Ibn Abdul Wahab Najdi's
Weak Hadith and Fabrications
Kitab Al-Tawhid
Wahhabi "Salafi's" are constantly criticising some of the ‘Ulema
of Ahl Al-Sunna for narrating weak ahadith in their books for the encouragement
of good character and the practice of good deeds.
Yet, we find their books of Islamic ‘Aqida
are filled with such weak narrations and even Fabrications!


1- ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi’s shocking interpretation of a weak /
fabricated Hadith included in his book whereby he attributes shirk to
Adam and Eve!

Kitab At-Tawhid, Chapter: 48:

Kitab At-Tawhid, Chapter: 48:
( "Allah , says: “It is He Who
created you from a single being and made from it its mate, in order that he
might dwell with her. When he united with her [in intercourse], she bore [i.e.
becomes pregnant with] a light burden and she continued to carry it. When she grew
heavy, they both prayed to Allah, their Lord: “If You give us a righteous
child, good in every respect, we vow we shall be of the grateful ones.” But
when He gave them a righteous child, they ascribed to others a share in that
which He had given them: But Allah is Exalted High above the partners they
ascribe to Him” (Qur’an 7:189-190 )
Allah , Most Glorified, Most High,
informs us in these verses that He created mankind from a single human being,
Adam (as ) and that He created from him a wife, Hawwa`, in order that they
might live together in peace and harmony and that He created in them the desire
for sexual intercourse and made it permissible to them, in order that they
might enjoy complete stability and repose and that their progeny might continue
to multiply. And when she became pregnant, they both called upon Allah , asking
Him to give them a healthy, strong, righteous child and swearing that if He did
so, they would be eternally be grateful to Him. But when Allah answered
their supplications and gave them that which they had requested, they named him
`Abdul Harith, thus ascribing others as partners with Allah ; and
Allah is far above that which they attributed to Him." )
(Please note is not advisable to rely on the English
translations – for
the Arabic version click HERE)
وجاء في الكتاب الأصلي :
قول الله تعالى: ( فلما آتاهما صالحاً جعلا له شركاء فيما آتاهما ) (114) الآية.
قال ابن حزم: اتفقوا على تحريم كل اسم معبَّد لغير الله؛ كعبد عمر، وعبد الكعبة، وما أشبه ذلك، حاشا عبد المطلب.
وعن ابن عباس رضي الله عنه في الآية قال: لما تغشـاها آدم حمـلت، فأتاهما إبليس فقال: إني صاحبكما الذي أخرجتكما من الجنة لتطيعاني أو لأجعلن له قرني أيل، فيخرج من بطنك فيشقه، ولأفعلن ولأفعلن ـ يخوفهما ـ سِّمياه عبد الحارث، فأبيا أن يطيعاه، فخرج ميتاً، ثم حملت، فأتاهما، فقال مثل قوله، فأبيا أن يطيعاه، فخرج ميتاً، ثم حملت، فأتاهما، فذكر لهما فأدركهما حب الولد، فسمياه عبد الحارث فذلك قوله تعالى: ( جعلا له شركاء فيما آتاهما ) (115) رواه ابن أبي حاتم.
وله بسند صحيح عن قتادة قال: شركاء في طاعته، ولم يكن في عبادته. وله بسند صحيح عن مجاهد في قوله: ( لئن آتيتنا صالحاً ) (116) قال: أشفقا ألا يكون إنساناً، وذكر معناه عن الحسن وسعيد وغيرهما.
قول الله تعالى: ( فلما آتاهما صالحاً جعلا له شركاء فيما آتاهما ) (114) الآية.
قال ابن حزم: اتفقوا على تحريم كل اسم معبَّد لغير الله؛ كعبد عمر، وعبد الكعبة، وما أشبه ذلك، حاشا عبد المطلب.
وعن ابن عباس رضي الله عنه في الآية قال: لما تغشـاها آدم حمـلت، فأتاهما إبليس فقال: إني صاحبكما الذي أخرجتكما من الجنة لتطيعاني أو لأجعلن له قرني أيل، فيخرج من بطنك فيشقه، ولأفعلن ولأفعلن ـ يخوفهما ـ سِّمياه عبد الحارث، فأبيا أن يطيعاه، فخرج ميتاً، ثم حملت، فأتاهما، فقال مثل قوله، فأبيا أن يطيعاه، فخرج ميتاً، ثم حملت، فأتاهما، فذكر لهما فأدركهما حب الولد، فسمياه عبد الحارث فذلك قوله تعالى: ( جعلا له شركاء فيما آتاهما ) (115) رواه ابن أبي حاتم.
وله بسند صحيح عن قتادة قال: شركاء في طاعته، ولم يكن في عبادته. وله بسند صحيح عن مجاهد في قوله: ( لئن آتيتنا صالحاً ) (116) قال: أشفقا ألا يكون إنساناً، وذكر معناه عن الحسن وسعيد وغيرهما.
This narration about Adam and Eve is a weak narration, and many Huffaz have stated that this
story is, in fact, a fabrication.
For example:
– Imam Ibn Kathir said in
his tafsir (Arabic version 2/287) :
“These narrations were obtained / received from the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) “.
(هذه الآثار متلقاة عن أهل الكتاب)
“These narrations were obtained / received from the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) “.
(هذه الآثار متلقاة عن أهل الكتاب)
– Ibn Hazm said in Al-Fisal :
“the story that is attributed to Adam which states that when
Allah answered his supplications and gave him that which he had requested and
he named his son “Abdul Harith”, this story is a superstitious fabricated lie
and does not have a correct sanad. The verse was revealed for the Mushriks and
taken upon its apparent meaning”.
(وهذا الذي نسبوه إلى آدم من أنه سمى ابنه عبد الحارث خرافة موضوعة مكذوبة… ولم يصح سندها قط، وإنما نزلت الآية في المشركين على ظاهرها)
(وهذا الذي نسبوه إلى آدم من أنه سمى ابنه عبد الحارث خرافة موضوعة مكذوبة… ولم يصح سندها قط، وإنما نزلت الآية في المشركين على ظاهرها)
– Imam Al Qurtubi said (سورة الأعراف -آية190) :
“this story cannot be relied upon by those with a heart”
“this story cannot be relied upon by those with a heart”
(لا يعوِّل عليها من
كان له قلب)
And finally,Wahhabiyyah "Salafis" themselves have admitted that the narration is Fabricated according to their Sheikh Al-Uthaimin:
Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen said: And this story is false from number of angles:
1] That there is no authentic narration concerning that from
Prophet Muhammed [sallallahu alaihi wasallam] – and it is from the kind of
information that cannot be obtained except by revelation and Ibn Hazm said
concerning this story, “Indeed it
is a report that is superstitious lie.”
2] If this story was concerning Adam and Eve, then they either
made repentance from the Shirk or died upon it, so whoever makes it permissible
to hold that a single one of the Prophets died upon shirk than that is
something severely wrong. And if they
repented from Shirk, then it does not befit the wisdom, justice and mercy of
Allah, that He mentions their mistakes and not their repentance from it.
When Allah, the Most High, mentions the mistakes of some of the Prophets and
Messengers, He mentions their repentance from it, as in the story of Adam and
his wife, when he ate from the tree and they repented from it.
3] That the
Prophets are protected from shirk by the agreement of Scholars.
4] That it is confirmed in the hadith of intercession, that the
people will come to Adam and seek intercession from him, then he will excuse
himself, due to eating from the tree and that is a sin, and if shirk had occurred from him, it would
have been stronger excuse.
5] That in this story it is mentioned that Shaytan came to them
and said: ‘I am your companion who got you out of paradise’, so if he said that, they would have known
with certainty that he was an enemy to them and would not accept anything from
6] That in this story is his saying: ‘I will cause it to have
horns that will puncture her belly….’, if he
believed that it is possible he could actually do that, then this is shirk in
Lordship because none but Allah is able to do that. And if he
didn’t believe it was possible, then it is not possible to accept his saying.
7] The saying of Allah, the Most High: ‘Exalted be Allah above
what they associate with Him’ [7:190] The pronoun is plural and if it was
concerning Adam and Eve, it would have been in the dual form… But what is
correct is that Al-Hasan [rahimahullah] said:
‘Indeed those intended in this verse are not
Adam and Eve’, and what is meant is the polytheists from the
children of Adam (descendants), as was mentioned by Ibn Kathir in his tafisr. [See Al Qawl al Mufeed,
Source: salafimanahj.com
Leaving aside the shocking interpretation of the
fabricated hadith by ibn Abdul Wahab Najdi (which really has no excuse) one is left perplexed as
to why ‘salafis’ protest the inclusion of weak hadith in books encouraging good
behaviour when their own aqida books contain such narrations by their own
Some Examples of Hadith Graded Weak
by Sheikh Al-Albani
Found in Salafi Aqida Gospel - Kitab Al-Tawhid
The Prophet’s Prayer
Described of ‘Shaykh’ al-Albani,
” … this is because I hold that the
authentic ahadith are sufficient, leaving no need for anything
weak, for the latter does not amount to anything except dhann (conjecture,
suspicion), and incorrect conjecture at that; as the Exalted says, ‘ … and
conjecture is of no use against the truth.’ “
We can see from these condition the following; The first
principle lays out the obligation to make known the weak ahadith from
the authentic, even in fada’il al-a’mal. Something which many people who
follow this opinion do not do, not only that but many of the scholars who
follow this opinion today are not even capable of discerning whether
the hadith they are quoting contains the types of weaknesses
indicated above! Source: Sunnahonline.com
Forget fada’il al-a’mal, what follows are some examples of
Hadith considered weak by ‘Shaykh’ Al-Albani found
in the Salafi ‘Aqida Text of Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi's –Kitab Al-Tawhid:
1. He cites in Chapter 1: The Virtue of At-Tawhid and what
Sins it Expiates
Abu Sa’eed AI-Khudri narrated that Allah’s Messenger said,
“Musa (Moses) said: ‘O my Lord,
teach me something by which I can remember You and supplicate to You…..”
Al-Albani listed it as Da’eef (weak) in Al-Targhib wa’l
Tarhib (923).
2. He cites in Chapter 5 (English Version E.V.):
The hadith of Imran Ibn Husain (ra), that Allah’s
Messenger saw a man with a brass ring in his hand, and he asked him:
“What is this?” He replied: “It is for protection from al-waahinah.” The Prophet answered:
“Remove it at once, for verily, it will not increase you except in weakness, and were you to die whilst wearing it, you would never be successful.”
“Remove it at once, for verily, it will not increase you except in weakness, and were you to die whilst wearing it, you would never be successful.”
Al-Albani listed it as Da’eef (weak) in Al-Targhib wa’l
Tarhib (2015).
3. He cited in ( Chapter 19- E.V.) :
The hadeeth of Ibn `Abbas (ra) that he said: “Allah’s
Messenger said:
“Cursed those women who visit the graves and those who take them as places of worship and hang lights around them.”
“Cursed those women who visit the graves and those who take them as places of worship and hang lights around them.”
Al-Albani lists it as Da’eef (weak) in Al-Jamee’ (4691)
4. He cited in (Chapter 23- E.V.) :
The hadeeth of Qutun Ibn Qabeesah informed us from his
father that he heard the Prophet say: “Verily,
al-‘iyaafah, at-tarq and at-tiyarah are all acts of sorcery.
Al-Albani lists it as Da’eef (weak) in Al-Targhib wa’l
Tarhib (1794).
5. He listed in (Chapter 23- E.V.) :
The hadeeth of Abu Hurairah (ra) where he said:
“Whoever tied a knot and blew on it
has committed an act of sorcery, and whoever commits an act of sorcery has
committed an act of Shirk, and whoever wore an amulet will be left to its
Al-Albani lists it as Da’eef (weak) in Al-Targhib wa’l
Tarhib (1788).
6. He listed in ( Chapter 26- E.V.) :
The hadeeth of `Uqbah Ibn `Amir (ra), that he said:
“At-tiyarah was mentioned before the Messenger of Allah and he said:
“The best form of it is al-f`al, for it does not
prevent a Muslim (from achieving his objective). Whenever any of you sees
something he dislikes, he should say: “Oh, Allah ! None but You Brings good
things. None but You can prevent evil things. There is no power and no strength
except in You.”
Al-Albani lists it as Da’if (weak) Sunan Abu
Dawud (843).
7. He listed in ( Chapter 30- E.V.) :
The hadeeth of Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri (ra), in a marfoo’ form
that he said: “It is from a lack of certainty (of
faith) that a person pleases people and by so doing, invokes Allah’s Anger, and
that he praises them for the livelihood which Allah has given him and that he
blames them for the things not bestowed by Allah . Not even the avarice of the
greediest of people can bring Allah’s Blessings, nor can the aversion of the
one who hates it prevent it.”
Al-Albani put it in his Silsila Da’ifa (1482) and
said : “It is mawdu'” (fabricated).
8. He listed in ( Chapter 62- E.V.) :
The hadeeth of Jubair Ibn Mut’im (ra) that he said: “A
bedouin Arab came to the Prophet and said: “Oh,
Messenger of Allah! The people are enfeebled, families are starving and wealth
has perished, so ask your Rabb to send us some rain and we will seek Allah’s
intercession upon you and yours upon Allah.”
The Prophet said: “Subhaan
Allaah! Subhaan Allaah!” 1 He continued to do so until the effect of it was
apparent in the faces of his Companions. Then he said: “Woe to you! Do you not
know Who Allah is? Allah’s Sublimity is far greater than that! There is no
intercession of Allah upon anyone.”
Al-Albani said about this hadith: “It is weak”, in
: Takhrij Al-Meshkat (5727)
(Edited by ADHM)