We understand from the verse اِیَّاکَ نَعْبُدُ وَ اِیَّاکَ نَسْتَعِیۡنُ You alone we worship and from You alone we seek help (and may we always). Which is found in Surah Fateha, that the True Helper is Allah Ta'ala. But it is Allah Ta’ala who has appointed helpers from within His servants to assist the creation with His permission. -----------------------------------------------
Shaykh Abdul Haqq Muhadith Dhelvi (rah) (d.1642CE) said:
“I wish my intellect was owned by people who reject beseeching for help from Awliya, so what do they understand from it?
What we understand is that the one making dua is dependent upon Allah, and he makes dua to Allah, asks Him for his need and presents the Wasila of Allah’s friend, he says: O Allah, the blessings which you have bestowed upon this friend of yours, please grant me something through his intercession, as you are the best of givers, "THE SECOND CASE IS THAT ONE CALLS OUT (NIDA) THE WALI AND ADDRESSES HIM DIRECTLY" saying: "O Slave of Allah, O Allah’s friend, do my Shaf’aat and make this dua to Allah that He grants me my need" Hence the one who grants and the one who fulfills the need (in both cases) is “ONLY ALLAH” , the man in-between is just an intercessor, whereas the Qadir (who has power), Fa’il (doer), one who brings about change is only Allah" [Sharh al Mishqat, Ash’atul Lamaat, Volume No. 3, Page No. 401]
Wali-Allāh Delhwi(ra)(d.1762CE),
records a method for achieving and fulfilling one’s wishes in his
book: Al-Intibah fi al salāsil al-Awliya. He
states: بعد ازاں یک صدو یازدہ بار درود و بعدازاں یک صدو یازدہ بار کلمہ تمجید ویک صدو یازدہ بارشیئاً ﷲ یا شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانی “One should first perform two Rakats of Nafil Salāh. After completion, he
should recite the following : " 111 times
Darood Sharif (Salawāt), 111 times
Kalima Tamjid and 111 times ‘Shay’an-Lillāh,
Ya Shaykh Abd al-Qādir
fi al salāsil al-Awliya Allah]
Shah Abdul
Azeez Muhaddith Delhwi (ra) (d.1823CE)
explains the *Tafseer of the verse: "Iy'ya
ka Na'budu Wa Iy'ya Ka Nastaeen" by writing:
it should be understood that
to ask for assistance
from anyone other than Allah,
by putting full trust and not
thinking of it as a marvel of
Almighty Allah, is prohibited.
if the attention
is towards Allah and then to think of a person as the
splendour of Almighty Allah and by keeping the means and
wisdom of Almighty Allah before you, if
one asks from anyone other than Allah, then this is
not far from the Wisdom of Almighty Allah. This action is
permissible and
allowed in Shari’ah. To ask for help in this way is
not really asking from
someone but Allah, but in reality it is to ask from
Allah." * [Tafseer-e-Azeezi]
long as a person bears this fact in mind that the True and Real
Helper is Allah Ta'ala and no matter whom he asks from, it
will be through the Mercy of Allah Ta'ala, then it is
permissible to ask from
such a person. This can never be
termed as Shirk.
---11 Times & 11 Steps Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A’zam Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qādir Jilāni (ra) (d.561CE/1164AH), states:
من استغاث بي في كر بة كشفت عنه و من نادى باسمي في شدة فرجت عنه و من توسل بي الى الله عز و جل في حاجته قضيت له و من صلى ركعتين يقرء في كل ركعة بعد الفاتحة سورة الاخلاص احدى عشرة مرة ثم يصلى على رسول الله صلى الله تعالى عليه و سلم بعد السلام و يسلم عليه ثم يخطوا الى جهة العراق احدى عشرة خطوة يذكر فيها اسمي و يذكر حاجتي فانها تقضي If a person in distress or hardships calls out to me, his hardship will be eradicated.
a person uses my name as a Wasila
(medium) when he
pleads to Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, his need will be fulfilled.
should perform two Rakats of Salāh and in every Rakat one
should recite the Sura Fateha eleven
times, and thereafter, Sura
Ikhlās eleven times.
completing the Salāh, one must recite the Durood and
Salām (Salawāt or Darood
Sharif) upon Sayyiduna
Rasoolullah SallAllahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam.
remembering me one
should take eleven steps
towards the direction
of Baghdad invoking
my name in
every step and also
one’s need and wish.
In this manner, (Allāh SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala willing), his
need and wish will be granted.
al Asrar, Mustafa al-Babi (Egypt), Page 102 - Zubdat al Asraar, Page
above method has been mentioned and prescribed by eminent scholars
such as,
Imām Abul Hasan Ali bin Jarir Lakh'mi Shat’noofi (ra) (d.713/1314), Imām ‘Abdullah bin Asad Yafa’i Makki (ra) (d.750/1349), Shaykh Mulla Ali Qāri Makki(ra) (d.1014/1606) author of Mirqāt Shar’h Mishkāt, Mawlana Abul-Maāli Muhammad Salmi al-Qadiri (ra)
Mawlana ‘Abd al-Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi (ra) (d.1052/1642).
of their thesis are,
al-Asrār, Khulāsa al Mafākhir, Nuzhat al-Khā’tir, Toh’fa-e-Qadiri yyah and Zubdat al-’thār, etc. Numerous other ‘Ulama and Awliya also promote it. One should also remember that the great ‘Ulama and Saints attribute extreme authenticity to the above. --- *Bahjat
ul-Israr' is probably the oldest dated book on
the manaqib (Excellences) and fada'il (virtues)
of al-Ghawth al-Adham; Sayyadina as-Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir
al-Jilani, [d.516h] Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu. Includes
many events, narrations and anecdotes from scholars
and mashaykh regarding the life of Sayyadina Ghawth
al-Adham, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu. It was written by a
prominent scholar Imam Abu' al-Hasan Shantufi
al-Shafi'i, [d.713h] rahmatullahi ta'ala 'alayhi, who
was an ardent admirer of Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, radi
Allahu ta'ala anhu. ---
Delight, Ghibta
al-Nazir Fi TarjumaBio Of Al-Shaykh Abd al-Qadir Jilani By Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani (d.852AH)
Abdul Qadir Jalani al-Hambali (ra) (d.561AH) is one of the
leading Ulama and greatest Awliya of Ummat al-Muhammadiyyah. His
Tariqah is the most widespread and the mother of most of the Sufi
Orders that came after it. He has vast knowledge, asceticism and
Muwaffaq Ibn Qudamah al-Hambali (ra)
(d.620AH) said: “I
have never heard anybody from whom many Karamat were narrated like
him (i.e. Shaykh Abdul Qadir) and I have never seen anybody more
respected than him.”
also said: “Shaykh Abdul Qadir was one of those who reached the
highest grade in knowledge, action, spiritual station and fatwa.
alone is able to suffice a student of knowledge.
has great knowledge, patient in his activities and actions.
has beautiful moral qualities and great stations that I have never
seen like him.”
[Ghibta al-Nazir, chapter:5, page,33 by Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (ra)
(d.852 AH)]
------------------------------------------------------ Imām ‘Allama Khayr al-Din Ramli (ra)(d.1671CE), the illustrious teacher of the scholar who has written the authentic book on Islāmic Jurisprudence, “Durre Mukhtār”, states in his Fatāwa Khayriyyah:
قَولَهُم يَا شَيخ عَبدَالقَادِر نِدَاءٌ فَمَا
المُوجِبُ الحُرمَةَ؟
People who proclaim, “Ya Shaykh ‘Abd al Qādir”, are merely
emulating a call. What, therefore, is the reason for it not to be permissible? [Fatawa Khairiyah, Dar al-Ma'arifah (Berut -
Lebanon), Vol 2, Page 182] -- Sayyidi Jamāl bin ‘Abdullah bin Umar Makki (ra), in his Fatāwa states:
سالت عمّن يقول في حال الشدائد يا رسول الله او يا شيخ
عبدالقادر مثلا هل هو جائز شرعاً ام لا؟ اُجِبْتُ نعم! الاستغاثة بالاولياء و
نداؤهم و التوسّل بهم امر مشروعٌ و شيئ مرغوبٌ الا ينكرهٌ الا مكابر و معاند و
قد حرّم بركة الاولياء الكرام
I was questioned about those people who in times of difficulty
proclaim “Ya Rasūlallah, Ya Ali, Ya Shaykh ‘Abd
al-Qādir,” and whether these proclamations were permissible in Islām. The great scholar replied: “Yes, these proclamations are permissible. To call to them is permissible including using their names as Wasila. This is allowed in the light of the Shari’ah. Such an act is desirable and approved. Only the stubborn and arrogant would oppose or question this reality. These individuals are certainly unfortunate and deprived of the Barkāt (blessing) of the Awliya Allāh”. [Fatawa Jamāl
bin ‘Abdullah bin Umar Makki] -------------------------------------------------
Drought in
Samarqand! Al-Hafiz Abu `Ali al-Ghassani relates in Ibn al-Subki's Tabaqat al-Shafi`iyya 2:234: Abu al-Fath Nasr ibn al-Hasan al-Sakani al-Samarqandi came to us in 464 and said: "We had a drought in Samarqand some years ago. The people made the istisqa' prayer but they did not get rain. A saintly man named al-Salah came to the judge and said to him: "I have an opinion I would like to show you. My opinion is that you come out followed by the people and that you all go to the grave of Imam Muhammad ibn Isma`il al-Bukhari and make istisqa' (prayer for rain) there. Perhaps Allah will give us rain." The judge said: "What a good opinion you have." He came out and the people followed him, and he prayed for rain in front of them at the grave while people wept and sought the intercession of the one that was in it. Allah sent such heavy rain that those who were in Khartenk (where this took place, 3 miles away from Samarqand) could not reach Samarqand for seven days because of the rain's abundance." -- Imam Dhahabi narrates: Once there was a drought in Samarqand, People tried their best, some said Salat al Istisqa but still it did not rain, A renowned righteous man knownas Salih came to the Qadhi and said: In my opinion you along with your public should visit the grave of Imam Bukhari (rah), His grave is located in Khartank, We should (go near the Grave/Qabr) and ask for rain, Allah might give us rain then, The Qadhi said Yes to his opinion and then he along with the people went towards (the Grave/Qabr) and then He made a dua along with the people and people started to cry near the grave and started to make him a Waseela (i.e. Imam Bukhari). Allah Ta’ala (immediately) sent rainclouds. All people stayed in Khartank for about 7 days, none of them wanted to go back to Samarqand although the distance between Samarqand and Khartank was only 3 miles [Siyar al A'lam wa al Nubalah, Volume:12, Page No. 469]
Bulqini also declares this
tradition “sound”
in his Fatawa.
slaves of Allah! Help me..."
Al-Tabarani said: “Ibrahim Ibn Naila al-Asbahani narrated to
us from al-Hasan Ibn `Umar Ibn Shaqiq from Ma`ruf Ibn Hasan al-Samarqandi from Sa’id Ibn Abi Aruba
from Qatada from Abdullah Ibn Burayda from `Abdullah Ibn Mas`ud that he said:
‘The Messenger of Allah (s) said: “When one loses his means of transport in a (deserted) land,
he should call: “O slaves of Allah! Help me recover (my transport)” for there
are many of Allah’s attendants on this earth. They will help you recover it” [al-Tabarani, mu`jam al-kabir (10/267)]
`Abdul Rahman Ibn Sharik who said his father related from Abu `Abdullah Ibn `Isa from
Yazid Ibn `Ali from `Utba Ibn Ghazwan from the Prophet (s) that he said: “When one of
you loses something or desires assistance while in a land where no person of
assistance (is available) he should say ‘O slaves of Allah! Assist me; help me,’
for indeed Allah has many slaves who we do not see.”
added: “and this has been acted upon”. [al-Tabarani, mu`jam al-kabir (17/117)]
Regarding what al-Bazzar transmitted: “Musa Ibn Ishaq
related to us from Manjab Ibn al-Harith, Hatim Ibn Isma’il related to us from
Usama Ibn Zayd from Aban Ibn Salih from Mujahid from Ibn `Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (s) said: “Indeed
Allah possesses Angels besides the Hafadha (the Angels of Protection) who write (of even) the
leaf which falls from a tree so when one of you suffers a limp in a deserted
land he should call, ‘Assist (me) O slaves of Allah’”” [al-Bazzar,
musnad (kashf al-astar 4/33-34)]
Al-Haythami said: “Al-Bazzar related it and its narrators
are reliable.”
Al-Hafidh (Ibn Hajar) said: “The chain is hasan and gharib
jiddan (very rare)”
[al-Haythami, al-majmu` al-zawa’id (10/132), Ibn Hajar, takhrij
al-adhkar (sharh ibn allan, 5/151)]
Read more: Here-----------------------
Aqidah of The Pious Predecessors How they Sought for Help! ---------- also don't forget to read:
(Edited by ADHM)
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Proclaiming Ya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
Proclaiming Ya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
Few amongst the masses use to object that to utter:
"Ya Shaykh Abd al Qadir Jilani" is Shirk because one is making partnership
with Allah Ta’ala (committing Shirk)
by asking for assistance from the creation of Allah Ta'ala.
They say that one
can only ask directly from Allah Ta’ala.
The Ahle Sunnah Wal
Jama'at believes that it is absolutely permissible to say:
"Ya Sheikh Abd al Qaadir Jilani"
asking for assistance from those servants of Allah Ta'ala whom He has appointed
as helpers of the Ummah.