي اعتمدوه فِي هَذَا الباب اتباع قوله تعالىوَمَا يَعْلَمُ تَأْوِيلَهُ إِلا اللَّهُ وَالرَّاسِخُونَ فِي الْعِلْمِ يَقُولُونَآمَنَّا بِهِ كُلٌّ مِنْ عِنْدِ رَبِّنَا وَمَا يذكر إلا أولو الألباب وَقَالَ تعالىوَلا يُحِيطُونَ بِهِ عِلْمًا وَعَنَتِ الْوُجُوهُ لِلْحَيِّ الْقَيُّومِ وَقَدْ خَابَ مَنْ حَمَلَ ظُلْمًافاعتقدوا أن الباري سبحانه وتعالىفرد الذات متعدد الصفات لا شبيه لَهُ فِي ذاته ولا فِي صفاته ولا نظير ولا ثاني وسمعوا قوله عز وجلالم ذَلِكَ الْكِتَابُ لا رَيْبَ فِيهِ هُدًى لِلْمُتَّقِينَ الَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بالغيب فآمنوا بما وصف اللَّه به نفسه وبما وصفه به رسوله صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ تسليما للقدرة وتصديقاً للرسل وإيمانا بالغيبواعتقدواأن صفات الباري سبحانه معلومة من حيث أعلم هُوَ غيب من حيث انفرد واستأثر كما أن الباري سبحانه معلوم من حيث هُوَ مجهول ما هُوَ. واعتقدوا: أن الباري سبحانه استأثر بعلم حقائق صفاته ومعانيها عن العالمين وفارق بها سائر الموصوفين فهم بها مؤمنون وبحقائقها موقنون وبمعرفة كيفيتها جاهلون لا يجوز عندهم ردها كرد الجهمية ولا حملها عَلَى التشبيه كما حملته المشبهة الذي أثبتوا الكيفية ولا تأولوها عَلَى اللغات والمجازات كما تأولتها الأشعريةفالحنبلية لا يقولون فِي أخبار الصفات بتعطيل المعطلين ولا بتشبيه المشبهين ولا تأويل المتأولين مذهبهمحق بين باطلين وهدى بين ضلالتينإثبات الأسماء والصفات مَعَ نفي التشبيه والأدواتإذ لا مثل للخالق سبحانه مشبه ولا نظير لَهُ فيجنس مِنْهُ فنقول كما سمعنا ونشهد بما علمنا من غير تشبيه ولا تجنيس عَلَى أنه لَيْسَ كمثله شيء وهو السميع البصير


This is how the belief of [my] blissful father and those before him from those who preceded him from the leading scholars was: That the affirmation of the attributes of the Maker - glory be to Him - is an affirmation of their existance and not one of defining [them] or [ascribing] modality [to them] and that they're attributes that have no similarity to the attributes of the creation and that the reality of their knowledge can not be comprehended by pondering [upon them] or by careful consideration.
The foundation that they took regarding this issue is following the statement of [Allah] ta'ala:
And only Allah knows its proper interpretation; and those having sound knowledge say, “We believe in it, all of it is from our Lord”; and none accept guidance except the men of understanding. } [3:7]
And [Allah] ta'ala said: {
 ... whereas their knowledge cannot encompass it.} { And all faces shall bow before the Living, the All Sustaining; and the one who bore the burden of injustice, has failed. } [20:110-111].
So they believed that the Maker - subhanahu wa ta'ala - is One in his essence while having numerous attributes; He has no similarity to anyone in His essence and attributes and no match or a second [like Him]. And they heard His statement, 'azza wa jall: { This is the exalted Book (the Qur’an), in which there is no place for doubt; a guidance for the pious. } { Those who believe without seeing (the hidden),... } [2:2-3], so they believed in that which Allah described Himself with and His Messenger - sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam - described Him with while submitting to the power [of Allah] and affirming [the truthfulness of] the Messenger and having belief in the unseen (Ghayb).
And they believed that the attributes of the Maker - glory be to Him - are known as much as He has informed [us] and [at the same time] hidden (Ghayb) [and unknown] in what He's exclusive and alone [in knowing] just like it is known who the Maker - glory be to Him - is while it's unknown what His [reality] is.
And they believed that the Maker - glory be to Him - is exclusive in having knowledge of the realities of his attributes and their meanings (!) [without anyone] from the worlds [having this knowledge] and He is [completely] different from all that has descriptions; so they believe in them and have conviction in their realities while being ignorant of the realization of their nature.
According to them it is not allowed to deny them (the divine attributes) as the Jahmiyya did 
or to understand them upon attributing of similarity (Tashbih) as the Mushabbiha - who ascribed modality [to Allah] - did or to interpret (Ta`wil) them according to the languages and the metaphoric meanings like the Ash'aris did.
Because the Hanbalis are not upon the rejection (Ta'til) of the rejectors regarding the narrations of the [divine] attributes nor are they upon the attributing of similarity (Tahsbih) of the those who liken [Allah to His creation] nor the interpretation (Ta`wil) of the interpreters, so their way is the truth between two falsehoods and guidance between two deviations (meaning: between Ta'til and Tashbih): Affirming the names and attributes [of Allah ta'ala] while rejecting attributing similarity (Tashbih) or tools (Adawat) for their is no likeness to the Creator - glory be to Him - so that [anyone] becomes similar [to Him] nor is there a match to Him so that [something] becomes from his kind.
So we say as we've heard and testify that which we've been been given knowledge of without attributing similarity (Tashbih) nor attributing of being from the same kind [and this is] upon [following the verse]:
Nothing is like Him; and He only is the All Hearing, the All Seeing. } [42:11].


Belief of early Hanabila from Tabaqat al-Hanabila (part 3):

وفي رد أخبار الصفات وتكذيب النقلةإبطال شرائع الدين من قبل أن الناقلين إلينا علم الصلاة والزكاة والحج وسائر أحكام الشريعةهم ناقلوا هَذِهِ الأخبار والعدل مقبول القول فيما قاله ولو تطرق إليهم والعياذ بالله التخرص بشيء منهالأدى ذَلِكَ إلى إبطال جميع ما نقلوه وقد حفظ الله سبحانه الشرع عن مثل هَذَا.وقد أجمع علماء أهل الحديث والأشعرية مِنْهُمْ عَلَى قبول هَذِهِ الأحاديث فمنهم من أقرها عَلَى ما جاءت وهم أصحاب الحديث ومنهم من تأولها وهم الأشعرية وتأويلهم إياها قبول مِنْهُمْ لها إذ لو كانت عندهم باطلة لاطرحوها كما أطرحوا سائر الأخبار الباطلة. وقد روي عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أنه قَالَ: " أمتي لا تجتمع عَلَى خطأ ولا ضلالة ". وما ذكرناه من الإيمان بأخبار الصفات من غير تعطيل ولا تشبيه ولا تفسير ولا تأويل هُوَ قول السلف بدءا وعودا وهو الَّذِي ذكره أمير المؤمنين القادر رضوان اللَّه عَلَيْهِ فِي الرسالة القادرية قَالَ فِيهَا: " وما وصف اللَّه سبحانه به نفسه أو وصفه به رَسُول اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ -: فهو صفات اللَّه عز وجل عَلَى حقيقته لا علي سبيل المجاز ".وعلى هَذَا الاعتقادجمع أمير المؤمنين القائم بأمر اللَّه رضوان اللَّه عَلَيْهِ من حضره مَعَ الوالد السعيد من علماء الوقت وزاهدهمأَبُو الحسن القزويني سنة اثنتين وثلاثين وأربعمائة وأخذ خطوطهم باعتقادهوقد قَالَ الوالد السعيد رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ فِي أخبار الصفاتالمذهب فِي ذَلِكَقبول هَذِهِ الأحاديث عَلَى ما جاءت به من غير عدول عَنْهُ إلى تأويل يخالف ظاهرها مَعَ الاعتقاد بأن اللَّه سبحانه بخلاف كل شيء سواه وكل ما يقع في الخواطرمن حد أو تشبيه أو تكييففالله سبحانه وتعالى عن ذَلِكَ وَاللَّهِ ليس كمثله شيء ولا يوصف بصفات المخلوقين الدالة عَلَى حدثهم ولا يجوز عَلَيْهِ ما يجوز عليهم من التغير من حال إلى حال ليس بجسم ولا جوهر ولا عرض وأنه لم يزل ولا يزال وأنه الَّذِي لا يتصور فِي الأوهام وصفاته لا تشبه صفات المخلوقين لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ وهو السميع البصير

In rejecting the narrations regarding the attributes and accusing the transmitters [of lying] there is the invalidation of the laws of the religion (i.e. the Shari'a), [because] those who have transmitted us the knowledge of [how to perform] the Salat, [pay] the Zakat, [perform] the Hajj and the rest of the rulings of the Shari'a are the [same] ones who have transmitted us these narrations [regarding the divine attributes]. So justice is to regard their statement as accepted and if [one] were to [accuse] them - Allah's refuge is sought - of fabricating lies, then this would lead to the invalidation of all that they transmitted, while [we know] that Allah - glory be to Him - has protected his law from the like of this.
Indeed the scholars of Ahl al-Hadith - and the Ash'aris are from among them (!) - are agreed upon accepting these narrations: From among them are those who accept them as they've come - and they are the Ashab al-Hadith - and from among them are those who interpret them - and they are the Ash'aris -; and their interpretation of these [narrations] is their acceptance to them, because if these narrations would be false for them they would have thrown them away just like they did with the rest of the false narrations.
For indeed, it has been narrated from the Prophet - sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam - that he said: "
My nation will not agree upon falsehood or deviation."
And that which we have mentioned regarding having faith in the narrations of the attributes without rejection (Ta'til) or attributing similarity (Tashbih) or explanation (Tafsir) or interpretation (Ta`wil) has always been the statement of the Salaf and that is [also] what Amir al-Mu`minin al-Qadir [billah] - may Allah be pleased with him - mentioned in the Risala al-Qadiriyya in which he said: "Whatever Allah - glory be to Him - described Himself with or the Messenger of Allah - sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam - described Him with: Then it is from the attributes of Allah - 'azza wa jall - in reality and not metaphorically."
Upon this belief Amir al-Mu`minin al-Qa`im bi Amrillah - may Allah be pleased with him - assembled those present with my blissful father from the scholars of that time and their ascetic Abul Hasan al-Qazwini in the year 432 AH and took from them their [own] writing in believing in this.
My blissful father - may Allah be pleased with him said that the [correct] way regarding this is to accept these narrations upon what they've come without turning to an interpretation that goes against the apparent while believing that Allah - glory be to Him - is different from everything else other than Him; whatever comes to the mind from limitation (Hadd) or attributing similarity (Tashbih) or attributing modality (Takyif), then Allah is glorified and exalted above it and there is nothing like Him. He is not described with the attributes of the creation that indicate their temporality and that which is possible regarding them - from the changing of one state to another - is not possible regarding Him.
[Allah ta'ala] is not a body (Jism) or a particle (Jawhar) or an accident ('Aradh) and has always existed and will always exist. He's the One who can not be imagined and his attributes are not similar to the attributes of the creation, { 
nothing is like Him; and He only is the All Hearing, the All Seeing. } [42:11].


Belief of early Hanabila from Tabaqat al-Hanabila (part 4):

وأما كتابه قدس اللَّه روحه فِي إبطال التأويلات لأخبار الصفات: فمبني عَلَى هَذِهِ المقدمات وأن إطلاق ما ورد به السمع من الصفات: لا يقتضي تشبيه الباري سبحانه بالمخلوقات. وذكر رحمة اللَّه عَلَيْهِ كلاما معناه: أن التشبيه إنما يلزم الحنبلية أن لَوْ وجد مِنْهُمْ أحد أمرين: إما أن يكونوا هم الَّذِينَ ابتدأوا الصفة لله عز وجل واخترعوها أو يكونوا قد صرحوا باعتقاد التشبيه فِي الأحاديث الَّتِي هم ناقلوها. فإما أن يكون صاحب الشريعة - صَلَّى الله عليه وسلم - هو المبتدىء بهذه الأحاديث وقوله - صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ - حجة يسقط بها ما يعارضها وهم تبع لَهُ ثُمَّ يكون الحنبلية قد صرحوا بأنهم يعتقدون إثبات الصفات ونفي التشبيه فكيف يجوز أن يضاف إليهم ما يعتقدون نفيه؟ . وعلى أنه قد ثبت أن الحنبلية إنما يعتمدون فِي أصول الدين عَلَى كتاب اللَّه عز وجل وسنة نبيه - صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ - ونحن نجد فِي كتاب اللَّه وسنة رسوله ذكر الصفات ولا نجد فيهما ذكر التشبيه فكيف يجوز أن يضاف إليهم ما يعتقدون نفيه؟ . ومما يدل عَلَى أن تسليم الحنبلية لأخبار الصفات من غير تأويل ولا حمل عَلَى ما يقتضيه الشاهد وأنه لا يلزمهم في ذَلِكَ التشبيه: إجماع الطوائف من بين موافق للسنة ومخالف أن الباري سبحانه ذات وشيء وموجود ثُمَّ لم يلزمنا وإياهم إثبات جسم ولا جوهر ولا عرض وإن كانت الذات في الشاهد لا تنفك عن هَذِهِ السمات وهكذا لا يلزم الحنبلية ما يقتضيه العرف فِي الشاهد فِي أخبار الصفات.يبين صحة هذا: أن البارىء سبحانه موصوف بأنه: حي عالم قادر مريد والخلق موصوفون بهذه الصفات ولم يدل الاتفاق فِي هَذِهِ التسمية عَلَى الاتفاق فِي حقائقها ومعانيها هكذا القول فِي أخبار الصفات ولا يلزم عند تسليمها من غير تأويل إثبات ما يقتضيه الحد والشاهد فِي معانيها. وبهذا ونظيره استدل الوالد السعيد رحمة اللَّه عَلَيْهِ فِي كتابه " إبطال التأويلات لأخبار الصفات

As for his book - may Allah bless his soul - regarding the invalidation of the interpretation of the narrations of the attributes (Ibtal al-Ta`wilat li Akhbar al-Sifat), then it is build upon the [mentioned] premises and that to state that which can be found in the texts regarding the [divine] attributes does not constitute attributing similarity (Tashbih) of the Maker - glory be to Him - to the creation. And he -may Allah have mercy upon him - mentioned statements with the meaning that attributing similarity (Tashbih) [only] becomes necessary upon the Hanabila if one of these two issues can be found regarding them: If they were the ones who started [to describe] Allah - 'azza wa jall - with these attributes and invented these [descriptions regarding Him] or if they have stated that they believe in attributing similarity (Tashbih) regarding the narrations that they have transmitted.
But the one who came with the Shari'a (i.e. the Prophet) - sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam - is the one who came with these narrations and his statement - sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam - is a proof that invalidates whatever is against it and they [will have to] follow him. 
Then the Hanbalis have openly stated that they believe in the affirmation of the [divine] attributes while rejecting attributing similarity (Tashbih), so how is it possible to accuse them of something (i.e. Tashbih) that they have [already] rejected? And it has been already proven that the Hanbalis rely upon the Book of Allah - 'azza wa jall - and the Sunna of His Prophet - sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam - regarding the foundations of the religion (Usul al-Din) and we find in the Book of Allah and the Sunna of His Messenger the mentioning of the [divine] attributes while we do not find the attributing of similarity in them, so how is it possible to accuse them (the Hanbalis) of something (i.e. Tashbih) that they have rejected?
That which shows that the submission (Taslim) of the Hanbalis to the narrations of the [divine] attributes without interpretation (Ta`wil) 
and without taking them upon what the Shahid (that which we can perceive) implies and that attributing similarity (Tashbih) does not become necessary upon [the Hanbalis] from this [submission] is [the following]:
The consensus of the groups that are in agreement with the Sunna and those who are against it is that the Maker - glory be to Him - [has] an essence (Dhat) and is a thing (Shay`) and exists (Mawjud), then this [consensus] does not necessitate upon us or them to affirm a body (Jism) or a particle (Jawhar) or an accident ('Aradh) [regarding Allah ta'ala] even though in the Shahid (that which we can perceive) an essence (Dhat) can not be separated from these traits. And likewise that which is the custom in what we can perceive (Shahid) does not become necessary upon the Hanabila [to accept] regarding the [divine] attributes and that which makes the correctness of this obvious is:
The Maker - glory be to Him - is described with being Living (Hayy), Knowing ('Alim), Powerful (Qadir) and Willing (Murid) while the creation is also described with these attributes and this agreement in the naming does not show their agreement in their realities (!) and meanings (!) and likewise is the statement regarding the narrations of the [divine] attributes; submitting to them without interpretation does not necessitate to affirm that which is implied by limitation (Hadd) and by the Shahid (that which we can perceive) regarding their meanings[My] blissful father - may Allah have mercy upon him - used this reasoning [mentioned above] and the like of it in his book "Ibtal al-Ta`wilat li Akhbar al-Sifat".


Belief of early Hanabila from Tabaqat al-Hanabila (part 5):

فأما الرد عَلَى المجسمة لله: فيرده الوالد السعيد بكتاب وذكره أيضا فِي أثناء كتبه فَقَالَ: لا يجوز أن يسمى اللَّه جسما. قَالَ أَحْمَد: لا يوصف اللَّه تعالى بأكثر مما وصف به نفسه. قَالَ الوالد السعيد: فمن اعتقد أن اللَّه سبحانه جسم من الأجسام وأعطاه حقيقة الجسم من التأليف والانتقال: فهو كافر لأنه غير عارف بالله عز وجل لأن اللَّه سبحانه يستحيل وصفه بهذه الصفات وَإِذَا لم يعرف اللَّه سبحانه: وجب أن يكون كافرا

As for the response against the Mujassima (those who regard Allah a body), then [my] blissful father has also responded to them with a book and has mentioned [their refutation] in [other] books, so he said: It is not allowed to name Allah a body.
[Imam] Ahmad said: Allah ta'ala is not described with more than what He described Himself with. [My] blissful father said: So whoever believes that Allah - glory be to Him - is a body from among the bodies (Jism min al-Ajsam) and describes Him with the reality of a body from composition (Ta`lif) and change [of place or state] (Intiqal), then he's a disbeliever (!) (Kafir) because he does not know Allah - azza wa jall. For it is impossible regarding Allah - glory be to Him - to be described with these attributes [in reality]; and if someone does not know Allah - glory be to Him -, then it necessitates him being a disbeliever.

- end of quote -

Know that the major points that are made by Imam Ibn Abi Ya'la in the above quote is found in ALL the books mentioned in my first post and in other classical Hanbali / Athari books and represents the beliefs of the Hanabila in general, so I would really recommend reading the above quote fully, even if it is long.

So the summary of the belief of the Hanabila is as follows:

- Whatever Allah ta'ala is described with in the Qur`an al-karim or the authentic narrations is to be regarded from the divine attributes: It's obligatory to believe in all these text and affirm them while relegating their meaning and reality to Allah ta'ala and knowing that Allah ta'ala is not like or similar to his creation in any way or form.
- This affirmation of the attributes is one of affirming their existance and not one of defining or ascribing modality. Since one is affirming them as attributes [and not as descriptions going back to other attributes] while at the same time admitting that one does not comprehend their reality (nor is it possible to do so!), it is not allowed to interpret them metaphorically or otherwise, rather one has to pass these Ayat and narrations as they have come without adding anything to them or taking away anything from them.
- It's obligatory to reject attributing likeness (Tamthil) OR attributing similarity (Tashbih) regarding the divine attributes. The agreement in the naming of the attributes of the Creator and the creation is only in naming, but NOT in meaning and reality! Whosoever describes Allah with the reality of a body (i.e. 3-dimensional being or object) has disbelieved!
- The foundation upon which the Ayat and Ahadith regarding the [divine] attributes is to be understood is the Aya 3:7 (which means that they're from the Mutashabihat!) and therefore it's not allowed to interpret or explain these Ayat and Ahadith, because { only Allah knows its proper interpretation; }.
- The reality of Allah's essence and his attributes can not be comprehended and Allah ta'ala is beyond imagination.

To add an interesting point to the above: The words of Imam Ibn Abi Ya'la in the above quote clearly indicate that he regards the Ash'aris - whom he regards wrong in their Ta`wil - as Sunnis and includes them explicitly in the Ahl al-Hadith!
(Note: The Ash'aris also agree with the Hanbalis regarding the correctness of Tafwidh!)

What is interesting here is how clearly all the mentioned Hanbali scholars rejected Tashbih, while a major modern-day "Salafi" scholar like Ibn 'Uthaymin explicitly denied that Tashbih can be rejected in an absolute way.
So how is is possible to regard the "Salafis" as Hanbalis / Atharis or let alone as Sunnis?!


Ibn 'Uthaymin ("Salafi"): There is some degree of similarity between the Creator and the creation

Ibn 'Uthaymin
is regarded as a major scholar by the modern-day "Salafis". We've already seen how the Hanabila rejected attributing similarity (Tashbih) in an explicit and absolute way.

So let's see weather Ibn 'Uthaymin agrees with them (the Hanbalis) or says something that no Sunni Muslim would ever say!

Ibn 'Uthaymin (d. 1421 AH) said [as mentioned in the book Majmu' Fatawa wa Rasa`il Ibn 'Uthaymin]:

والتعبير بنفي التمثيل أحسن من التعبير بنفي التشبيه، لوجوه ثلاثةأحدهاأن التمثيل هو الذي جاء به القرآن وهو منفي مطلقا، بخلاف التشبيه، فلم يأت القرآن بنفيه
الثانيأن نفي التشبيه على الإطلاق لا يصح، لأن كل موجودين فلا بد أن يكون بينهما قدر مشترك يشتبهان فيه ويتميز كل واحد بما يختص به، فالحياة مثلا وصف ثابت في الخالق والمخلوق، فبينهما قدر مشترك، ولكن حياة الخالق تليق به وحياة المخلوق تليق به
الثالثأن الناس اختلفوا في مسمى التشبيه، حتى جعل بعضهم إثبات الصفات التي أثبتها الله لنفسه تشبيها، فإذا قلنا من غير تشبيه، فهم هذا البعض من هذا القول نفي الصفات التي أثبتها الله لنفسه

The expression of denying attributing likeness (Tamthil) [between the Creator and the creation] is better than expressing the denying of attributing similarity (Tashbih), and this is from three sides:
The first: Attributing likeness (Tamthil) is that which the Qur`an came to deny absolutely unlike attributing similarity (Tashbih), which the Qur`an did not deny.
The second: Denying attributing similarity (Tashbih) in an absolute way is not correct, because every two existing beings / things must have [at least] a common degree between them (Qadar Mushtarak) where they are similar to each other while every one of them is different in that which makes him special. Life (Hayat) for example is a proven description for the Creator and the creation, so there is a common degree (Qadar Mushtarak) between them, but the life of the Creator is [one] befitting Him and the life of the creation is [one] befitting them.
The third: That the people have disagreed regarding that which is named as "Tashbih" to the degree that some of them turned the affirmation of the attributes that Allah affirmed for Himself as attributing similarity (Tashbih). So if we say "without attributing similarity" some would understand from this statement the negation of the attributes that Allah affirmed for Himself.

- end of quote -

And Ibn 'Uthaymin also said [in the same book]:

فإذا قلتما هي الصورة التي تكون لله ويكون آدم عليها؟ قلناإن الله عز وجل له وجهوله عينوله يدوله رجل عز وجل لكن لا يلزم من أن تكون هذه الأشياء مماثلة للإنسان، فهناك شيء من الشبه لكنه ليس على سبيل المماثلة، كما أن الزمرة الأولى من أهل الجنة فيها شبه من القمر لكن بدون مماثلة

If it is asked: What is the image (Sura) that Allah and Adam are [both] upon?
Then we say: Allah - 'azza wa jall - has a face, an eye, a hand, a foot - 'azza wa jall -, but this does not necessitate that these [descriptions] are like that of human beings, for there is some [sort of] of similarity (!), but not upon the way of likeness (Mumathala); just like the first group from the people of paradise are similar to the moon (i.e. shining), but without likeness.

- end of quote -

And Ibn 'Uthaymin said in one of his lectures (taken word by word from a "Salafi" website!):

نقول مثلاً وجه الله ولم نقل وجه وأطلقنا فوجه الله يكون لائقا لذاته أو لائقا بذاته ، كما لو قلت وجه الفرس ووجه القط الهر هل تفهم من قولك وجه الفرس أنه مثل وجه الهر ؟ أبداً

We say for example "face of Allah" and we do not just say "face" in general [terms], because the face of Allah is befitting to His essence or befitting His essence.
Just like when you say "face of a horse" and "face of a cat": Do you understand from your statement "face of a horse" that it is like (mithl) the "face of a cat"? Never...

- end of quote -


So this is how these people speak of Allah ta'ala! Allah's refuge is sought from this ugly Tashbih 

to the degree that they do not even shy away from mentioning animals while speaking about Allah ta'ala!So the degree that Allah ta'ala is different from his creation - according to the above statements made by Ibn 'Uthaymin - is similar to the difference between the first group to enter paradise and the moon or similar to the difference between the face of a horse and that of a cat!?

Is this the Tawhid?

Well, this sounds more like Wathaniyya (paganism)!

In response to this Tashbih I would like to remind you of the statement of Imam Ibn Abi Ya'la (d. 526 AH) in his Tabaqat al-Hanabila:

واعتقدواأن الباري سبحانه استأثر بعلم حقائق صفاته ومعانيها عن العالمين وفارق بها سائر الموصوفين
وكل ما يقع في الخواطرمن حد أو تشبيه أو تكييففالله سبحانه وتعالى عن ذَلِكَ وَاللَّهِ ليس كمثله شيء ولا يوصف بصفات المخلوقين الدالة عَلَى حدثهم ولا يجوز عَلَيْهِ ما يجوز عليهم من التغير من حال إلى حال ليس بجسم ولا جوهر ولا عرض وأنه لم يزل ولا يزال وأنه الَّذِي لا يتصور فِي الأوهام وصفاته لا تشبه صفات المخلوقين لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ وهو السميع البصير
أن البارىء سبحانه موصوف بأنهحي عالم قادر مريد والخلق موصوفون بهذه الصفات ولم يدل الاتفاق فِي هَذِهِ التسمية عَلَى الاتفاق فِي حقائقها ومعانيها هكذا القول فِي أخبار الصفات

And they believed that the Maker - glory be to Him - is exclusive in having knowledge of the realities of his attributes and their meanings (!) [without anyone] from the worlds [having this knowledge] and He is [completely] different from all that has descriptions;
Whatever comes to the mind from limitation (Hadd) 
or attributing similarity (Tashbih) or attributing modality (Takyif), then Allah is glorified and exalted above it and there is nothing like Him. He is not described with the attributes of the creation that indicate their temporality and that which is possible regarding them - from the changing of one state to another - is not possible regarding Him.
[Allah ta'ala] is not a body (Jism) or a particle (Jawhar) or an accident ('Aradh) and has always existed and will always exist. He's the One who can not be imagined 
and his attributes are not similar to the attributes of the creation, { nothing is like Him; and He only is the All Hearing, the All Seeing. } [42:11].
The Maker - glory be to Him - is described with being Living (Hayy), Knowing ('Alim), Powerful (Qadir) and Willing (Murid) while the creation is also described with these attributes 
and this agreement in the naming does not show their agreement in their realities (!) and meanings (!) and likewise is the statement regarding the narrations of the [divine] attributes;...

- end of quote -


continue reading the thread post page2: here


1-Belief of Hanbalis / Atharis (past) vs "Salafis": Here

3- Hanbali position regarding the divine 'Uluw, Istiwa` and NuzulHere

4- Table of ContentsHere

(Edited by ADHM)