The Crisis of ISIS:
A Prophetic Prediction
| Sermon by Hamza Yusuf
Refuting ISIS: A Rebuttal Of Its Religious And Ideological Foundations
Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) constitutes the most serious threat
Islam has ever faced. To justify its horrible crimes and appeal to Muslims
around the world, ISIS has based its ideology on a superficial and literalist
approach to the Sacred Texts of Islam - the Holy Qur'an and the Prophetic
Tradition. ISIS manipulates religion to brainwash angry young Muslims, who have
little knowledge of Islamic theology and jurisprudence. Therefore, the Muslim
scholars are obliged to respond with a counter-narrative that elucidates the
reality of Islam and its commitment to tolerance. There exists a plethora of
proofs that demonstrates ISIS’ actions do not represent Sunni Islam and its
claims are based on clear fallacies. The author, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi, a
renowned scholar and one of the 500 most influential Muslims in the world
today, presents in this invaluable book a thorough refutation of ISIS’ beliefs
and crimes. Providing authentic quotes that destroy the allegations of ISIS,
Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi reaches the conclusion that this group does not represent
Islam, its declaration of a caliphate is invalid, and fighting it is an
obligation upon Muslims.
Refuting ISIS – Further rebutting ISIS and its ideological foundations
second edition of the book comes after the heinous attacks that ISIS
perpetrated in Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, France, the USA and Indonesia.
attacks, which must be condemned by Muslim scholars and preachers around the
world, are another testimony that, by killing women, children, and civilians,
ISIS betrayed Islam, betrayed the Holy Quran, and betrayed the teachings of
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
subjects are also tackled, such as the invalidity of excommunicating Muslim rulers
for not applying certain aspects of Shari’ah, Islam’s position towards
democracy, and the prohibition of destroying pre-Islamic monuments and sacred
sites. Several other topics benefitted from more rigorous proofs, especially
the section confirming that ISIS criminals have left the fold of Islam and are
no longer Muslims.
Shabir Ally discusses this book!
tries to justify its horrible crimes by appealing to Islamic teachings.
Many community leaders across North America
have condemned the acts of ISIS. But what about the perspective of those beyond
the western world – what do they have to say?
Muhammad al-Yaqoubi, a scholar from Damascus,
has written a new book called Refuting Isis.
al-Habib Ali al-Jifri explaining succinctly the root causes of many
tribulations in the world today.
carefully breaks down the ideological fallacies of many groups like ISIS and
how they are incorrect in declaring 'Shirk' (Idolatry or Polytheism) onto those
that differ with them.
Ali al-Jifri says:
is a huge difference between one who does something forbidden and one who
commits shirk.
removes one from the religion. How did this bloodshed today start?
the attribution of shirk to Muslims has resulted in great calamities such that
there is unjust spilling of blood today.
began with the generations who were brought up to view accusations of shirk and
disbelief as a light matter.'
reported: On the morning of Aqabah the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings
be upon him, said while upon his camel, “Pick up some pebbles for me.” So I
picked up seven pebbles about the size of a pea. He began to toss them in his
hand, saying, “Throw something like these.” Then he said, “O people, beware of exaggeration
in religion for
those who came before you were only destroyed because of exaggeration in religion.”[Sunan ibn Majah, 3029]
Extracts from
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani's
"200 Years of New Kharijism and the Ongoing Revision of Islam",
introduction to Sayyid Yusuf al-Rifa`i's Advice to Our Brothers the Scholars of
Najd (Nasiha li Ikhwanina `Ulama' Najd - Complete) & Sayyid
Alawi ibn Ahmad al-Haddad's Refutation of the Innovator from Najd (Misbah
al-Anam fi Radd Shubah al-Najdi al-Bid`i al-Lati Adalla biha al-`Awamm -
Introduction) lxxxvi p. + 393 p. Translation, notes, and appendices by GF
Haddad ©.
(Read the Full Text here)
May Allah
send blessings and greetings of peace on our Master Muhammad(s) the Seal of
Prophets, who said:
"Halaka al-mutanatti`ûn -
Extremists shall most certainly perish,"
repeating it three
times. [Sahih Muslim]
These two
phenomena: depraved
leadership and exclusionism, are therefore the mainstays of New Kharijism in our time. What clearer proof of this
than what took place in Makka on November 20, 1979, when hundreds of armed men seized the Mosque under
the 36-year old Juhayman ibn Muhammad ibn Sayf
al-`Utaybi and proclaimed him as the
new leader of the country. They held it for two weeks during which they
practiced worse than zinâ with the women they
held captive and those they had brought with them!
The New
York Times wrote, "There
were hundreds of casualties on both sides before Saudi forces were able to drag
out the last remnant of what by then was a bunch of
filthy, bedraggled young men."
Al-`Utaybi and sixty-three of the captured were later executed by public
beheading without any protest from anyone.
taught these wild young people their ways?
As Sayyid
Yusuf al-Rifa`i said,
addressing the followers of Ibn Baz: "Your teacher was [their]
The sect of
the Kharijis or Khawârij lived in the time of the Successors of the Companions.
They were a large group of several tens of thousands of Muslims comprising
mostly Qur'an memorizers and devoted worshippers who prayed and fasted above
the norm.
They declared the totality of the Companions of the Prophet(s) and
whoever of the Muslims were with them to be apostate disbelievers and took up
arms against them. Consequently, some of the Ulema of Ahl al-Sunna argued
that the Khawarij themselves had left Islam for
committing such acts.
Abu Mansur
al-Baghdadi said in the
beginning of his al-Farq Bayn al-Firaq (p. 11):
The Khawarij
are considered legally to belong to the Umma in certain rulings such as burial
in Muslim cemetaries, share in the spoils of war, praying in the masjids; and
they are outside the Umma in other rulings, such as not being prayed upon after
death, nor does one pray behind them in life,[2] their dhabîha is harâm not
halâl, their marriage with a Sunni woman is invalid, and a Sunni man is
forbidden from marrying one of their women if she adheres to their doctrines.
Ali ibn
Abi Talib(RA) said to
the Khawarij:
"Our responsibility towards you is threefold:
shall not initiate fighting with you;
will not prevent you from praying in the mosques of Allah in which His name is remembered;
do not prevent you from your share in the spoils (fay') as long as you fight
with us." And Allah
knows best.
The name
of Khawârij is applied to those who part ways
with the Muslims and declare them disbelievers, as took place in our time with the
followers of Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab who came
out of Najd and attacked the Two Noble
Sanctuaries. [Ibn `Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar `ala al-Durr al-Mukhtar (3:309),
Bab al-Bughat [Chapter on Rebels]
The Khawârij altered the interpretation of the Qur'an and Sunna, on the
strength of which they declared it lawful to kill and take the property of
Muslims as may now be seen in their modern counterparts, namely, a sect in the
Hijaz called Wahhabis.[ Al-Sawi, Hashiya `ala Tafsir al-Jalalayn
(v. 58:18-19) in the Cairo, 1939 al-Mashhad al-Husayni edition (3:307-8) repr.
Dar Ihya' al-Turath al-`Arabi in Beirut.]
The above
excerpts are nothing new.
categorization of the Wahhabis as Kharijis has been a
leitmotiv of Sunni heresiography for the past 200 years. Only
now, has it become politically incorrect among the Ulema.
Since the
fall of the Ottoman Caliphate in 1924,
the only manifestation of Kharijism to remain is
the declaring of Muslims apostate. The exercise of takfîr and tashrîk are
therefore the chief marks by which neo-Kharijis can be recognized in our time.
They are
those who address the Muslims with the shouts and libels of kâfir! mushrik! kufr!
bid`a! shirk! harâm! ("apostate,"
"polytheist," "unbelief," "innovation,"
"idolatry," "forbidden") without proof nor justification
other than their own vain lusts - and without solution other than exclusionism
and violence against anyone that disagrees with them.
So, to
perpetrate takfîr of the Muslims today makes one a Khariji, regardless whether one calls oneself Sunni,
"Salafi," Ash`ari, Shi`i, Sufi, or Ibadi.
Since all
sincere Muslims are "People Who Hold That Allah is Transcendent" (Ahl
al-Tanzîh) and are people who love their Prophet(s) , it follows that this third
principle - dismantlement of Sunni Schools - is by far the most harmful
tenet of New Kharijism in our time and its most
devastating achievement.
dismantlement has polluted pure belief with nagging doubts in our pious Muslim
Predecessors (al-Salaf
al-Sâlih) and a general arrogant rejection of Islamic authority resulting in
libeling whoever follows a madhhab a "blind
follower" (muqallid a`mâ), whoever
adheres to the Sunni Ash`ari creed a "Jahmi
nullifier of the Divine Attributes" (mu`attil), and whoever follows
a Sufi path, a "shaykh-worshipping
grave-lover" (turuqî qubûrî)!
despicable labels are all the more ironic in light of the fact that it is
usually those who apply them who are more aptly characterized by what they
pretend to blame.
Thus, they
accuse us of blind-following
but are themselves immersed up to their necks in the blind-following of
innovators such as al-Albani
who confessed not having
memorized the Book of Allah nor a single book of hadith;
Baz the mufti of
flip-flops, al-Jaza'iri
decided who goes to Paradise and who goes to Hell, and countless others of
those the Prophet(s) warned us about in the hadith of "the minor scoundrels"!
["Just before the Anti-Christ there will be years of great
deception in which people will disbelieve one who tells the truth and believe
the liar. They will distrust one who is trustworthy and trust one who is
treacherous. And the ruwaybida will speak."
They asked:
"What is the ruwaybida?" He said: "The
minor scoundrel (al-fuwaysiq) who will have his say in general affairs."
from Anas by Ahmad (21:24-25 #13298) and Abu Ya`la (6:379) in their Musnads,
the latter with a chain of trustworthy narrators according to Shaykh Husayn
Asad; and from Abu Hurayra by Ibn Majah and Ahmad with al-tâfih ("the
worthless man") and al-safîh ("the impudent fool") instead of
fuwaysiq. Both narrations are fair (hasan) according to Shaykh Shu`ayb
al-Arna'ut. Note that the term fuwaysiq also denotes the gecko, which the
Prophet(s) ordered to kill due to its harm.]
accuse us of worshipping Shaykhs
but they themselves enthrone as their "Shaykh
al-Islam" Ibn Taymiyya who believed, like Jahm ibn Safwan, that Hellfire
would come to an end - as revealed by his close student Ibn al-Qayyim [In
Hadi al-Arwah (p. 249 and 253).]
- in
absolute contradiction to the Imams of the Salaf!
Who, then,
is the real "Shaykh-worshipper"?
accuse us of Jahmism but follow the exact way of Jahmis
literally and step-by-step as described
by their own idol al-Barbahari in his Sharh Kitab al-Sunna in
that they "consider licit the use of the sword against the Community of
the Prophet ; contrave all those who came before them; investigate people with
matters the Prophet never said nor any of his Companions; try to close mosques,
humiliate Islam, and get rid of jihad; strive toward disunity; contradict the
narrations of the Prophet and the Companions; argue on the basis of abrogated
texts; use ambiguous texts as proofs; instill doubt in people over their
Religion; and argue concerning their Lord [i.e. His Attributes]!
in Sharh Kitab al-Sunna, as cited by Ibn Abi Ya`la in Tabaqat al-Hanabila
not only are they the Jahmis and not we, but also, as Sayyid Yusuf pointed out,
they are the Mu`tazila because they "concur
with them in denying sainthood and saints." [9]
Al-Qushayri defined the walî as "One whose obedience attains
permanence without interference of sin; whom Allah Most High preserves and
guards, in permanent fashion, from the failures of sin through the power of
acts of obedience."[10]
These are present in the Umma until the end of
time, as stated by the Prophet(s) in his mass-transmitted (mutawatir) narration
on the Victorious Group.
Yet the New Kharijis in our time deny that they can be known!
They also
accuse us of worshipping graves only because we insist on the Sunna of visiting the graves
just as our Prophet(s) insisted on it due to their reminder of the Hereafter.
It is an honor, therefore, to be taken to task for doing something which the
Prophet(s) loved to do and insisted upon.
Here we
wish to ask our critics a question:
When His Highness King Sa`ud ibn `Abd al-`Aziz intervened
with the Syrian government in the fifties to preserve
the tombs of Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Kathir from obliteration at the
time the University of Damascus was being built, why did no-one call
him a qubûrî grave-lover?
consequence of the dismantlement of the Sunni Schools is the execration of
fathers by sons as apostates (takfîr al-âbâ') and its hideous consequence on
the fabric of traditional societies.
tell the story of a young man
sent to study Shari`a at great expense by his Sunni Muslim parents.
Upon his
return a few years later he refused to eat a chicken slaughtered in his honor
by his father on the grounds that "my father is
a mushrik."
perverse trick or brain-washing is this, that turns a traditional Sunni Muslim sent by his pious
parents to the fountainhead of Islam and the abode of the Last Prophet (s) only for him to return as one who hates and despises his own
parents - the greatest sin after polytheism?
anything can be uglier than a Muslim son declaring his Muslim father apostate
after spending two or three years supposedly studying the Qur'an and the Sunna,
which are Light upon Light brought to humanity by the Mercy to the worlds !
Yet, uglier still
is the further consequence of violence at the societal level wreaked by
extremists on the Muslims of Syria, Egypt, Algeria, Afghanistan, Daghistan,
Chechnya, and within the Indian Subcontinent.
The perpetrators are the graduates of Wahhabi thinkers
such as the Egyptian ex-Socialist Sayyid Qutb, who considered that a Muslim is either a "revolutionist" (thawrî) or a disbeliever,[11] and went so far as to declare all
of the Islamic societies of his time apostate and fit to be overthrown before
turning to the annihilation of non-Muslim states:
"Islam is a force
that runs to give freedom to all people on the earth with no regard to the
variety of their religious beliefs. When this force meets with aberrant forces,
it is its duty to struggle and annihilate them."[12] In all this, no differences are tolerated for "Islam is
a whole: its separated parts should be united and the differences removed,"[13]
just like
the Kharijis of old.
Today his spiritual children - such as the followers of Taqi
al-Din al-Nabahani, who are outlawed
in most Muslim countries - tell us not to participate in government, not to sit
on jury duty, nor vote, nor sit on interfaith terms, nor recite remembrance of
Allah Most High in collective gatherings of dhikr, nor commemorate
the birthday of our Prophet - Allah bless and greet him - (mawlid)
nor recite poetry in his honor, nor wear turbans and revive the vestimentary
Sunna of the Prophet and the early Salaf, nor be
strong and thoughtful Muslims in the society, but to
stay alone in our corner and plan destruction and hatred of all that is other
than us.
Our answer
is that Dhikr of Allah is the most excellent act of His servants and is
stressed over a hundred times in the Holy Qur'an! It is the most praiseworthy work to earn
His pleasure, the most effective weapon to overcome the enemy, and the most
deserving of deeds in reward. It is the flag of Islam, the polish of hearts,
the essence of the science of faith, the immunization against hypocrisy, the
head of worship, and the key of all success. Nor are there any restrictions on
the modality, frequency, or timing of dhikr whatsoever. The restrictions on
modality pertain to certain specific obligatory acts which are not the issue
here, such as Salât. The Shari`a is clear and everyone knows what they have to
do! Indeed, the Prophet said that the People of Paradise will only regret one
thing: not having made enough dhikr in the world! Are not those who are making
up reasons to discourage others from making dhikr afraid of Allah in this
tremendous matter?
They want
to convince traditional, moderate Muslims that "celebrating Mawlid does
not earn you any reward in the Religion, you should mount fundraisers or media
action alerts."
But, as
one sensible respondant said,
Allah Most High has Himself promised to give us blessings for doing good works.
This could mean difficult things like being kind to one's enemies or those who
hurt you, a moderately easy thing like presenting a happy countenance to one's
spouse at all times, or even the simplest things like removing an obstacle from
the thoroughfare. In other words, all good deeds earn the doer blessings and
merits from Allah Most High.
Are you
now saying that making du`â for the added honor of the Prophet(s) , or
commemorating his noble deeds and magnificent character in order to firm the
hearts of the believers (as happens in most mawlid celebrations), ranks even
lower than any of the examples I gave above?
Glory to
my Lord Most High! May Allah grant this Community respite from such extreme and
narrow-minded folk.
(Edited by ADHM)
Abu Hanifah
(RA) said: ‘If it was not for Ali (RA) we would not know the Khawārij [truth about them and how to deal with
وكان إبن عمر رضي الله عنهما يَراهم شِرارخلق الله، وقال: “إنطلقوا إلى آيات
نزلت في الكفار فجعلوها على المؤمنين
(RA) would call the “Khawarij” as the evilest of
the creatures of Allah سبحانه وتعالى and he said that “they studied the ayaat that Allah revealed
regarding the disbelievers and they applied them
on the believer”
عن علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه، أنه قال: سمعت رسول الله صلّى الله عليه
وسلّم يقول: سيخرج قوم في آخر الزمان، أحداث الأسنان سفهاء الأحلام، يقولون من خير
قول البريّة لا يجاوز إيمانهم حناجرهم، يمرقون من الدّين كما يمرق السّهم من الرّمية،
فأينما لقيتموهم فاقتلوهم فإن في قتلهم أجراً لمن قتلهم يوم القيامة
reports in his isnad from Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) that he said “I heard
the Prophet صلى
الله عليه وسلم say : There would arise at the end of the age a people who
would be young in age and immature in thought, but they would talk (in such a
manner) as if their words are the best among the creatures. They would recite
the Qur’an, but it would not go beyond their throats, and they would pass
through the religion as an arrow goes through the prey. So when you meet them,
kill them, for in their killing you would get a reward with Allah on the Day of
Volume 1, Book 2, Hadith Number 38:
Narated By Abu Huraira : The Holy Prophet said, "Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshipping in the mornings, the nights."
The Holy Prophet (Allah bless him) stated, “Beware of excessiveness in religion for those before you only perished due to excessiveness in religion.” [Ahmad, Musnad]
Volume 1, Book 2, Hadith Number 38:
Narated By Abu Huraira : The Holy Prophet said, "Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshipping in the mornings, the nights."
New Kharijism in our time
Radical Wahhabi
pseudo "Salafi" Extremist
Dogs of Hell
Dogs of Hell

^Pumi^Wahhabi Extremist who needs no introduction from- UK
Khawarij Dog
^Hyaenas Radicali Wahhabi Extremist -UK

^Final product of Wahhabi University of Madinah (Saudi Arabia)

^Horand von Grafrath aka Hektor Linksrhein
Ismail Ibrahim Patel (aka Harris Hammam)
Extremist Khawarij Dog of Hell living in UK.
^afghan hound ^ "do it your self" Extremist Khawarij Dog of Hell of IA Forum- UK

^Radical Wahhabi Extremist Canid with his Khawarij Top Dog Teachers
^Canis mesomelas^ Imran Ibn Mansur (Dawah Man) and his Extremist Khawarij Dogs of Hell Fan Boy Club-UK
Narrated /
Authority Of: Anas bin Malik
Messenger of Allah (s) said: 'At the end of time or among this nation (Ummah)
there will appear people who will recite the Qur'an but it will not go any
deeper than their collarbones or their throats. Their distinguishing feature
will be their shaved heads. If you see them, or meet them, then kill

^Xoloitzcuintli ^Immature Canid Radical Wahhabi Khawarij Extremist
Wahhabiyyah producers - End Product-
his solution^ use The "Atomic Bomb"
his solution^ use The "Atomic Bomb"
^Horn of Satan^
Narrated Authority Of: Ibn Abu Awfa
Messenger of Allah (s) said: 'The Khawarij are the dogs of Hell.'”
^Affenpinscher - Radical Wahhabi Khawarij Dog of Hell - UK
“There would
arise at the end of the age a people who would be young in age and immature in
thought, but they would talk (in such a manner) as if their words are the best
among the creatures.
They would
recite the Qur’an, but it would not go beyond their throats, and they would
pass through the religion as an arrow goes through the prey.”
Note : Don't you find it strange that UK is a 'safe haven' for these Khawarij Dogs
Note : Don't you find it strange that UK is a 'safe haven' for these Khawarij Dogs