Every particle of the universe is bereaved upon your parting.
Bestow us with your look of favour, O Messenger of Allah. Be merciful, O Seal of all messengers.
Indeed, you are a mercy to the worlds, so how can you neglect us misfortunate ones who are suffering from ill-fate?
O beautiful flower, grace the world with your vibrant fragrance and awake from your restful sleep to illuminate the hearts of those in need of guidance.
O ye who rests in his grave in Madina. Awake, for the whole Earth has become corrupt.)
Show us your blessed countenance from within your Yemeni shroud; your luminous face is the dawn of all life.
Bring daylight upon our long nights of grief, and make our days blossom with success and prosperity with your beauty.
Adorn your body with your fragrant amber-emanating garments, and crown your head with the turban, fragrant with the scent of camphor.
Let your fragrant locks of hair flow, shedding shade upon your blessed feet (an indication towards the fact that the Noble Prophet (Sallallahu A’lihi Wassalam) did not have a shadow).
Wear the sandals of Ṭā’if as you once did wear and let their laces be made of our deep heartfelt conviction for you. Each and everything has spread itself out before you, eagerly awaiting to kiss your blessed feet.
Come forth from your blessed chamber into the courtyard of the ḥaram.
Place your feet on the heads of those who lie in your path, desirous of kissing the dust you tread on.
Take the helpless by the hand and assist them. Console the hearts of your sincere lovers
Read more: Here

Let me show Scans of what Ashraf Ali Thanwi said in one of his poems , And his followers have edited [removed] that poem from New Editions ,
If it wasn't Shirk and such a minute issue why remove Thanwi's poems now,
Was Thanwi Wrong or present Deobandis are more pious and shirk proof Muslims ?
In chapter 21 of Nash ut Teeb, chapter 21 , page 194, Ashraf ali Thanvi al deobandi has written a poem in Arabic and he himself provided the Urdu translation of this poem.
The poem begins with:
“ dastigiree kijiye meray nabee , Kashma kash mein tum hee ho meray nabi”
English translation : Help me O Nabi !, in times of difficulty you are the one to help me .
Here is Ashraf ali Thanwi's Shirkia poem according to Aqeeda of our modern time deobandis Scan:

Salafi are using this waqiah to confuse people .......Here
and here is translation of what he replied...
Souls of the Kuffar are restricted after their death.
Such type of incidents are called Karamat and are proven for souls of Momin.
Karamat are Haq and there is nothing against Shariah in it.
Ashraf us Sawaneh is a reliable book.”
A strange incident is mentioned in Ashrafus-Sawaneh (biography of Ashraf Ali Thanvi) about the great-grandfather of Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Muhammad Fareed.

Why Qasim nanotvi came two time from his grave and helped to deobandi people, one time he came to darul uloom deoband to help maulana rafiuddin saheb who has dispute with other ulemas of deoband
And second time he was came in punjab (india) when deobandi alim was doing munazara with a barelvi alim then Qasim nanotiv came with his body (not just rooh)!
[In Arwaah-e-Thalatha] Read more Here
" One day after Fajr Salah mawalana Rafeeuddeen saheb (rh) invited Mawalana Mahmoodul Hasan saheb in his room ( Inside darul uloom deoband).
Mawalana Rafeeudeen saheb told him to first examine his overcoat.
Reference: [Arwahe Salasa , page 242]
Scanned page Here
Tazkirat e Rasheed

Tell me if this is a Shirkia Story:
It Translates : Once a common man asked Ba Yazeed Bastami, ‘How should a Pir (Shaikh/Saint) be and how should a Mureed (disciple) be?’ … Ba Yazeed Bastami said, ‘Come to me tomorrow and I shall tell you.’ When the man came the next day, he gave him a letter and said, ‘Take this letter and go to the addressee. On your return you will get the answer’.

[ Tazkirat e Rasheed, volume:2 , page,268]
وقيل أقسام بالنفوس الفاضلة حالة المفارقة لأبدانها بالموت فإنها تنزع عن الأبدان غرقاً أي نزعاً شديداً من أغرق النازع في القوس إذا بلغ غاية المد حتى ينتهي إلى النصل لعسر مفارقتها إياها حيث ألفه وكان مطية لها لاكتساب الخير ومظنة لازدياده فتنشط شوقاً إلى عالم الملكوت وتسبح به فتسبق إلى حظائر القدس فتصير لشرفها وقوتها من المدبرات أي ملحقة بالملائكة أو تصلح هي لأن تكون مدبرة كما قال الإمام: ((إنها بعد المفارقة قد تظهر لها آثار وأحوال في هذا العالم فقد يرى المرء شيخه بعد موته فيرشده لما يهمه، وقد نقل عن جالينوس أنه مرض مرضاً عجز عن علاجه الحكماء فوصف له في منامه علاجه فأفاق وفعله فأفاق))، وقد ذكره الغزالي ولذا قيل - وليس بحديث كما توهم - إذا تحيرتم في الأمور فاستعينوا من أصحاب القبور أي أصحاب النفوس الفاضلة المتوفين ولا شك في أنه يحصل لزائرهم مدد روحاني ببركتهم وكثيراً ما تنحل عقد الأمور بأنامل التوسل إلى الله تعالى بحرمتهم، وحمله بعضهم على الأحياء منهم الممتثلين أمر «موتوا قبل أن تموتوا».
It is said: In the introductory sentences of this surah, the separation of the souls of pious persons from their bodies at the time of death is described and Allah has sworn by these different states of the souls. These souls have to be wrenched out of the bodies because, on account of their long and deep association with their bodies, they are disinclined to leave them. The reason for this disinclination is that, in order to earn virtues, the body acts as a means of transport, and it is on this count that there is a greater possibility of adding to the score of one’s virtues. Then these souls fly to the world of angels and reach the sanctuary of purity, and on account of their force and nobility, they blend with the elements that help decide the destinies of the creatures, that is, they are included among the angels, or they acquire administrative capability. That is why it is said by Imam Ghazali [rah] that : ‘when you are invaded by troubles, you should seek help from the residents of the tombs, that is, from the favourites of Allah who are embodiments of virtue and purity, and those who have left us.’ There is no doubt that a person who visits their tombs, receives spiritual help by virtue of their blessings, and on many occasions, the knots of difficulties unwind through the mediation of honour and reverence they enjoy
Arabic link Here
He adds:
It is also said that in these sentences Allah has sworn by these good-natured people, who step into the field of virtue and sanctity and try to purify both the inner and the outer self through worship, persistent practice and a concerted confrontation with the evil and, as a result, are permeated with immediate divine consciousness. (These sentences may be applied to these holy persons in the sense that) they control their own instinctive cravings and concentrate all their energies on the world where holiness prevails, and finally achieve perfection after passing through the evolutionary phases so that they can guide those who are stuck up in their flawed schedules and invest their lives with a sense of purpose and direction
Arabic link Here
Quran says: And when there came to them the Book from Allah (the Qur’ān) fulfilling the book (Torah in the real sense) which was with them, and before that they themselves had (prayed) for victory (through the mediation of the last Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) and the Book revealed to him) over the disbelievers. So when there came to them the same Prophet (Muhammad) with the Book revealed to him) whom they (already) knew, they rejected it.
[Quran 2:89]
Allah himself says that before Aqah karim (salehalawaalihi wasalam ) was born people used to ask Allah using name of Prophet [salehalawaalihi wasalam] and Allah granted them victory , but later on they rejected Prophet (saw) when He (Saw) was born and came in front
Alusi says on this Ayah
{ وَكَانُواْ مِن قَبْلُ يَسْتَفْتِحُونَ عَلَى ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ } نزلت في بني قريظة والنضير كانوا يستفتحون على الأوس والخزرج برسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قبل مبعثه ـ قاله ابن عباس رضي الله تعالى عنهما وقتادة ـ والمعنى يطلبون من الله تعالى أن ينصرهم به على المشركين، كما روى السدي أنهم كانوا إذا اشتد الحرب بينهم وبين المشركين أخرجوا التوراة ووضعوا أيديهم على موضع ذكر النبـي صلى الله عليه وسلم وقالوا: اللهم إنا نسألك بحق نبيك الذي وعدتنا أن تبعثه في آخر الزمان أن تنصرنا اليوم على عدوّنا فينصرون ـ فالسين ـ للطلب ـ والفتح ـ متضمن معنى النصر بواسطة (على) أو يفتحون عليهم من قولهم: فتح عليه إذا علمه ووقفه كما في قوله تعالى:
This (verse) was revealed about Banu Qurayzah and Banu Nadir who used to pray for victory over Aws and Khazraj before Allah’s Messenger’s Prophethood. Ibn abbas and Qatadah have given expression to the same reality. It means that they prayed to Allah through his mediation for victory over the polytheists as also stated by as-Suddiyy:
when the war raged between them and the polytheists, they opened the Torah and placed their hand on the spot where the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) was mentioned and prayed, “O Allah, we pray to You through the mediation of Your Prophet You have promised with us to send him at the end of time; today grant us victory over our enemies.” So by the blessing of this prayer they were made victorious.
[Tafsir roh al maani (1:320)] Arabic link Here
See the footnote in the scans below
A rough translation is
Hazrat `Allamah ibn `Abidin [rh] on the footnote of his internationally renowned book Raddul Muhtarul Ma'roof says that Ziyadi has reported that if any person loses any one of his belongings and he wishes for Almighty Allah to return it to him, he should stand on a high place facing the Qibla and make Fatiha and send the reward to the Holy Prophet [sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam] and to Sayyid Ahmad bin Alwan [rh] and say,
يَاسَيِّدِىْ اَحْمَدُ يَابْنَ عَلْوَانَ اِنْ تَرُدَّ عَلَىَّ ضَالَّتِىْ وَاِلاَّ نَزَعْتُكَ
مِنْ دِيْوَانِ اْلاَوْلِيآءِ فَاِنَّ اللهَ تَعَالىَ يَرُدُّ عَلىَ
“O my leader Ahmad! O son of Alwan! If you do not return my lost item, then it is fine, otherwise I will remove your name from the register of the Awliyah
مَنْ قَالَ ذَالِكَ ضَالَّتَه‘ بِبَرْكَتِهِ اُجُوْرِىْ مَعَ زِيَادَةٍ
With the Barkah of this amal and that Wali Allah, the lost thing will be returned.”
[Raddul Muhtaar Shara Durr Mukhtar Pg.334 Vol.3] Scan
“Answer. To seek aid from the dead (istimdad) — regardless of whether this is done at the grave or away — is without a doubt a bid’ah, and did not exist in the time of the Companions and the Followers. However, there is a difference of opinion regarding which type of bid’ah this falls into. In that, is it a reprehensible bid’ah or a praiseworthy bid’ah, as a result the ruling would be different. Considering istimdad is of different types, if the seeking is of the type mentioned in the above question then it is clear this is permissible. This is because there is no shirk in this. This is the same as making requests for supplications and other needs from the pious in their life. If this (istimdad) is done in a different way then the ruling would accordingly be different.” (Fatawa ‘Azizi, volume 1, p.89)
Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlwi , in his book, "Bustaanul Muhaditheen", praises Hazrat Sayyidi Ahmed Zarooq (radi Allahu anhu), by describing him as follows: "Hazrat-e-Arfa wa Ah'la, Imaamul Ulema and Nizaamul Awliya (The Highly Exalted Shaikh, Leader of the Ulema and the Governor of the Awliya). This great Saint is also among the Abdaal Sabaa (The Seven Magnificent Abdaal) and is an authority amongst the Sufis. Among his illustrious students are personalities like Imaam Shamsudeen Lagaani and Imaam Shahabudeen Qastalaani (radi Allahu anhuma). The Saint was a master in Shari'ah, Haqiqat and all Mystical Facets.Now coming to the point
Shah Abdul Aziz states: "In brief, the Saint was a man of exceptional attributes, to fully comprehend his qualities is indeed beyond comprehension."
Shah Abdul Aziz , then quotes two sentences stated by Hazrat Ahmed Zarooq (radi Allahu anhu), which further highlights his greatness, "I indeed bless my (Mureeds) with tranquillity during times of difficulty and perplexity, when cruelty and evil oppresses them and in times of misery and fear. Therefore (during these times) call to me 'YA ZAROOQ', I will immediately come to your assistance.