Clash of the Taymiyyans
Salafi vs Salafi

Quote Wahabi/Salafi: "I was a so-called "Madkhali" Salafi.
I was "down" with SPUBS and TROID and those people.
We did not even consider the "Sururis" and "Ma'ribis" and "Jihadis" Salafis. They were labelled Hizbis, Qutbis and Kharijis and part of Ahl-ul-Bid'a."
Another Wahhabi said: "Ok I'm seriously confused now after hearing all these different types of Salafis e.g. Madkali Salafis, Saudi Salafis, Jihadi Salafis, Qutubis, Sururis, Modernist Salafis, Murji Salafis, Talafis,etc, etc, etc,..."
What is this "Salafi,Salafi & Salafi" ?
Salafism was re-introduced in the Arab world during the late 1800s - early 1900s by the reform movement centered around the Egyptian: Mu-hammed `Abduh (1849-1905)
Although in theological matters, Abduh was closer to the Mu'tazili school of thought; he did adopt from Ibn Taymiya, the latter's position against extreme forms of taqlid and call for ijtihad. Abduh's student Rashid Rida, the publisher of the influential journal:
Al-Manar was closer in thought in his later years to the doctrines espoused by Ibn Taymiyyah.
Like most Egyptians of that time, Hasan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, was influenced by the ideas of Abduh and Rida, as well as traditional Islamic doctrine as practiced in Egypt.
Hence the Muslim Brotherhood had elements of Salafi doctrine incorporated with it.
During the same period, Ibn Taymiya's teachings were revived in Syria by: al-Qasimi and in Iraq by al-Alusi.
Salafism in the Arab World after 1967
The contemporary Islamic revival in the Arab world began to take shape following the Arab defeat in the 1967 war against Israel. At this time, there were two main Salafi trends which slowly began to merge: The traditional Wahhabis found in Saudi Arabia centered around:
Ibn Humaid, Ibn Baz, and eventually Ibn Uthaymin
... others were represented by the Syrian based scholar
The main difference between these trands lies in the close identification of the Wahhabis with the Hanbali legal school and the Wahhabi Salafis insistence on avoiding any legal school. In this position they identified more closely with the 19th century, Yemeni scholar ash-Shawkani and his Indian student Siddiq Hasan Khan.
After the 1991 Gulf War, three new identifiable trends of Salafism came to the forefront.
The anti-political pro-Saudi government trend which identifies itself primarily with Saudi scholar:
Rabi' al-Madkhali.
The political and mildly anti-Saudi government trend which identifies itself with scholars like:
Safar Al-Hawali.
The various jihadist Salafi groups.
Each trend accuses the other of straying from "true" Salafism. The first two groups also argue between themselves that their positions are closer to those of
Ibn Baz and Al-Albani.
The jihadist Salafi groups condemn both the first and second trends.
Madhkhalis, Qutubis, Ikhwanis, Jihadists...
so many sects/cults division amongst them... but they insist on their slogan
" follow
quran & sunnah only"
Let's have a
The Madhkhalees:

All Supported
Raabee ibn Haadee Al-Maadkhaalee
pointed at a few famous Salafi Scholars such as Shaikh
Salman Al Awda, Shaikh Safara al Hawali, Shaikh Saleh Al Munajjjid,
And said:
"They were all deviants"
Falih said: "Shaykh Rabee 'is a liar, a charlatan, a wild beast, he is such a dog that bites, all innovators are with him, his account is good, it's over!"
Abdullah Ibn Abdur-Rahman Ibn Jibrin said: "I read what the Shaikh Rabee 'Al-Madkhalee wrote in his refutation of Sayyid Qutb and found that it has issued judgments on things that do not exist. For this reason the Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd, Alla can preserve it, has refuted. It's identical to the unjustified attacks [Al-Madkhalee] in the Shaikh Abdur-Rahman ['Abdul- Khaliq] and how [to twist his words so as] to show errors that would render astray, while they two were friends for a whole period and he never found such fault with him [by the past]. And the eye sees every fault of the property as insignificant, while the eye of hatred always finds [serious] defects. " (02/26/1417 AH)
Let's have a look
The Qutbis:

Ikhwān, (Arabic: Brethren), in Arabia, members of a religious and military brotherhood that figured prominently in the unification of the Arabian Peninsula under Ibn Saūd (1912–30); in modern Saudi Arabia they constitute the National Guard. Ibn Saūd began organizing the Ikhwān in 1912 with hopes of making them a reliable and stable source of an elite army corps. In order to break their traditional tribal allegiances and feuds, the Ikhwān were settled in colonies known as hijrahs. These settlements, established around desert oases to promote agricultural reclamation of the land, further forced the Bedouin to abandon their nomadic way of life. The hijrahs, whose populations ranged from 10 to 10,000, offered tribesmen living quarters, mosques, schools, agricultural equipment and instruction, and arms and ammunition.
Most important, religious teachers were brought in to instruct the Bedouin in the fundamentalist precepts of Islām taught by the religious reformer Ibn Abd al-Wahhāb in the 19th century. As a result the Ikhwān became archtraditionalists.
By 1918 they were ready to enter Ibn Saūd’s elite army.
So the Ikhwan was a movement of Bedouins turned into desert warriors to spread Salafism, yet they soon found themselves betrayed by Ibn Sa'ud, who preferred political expediency to a complete affirmation of these doctrines. Successive Sa'udi rulers have often promoted the Salafis whenever their objectives were being served, but this was often little more than lip-service.
Ibn Saud took control of the Brotherhood and in 1916 ordered all his Bedouin tribes to emulate Artawiyah. They were given instructions in Wahhabism with Ibn Saud as their king and Imam. The Ikhwan became a fanatical fighting machine and on the 25th May 1919 had a fearsome triumph over the much superior Hashemite force at Turaba, sixty miles from Mecca. Even Ibn Saud feared for the lives of the Meccans and had to disband the Ikhwan.
1924, a band of three thousand Ikhwan looted and burnt the
town of Taif, killing 300 three
hundred townsfolk. Not having seen mirrors before, they smashed all
that they could find.
After the massacre
at Taif, Ibn Saud forbade
further looting and murder and by 1926, Jeddah, Mecca,
Medina and indeed most of Arabia fell, comparatively bloodlessly,
into Saudi hands.
Ibn Saud no longer needed the Ikhwan.
The crunch came when the Brotherhood attacked the Egyptian hajji of 1926. Accompanying them was a noisy brass band which offended the puritanical sensitivities of the Ikhwan. Ibn Saud's response was to clear them out of the Holy Places back to their desert settlements of which there were about one hundred by now.

The Ikhwan were not pleased with what Ibn Saud.
In January 1927 Ibn Saud had to confer with three thousand odd Ikhwan with the ulama as adjudicators. The Ikhwan, still determined on jihad, raided across Saudi borders butchering men, women and children and herding back their animals. Transjordan and Iraq formed defence corps backed by British armored cars, radios and aeroplanes. Unable to raid outside of Saudi Arabia, the fighting turned inwards against other Wahhabis. Their moral strength dissipated and Ibn Saud with an army of loyalists met the rebel Ikhwan near Zilfi...
The final split within Salafism
occurred with the introduction of American troops into Saudi Arabia, and specifically the lands of the Haramayn.
Quote: Islamic Thinkers Society
“Rabee al-Madkhali The most infamous Talafi existent to date. A newly formed deviated sect who claim to follow the path of the salaf came through him. He is known for the science of "Jarh & Tabdee". He is also known as the one who is the thorn that pricks on the throats of ahlul bida'ah. So why avoid him?...
position is quite clear: Be harsh on Muslims who commit bida'ah but
be gentle on the kuffar.
This is shown through
his actions. He is infamously known for making indirect takfir
on Syed Qutb¹...
Here is an excerpt taken from an article from another website:
¹Sh. Rabi Al-Madkhali who said during Shawwal 1416 during the 2nd Spring Camp in Kuwait:
"The Ikhwan al-Muslimin are more harmful to Islam than the clear kuffaar as the Muslims are not deceived by the kuffaar; but they are deceived by these astray mubtadi'een. [The Muslims] are deceived by them and fall into bid'a and various errors (dalaalat) because of them."
"The Ikhwan al-Muslimin and the Qutbis and those who orbit in their circles have invaded (i.e., perhaps he means infiltrated) [those] Salafi jama'aat which have destroyed the world ... The Ikhwan al-Muslimin don the garments of the truth but they are the furthest of people from it. They are the furthest away from the truth and Islam."
When asked if the Ikhwan and Jamaat at-Tabligh are among the 72 sects destined for Hell, he replies "Yes."
"Tabligh fight tawhid and the adherents of tawhid; the Ikhwan fight tawhid and the adherents of tawhid. They fight the Salafi minhaj and they fight its upholders; they are people of bid'a and dalaal."
"Whoever defends these jama'aat and says in them there is good and that they have positive aspects, this individual sets people astray and calls to dalaalah."
Regarding Sayyid Qutb, he says: "He did not leave a bid'a but adopted it nor a fundamental of Islam but destroyed it." (Al-Madkhali has written four books against Sayyid Qutb accusing him of kufr on more than ten counts.
When Sh. Bakr Abu Zayd wrote a four page letter to al-Madkhali after reading the manuscript of the first book, advising him to drop the project, al-Madkhali came back with a book refuting Sh. Bakr and accusing him of being soft with the people of bida, etc.)
And finally (and this not all), observe his extremism. When asked regarding the permissibility of executing the members of Jama'at at-tabligh, al-Madkhali responds:
"I possess the fatawaa and the deeds of the scholars to prove such. Didn't they execute Ja'd ibn Dirham. He was better than the Ikhwan, better than Sayyid Qutb a thousand times."
This is why Madkhali and his teachings should be avoided.” [End of Quote]
The current split between the Madakhila and Sahwis occurred after Salman Al-Awdah and Safar Al-Hawali - both of whom have currently expressed modernist opinions - attacked this decision of the Saudi regime and were imprisoned.
"The method is to redefine the term 'revivalism'.
Now we are told the modernists, isolated if not condemned, are Al-Afghani, 'Abduh and Reda. We are told that their experiment was confined or failed....Those who came later are now neo-traditionalist movements which arrived in the form of the wahhabis, the Ikhwan al-Muslimin and Jamaat al-Islamiya, with no relation or little relation to the modernists. The neo-traditionalists are the new revival of Islam, they are the revivalists. A deliberate attempt to break their connection with the fathers of modernism and their followers has thus been formulated. This, however, cannot be sustained. The evidence of the relationship is huge" (The Esoteric Deviation in Islam, 2003, p. 524).z
Ibn 'Uthaymeen on the Madkhali Salafis: Here

“Aboo Zubair Saleem Begg Still Belittling the Creed of Imaam al-Albaanee!”
still belittling the Creed of Imaam al-Albaanee!”

Wahabi vs Wahabi
Quote ,Salafi Mad-a-kill's: “As we have alluded to in other threads, Abu Zubair Saleem Beg is amongst the most extreme of the Qutbis in the West and he runs a forum which is a playground for the Takfiris. He had strong attachments to Ali at-Timimi, who was one of main promulgators of the doctrines of al-Ikhwan al-Muslimoon in the West in the latter half of the 1990s. From the greatest of signs of the extremist Qutbiyyah of Saleem Beg is that he is prepared to lie outright for the sake of 20th century non-Scholar ignoramuses who brought the manifesto of Vladimir Lenin to the Ummah in the guise of establishing "social justice", as we have documented elsewhere.”
Salafi student vs Salafi student
May Allah save us from this Wahhabi/Salafi fitnah!
Salafi Graduates "Students of KNOWLEDGE" in Madinah University who are slapping each other in the face next to the Prophet's SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam's grave.
Abdul Wali, is from Philly (USA)
USA Salafis vs. UK Salafis!
Allah i'ma F*ck you up, By Abdul Wali graduate of the faculty of
As expected the video had been taken down!
Oops! Too late… it’s not going anywhere for those interested:
Original: Video/Audio was removed from YouTube...
we have another Link here:
"Clarification from Abdul-Wali Nelson Concerning the Secretly Recorded Conversation"
"Recorded Secretly" ?
The Audio "recorder" was telling him that he was recording the conversation?
In the first 3 minutes of the salafi conversation..!!!
Ismeal “Ahki, Just to let you know everything you just said is just been recorded…
Abdul Wali: "What ever!
Ismael: "I am going to take this to sh.muhammed tomorrow!"
And the “conversation” continues for another 30 minutes
---Just in-case they forgot:
The Year is 1442/2021

What Really Happened ?

Belief of Hanbalis / Atharis (past) vs "Salafis"
Table of Contents
Belief of Early Hanabila
Hanbali position regarding the Divine
'Uluw, Istiwa` and Nuzul