What Is A Madhab?
Episode 1: Why teach Islamic law with a Madhab? This video answers questions regarding what is a madhab and why they exist in the first place.---
3 REASONS WHY We Have Madhabs
Episode 2: Why do we need Madhabs? This video answers questions regarding the 3 reasons why we need them.---
Did the the Salaf have Madhabs?
Episode 3: Difference of opinion amongst the Sahaba - This video answers questions regarding the 3 reasons why we need them.---
Hanafi • Maliki • Shafii • Hanbali
Episode 4: Why 4 Madhabs & the differences between them - This video answers questions regarding why their are only 4 Madhabs and what differentiates between them.
Which Madhab Should I Follow?
Episode 5: Which Madhab Should I Follow? - This video answers questions regarding how to choose which one to follow and common counter arguments to following one.---
Starting New Madhabs?
Episode 6: Can I start a new Madhab? - This video answers questions regarding what is required to start one.---
Methods of Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik
Episode 7: "If the Hadith is sound, that is my Madhab?" - Did Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik really say this?---