Imam an-Nawawi (RA ) said:
Translation: (The pilgrim) should turn towards the face of the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and make him a means (tawassul) for the sake of himself and also seek his intercession (shafa'at) towards reaching God.
In this regard “THE BEST OF SAYINGS” is the Hikayat of Imam al-Marwadi (rah) and Qadhi Abu at-Tayb (rah) and “ALL MY OTHER ASHAAB (I.E. SHAWAFI) also narrate it by considering it HASAN/RECOMMENDED (مستحسنين له)” the narration of Utbi”
i.e. A Bedouin who visited the Prophet's grave and sat beside it said: Peace unto you O Messenger of Allah, I have heard Allah has said: Had they, when they had wronged themselves, come to you and asked Allah's forgiveness and the Apostle had asked forgiveness for them, they would certainly have found Allah Most-Propitious, Most-Merciful. (Holy Qur'an 4: 64).
Therefore, I have come to you for forgiveness of my sins and seeking your intercession with Allah
[Imam an-Nawawi in Al-Majmu', Volume No. 8, Page No. 274]
This beautiful explanation by Imam an-Nawawi (rh) proves without any shadow of doubt that great Muhaditheen (hadith masters) not only authenticated this very report but also considered the action as Mustahab (recommended).
We ask the Wahabis not to consider themselves superior to classical Hadith masters especially likes of Imam an-Nawawi (rah) who is unanimously agreed to be the best commentator of Sahih Muslim and a leading authority in Shafi'i school.
Plus many other legendary scholars whom they themselves revere very highly for example Hafidh Ibn Kathir and others (whom we shall cite in this article later on), they have also used it as conclusive proof. We shall not go in detail about Sanad of this report because when Muhaditheen authenticated it then even if Wahabiyyah find some so called D'af (weakness) today it will stand as null and void according to us Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamm'ah because the Muhaditheen knew the so called Da'f better than us but they did not deny it.
If still these people are stubborn as we know they always are then they should continue reading this article as we have established from overwhelming absolutely sahih hadiths the permissibility rather fairness of Tawassul.
Important Note: We have also noticed that Wahabi sect only revolves around Ibn Taymiyyah al-Mujasmi and his fanatic students like Ibn Abdul Hadi to refute the Ahlus Sunnah on this report (This proves that Wahabis do taqlid in Aqida whereas we rely on many many great scholars who proved this incident as recommended). Ibn Abdul Hadi actually revealed to the world that he along with his master used to cuss and bad-mouth the scholars frequently.
The very title of his book is pathetic and proves like bright sun that Imam as-Subki - Rahimuhullah - had destroyed Ibn Taymiyyah's ideology completely,
Abdul Hadi named the book as Sarim
al Munki fi radd ala Subki , he filled it with cusses and
pseudo rebuttals just in fanatic love of Ibn
Taymiyyah whereas on the other hand Ibn
Abdul Hadi even tried to
prove circulating around the
grave of Ibn Taymiyyah as an act of Angels -Naudhobillah !
(see: Al-Uqud Ad-Durriyyah, 1/434),
This proves that he loved his master more than Prophet Muhammad - صلى الله عليه وسلم - This is why Allah made Shifa us Siqaam by Imam as-Subki the best ever book written on topic of Tawasssul and Istighatha (seeking help) and there has been no match to it ever since!
The incident of the Bedouin has also been recorded by the following:
1. Bayhaqi
in Shu‘ab-ul-Imaan (Volume no: 3, Page no:495-496, Hadith
No#4178) Click
here for Scanned Page (130)
2. Ibn
Qudamah in al-Mughni- (Book : Kitab Al Hajj Chapter : Wa Yustahabbu
Ziyarat Qabr An NABI SAW Volume : 5 Page : 465) Click
here for Scanned Page (131)
3. Ibn
‘Asakir in Tahdhīb tarikh Dimashq al-kabir popularly known as
Tarikh/Tahdhib Ibn ‘Asakir as quoted by Imam as-Subki in
Shifa’-us-siqam fī ziyaat khayr-il-anam (pp.
4. Tafsir al-Bahr al-Muheet by Imam Abu Hayyan al-Andalusi (3/282, Dar al Fikr edition) or Book : Tafseer bahr Al Muheet Volume : 3 Page : 269 Under : Sorat An Nisa Ayat number 64 Click here for Scanned Page (132)
5. Imam al-Mutaqi al-Hindi in Kanz ul Amaal (1/714 #10422) or Book : Tafseer bahr Al Muheet Volume : 3 Page : 269 Under : Sorat An Nisa Ayat number 64 Click here for Scanned Page (133)
6. Imam al-Nawawi again in his al-Majmu' (8/202-203)
7. Ibn Hajar Haythami in al-Jawhar-ul-munazzam (p. 51).
And many others, plus none of these Imams called it shirk or Bidah.
Had there been a hint of shirk in such practice then they would have never ignored to refute it, let alone citing it in category of recommended deeds. Also you will be surprised to know that the poetry found in this narration of Utbi was even inscribed on the windows of Masjid al-Nabawi (The Prophet's Mosque - Peace and blessings be upon him).
Shaykh Sayyid Yusuf al-Rifai(ra)
Rebukes these Evil Cults by writing: "You take advantage, every year, of the opportunity of maintaining, polishing, and refurbishing the Prophetic Mosque in order to eliminate many of the emblems of Islam [still] found in the inner hall of the Mosque such as historical vestiges and praises of the Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him. You painted over many of the verses of al-Busayri's poem on the Prophetic Mantle (al-Budra), you have also tried to cover up the famous two verses-- inscribed on the windows of the Mosque- quoted in the Story of al-'Utbi as mentioned by Ibn Kathir in his Tasfir:
"O, the most exalted among the buried people,
who improved the worth of the plains and the hillocks!
May I sacrifice my life for this grave which is made radiant by you, (the Prophet),
the one who is (an embodiment) of mercy and forgiveness!"
If the custodian of the Two Sanctuaries- King Fahd - had not stopped you when the news reached him then ordered you to restore them as they were…!
But what is the reason for this disrespect and obstruction of your most noble Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him, the means of access between you and your Lord?
What has transpired between you and him? You seem to have forgotten His saying,
Those who vex the messenger of Allah, for them there is a painful doom [9:61]
Lo! Those who malign Allah and His messenger, Allah has cursed them in the world and the Hereafter, and has prepared for them the doom of the disdained. [33:57]
[Shaykh Sayyid Yusuf al-Rifai, Advice to the Ulama of the Najd, Chapter of Erasing Poetry in Praise of the Prophet]
This narration has been accepted for hundreds of years and was even inscribed by the Ahle Sunna Wa Jamaat on the windows of the Prophetic Mosque until the Evil Wahhabi Najdi cult took over it and have begun the destruction of all the heritage and any writings that go against their Evil Aqeedah!

This is a line from the poem recited by the Bedouin who visited the grave of the Noble Prophet (s) and sought forgiveness and the Prophet (s) came in the dream of Imam Utbi (ra) to inform him that the bedouin had been forgiven (Tafsir Ibn Kathir).
Who is Al-’Utbi ?
He is Muhammad ibn Ubaydullah ibn ‘Amru ibn Mu’awiyah ibn ‘Amru ibn Utbah ibn Abi Sufyan Sakhr ibn Harb. He was from the most eloquent of men, a companion of narrations, and a narrator of literature. He reported from his father and from Sufyan ibn ‘Uyaynah.
Taqiyud-Din As-Subki reports the narration that we are soon to go over in his Shifaa’ As-Siqaam regarding the visiting of the grave of the Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). He reports this narration with his chain. (See Futuhaat Ar-Rabbaaniyah 5/39 )
The narration of Al-’Utbi is probably not known to many English speaking Muslims.
The Ascetic, Defender of the Sunnah, Mountain of Knowledge, Known as the Second Imam Ash-Shafi’i, the Reviver of Islam in his time, The Mujaahid, The Hafidh of Hadith, Abu Zakariya Yahya ibn Sharaf, known best as “Imam An-Nawawi” recorded in his tome, Al-Adhkaar (الاذكار) the following story from Al-’Utbi:
“As I was sitting by the grave of the Prophet, a Bedouin Arab came and said: “Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah! I have heard Allah saying: “If they had only, when they were unjust to themselves, come unto thee and asked Allah’s forgiveness, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah indeed Oft-returning, Most Merciful” (4:64), so I have come to you asking forgiveness for my sin, seeking your intercession with my Lord.”
Then he began to recite poetry:
O best of those whose bones are buried in the deep earth,
And from whose fragrance the depth
and the height have become sweet,
May I be the ransom for a grave which thou inhabit,
And in which are found purity, bounty and munificence!
Then he left, and I slept and saw the Nabi (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) in my sleep. He said to me: “Yā `Utbi, run after the Bedouin and give him glad tidings that Allah has forgiven him.” [End Quote. To also read the online version click here.]
The scans are taken from the published print from Mu’asasah ‘Ulum Al-Qur’an (Beirut) and Dar Al-Qiblah Lil-Thiqafat Al-Islamiyyah, Jeddah pages 284-285, with the editing of Subay’ Hamzah Hakimi.
Imam An-Nawawi placed this narration below the chapter titled, “Chapter: Regarding Visiting the Grave of Rasulullah (‘alayhis salaam) and its Remembrances (adhkaar)”.
The publisher “Dar-Al-Huda” from Riyadh, Saudia Arabia changed “Grave” to “Masjid” so as to make it seem one is not to visit the Prophet(s) grave.
Furthermore, they intentionally changed the text and words of
Imam An-Nawawi when he said,
فصل” في زيارة قبر رسول الله (ص) وأذكارها : اعلم أنه ينبغي لكل من حج أن يتوجه إلى زيارة رسول الله (ص ) سواء كان ذلك طريقه أو لم يكن فإن زيارته (ص ) من أهم القربات وأربح المساعي وأفضل الطلبات
Dar-Al-Huda changed
these words to what is clear tahreef:
is simply one example of their distorting the Adhkar as was pointed
out by Shaykh Mahmud Sa’id Mamduh in his Rafa’
Let us talk further regarding the
narration of Al-Utbi.
groups will say that this
narration has no chain, and is
thus weak.
I have personally not found a chain for this narration, but for the student of knowledge, this is of no major concern. Hundreds, if not thousands, of scholars from all madh-habs have recorded this narration just as Imam An-Nawawi (radhiya Allahu Anhu) did. They used this narration as support that our righteous Muslim Sunni forefathers implemented this action of Al-’Utbi.
examples of great scholars other than Imam An-Nawawi were:
Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi in his magnum opus Al-Mughni, the great
Hanbali work.
He transcribed this narration beneath his chapter, “Chapter on Visiting the Grave of the Prophet.” Click here to see the quotation yourself.
Ibn Kathir in his Tafsir, in which he prefaces the narration with:
وَقَدْ ذَكَرَ جَمَاعَة مِنْهُمْ الشَّيْخ أَبُو مَنْصُور الصَّبَّاغ فِي كِتَابه الشَّامِل الْحِكَايَة الْمَشْهُورَة عَنْ الْعُتْبِيّ
a group [of scholars], amongst them Ash-Shaykh Abu Mansur As-Sabbaagh
in his treatise “Ash-Shaamil” mentioned the well known story from
here to read the tafsir yourself.
Al-Baaji reports
this narration in his Sunan As-Saaliheen.
Imam Ath-Tha’labi narrates it in his Tafsir, as well as others.
It is true that this narration is not a proof in itself. It is a supporting proof, and the ettiqutte displayed therein was used to teach the Muslim masses by the great jurists. This is the reason I have presented it for you all.
Utbi's poem as found in this narration is inscribed on the Tomb of Blessed Prophet(s)
ثم أنشأ يقول : يا خير من دفنت بالقاع أعظمه فطاب من طيبهن القاع والأكم نفسي الفداء لقبر أنت ساكنه فيه العفافوفيه الجود والكرم
"O best
of those whose bones are buried in the deep earth,"
يا خير من دفنت بالقاع أعظمه
from whose fragrance the depth and the height have become sweet,"
فطاب من طيبهن
القاع والأكم
"May I
be the ransom for a grave which thou inhabit,
نفسي الفداء لقبر أنت
"And in
which are found purity, bounty and munificence!"
فيه العفاف وفيه
الجود والكرم
*Shaykh Yusuf al-Rifa'i said:
22. Erasing Poetry in Praise of the Prophet, peace and greetings be upon
You take
advantage, every year, of the opportunity of maintaining, polishing, and
refurbishing the Prophetic Mosque in order to eliminate many of the emblems of
Islam [still] found in the inner hall of the Mosque such as historical vestiges
and praises of the Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him. You painted over
many of the verses of al-Busayri's poem on the Prophetic Mantle (al-Burda you
have also tried to cover up the famous two verses-- inscribed on the windows of
the Mosque- quoted in the Story of al-'Utbi as mentioned by Ibn Kathir in his
best of those whose bones are buried in the deep earth,
and from
whose fragrance the depth and height have become sweet!
May I be
the ransom for a grave in which you dwell,
where one
finds purity, bounty and munificence!
If the custodian of the Two
Sanctuaries- King Fahd - had not stopped you when the news reached him then
ordered you to restore them as they were…! But what is the reason for this disrespect
and obstruction of your most noble Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him,
the means of access between you and your Lord? What has transpired between you
and him? You seem to have forgotten His saying,
who vex the messenger of Allah, for them there is a painful doom" [9:61]
Those who malign Allah and His messenger, Allah has cursed them in the world
and the Hereafter, and has prepared for them the doom of the disdained"
23. Asking to Demolish The
Green Dome
allowed a man by the name of Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi'I- known through his books
and tapes for his propensity to insult and disparage those of the Ulema who
disagree with him, those who call unto Allah, and the pious of this Community
of Islam - to produce some research at the end of his studies at the Islamic
University of Madina titled "About the Dome Built over the Grave of the
Messenger, peace and greetings be upon him" sponsored by Shaykh Hammad
In this paper he demands openly and without shame that the Noble
Grave be brought out of the Mosque, deems the presence of the Grave and Noble
Dome there major innovation, and asks that they both be destroyed! On top of
this you granted him high marks na da passing grade!
Do you
honor those who challenge the Messenger of Islam, the Beloved of Allah, the
Mercy to the Universes and His Intimate Friend?
Then this man directed hundreds
of his followers, imitators, and their kind among those influenced by your
School, bearing arms, to destroy and unearth the graves of the pious Muslims in
Aden, Yemen, a few years ago . They roamed the land spreading corruption and ruin, digging up the graves of
the dead with picks and spades until they brought out the bones of some of the
dead and blind dissension. We heard they even used dynamite in some places! All
this is a part of the record of your deeds."
Imam Qurtubi (rah) on Tawassul:
روى أبو صادق عن علي قال : قدم علينا أعرابي بعدما دفنا رسول الله صلى الله
عليه وسلم بثلاثة أيام , فرمى بنفسه على قبر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وحثا
على رأسه من ترابه ; فقال : قلت يا رسول الله فسمعنا قولك , ووعيت عن الله فوعينا
عنك , وكان فيما أنزل الله عليك " ولو أنهم إذ ظلموا أنفسهم " الآية ,
وقد ظلمت نفسي وجئتك تستغفر لي . فنودي من القبر إنه قد غفر لك .
Its related from Abu Sadiq (ra) that Imam Ali (ra)
said: "Three days after burying the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) The Araabi
did come and did throw himself on the grave of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him),
he took the earth and threw it on his head. He said: "Ya Rasulallah!
(Peace Be Upon Him) You did speak and we did hear, you learned from Allah and
we did learn from you. Between those things which Allah did send you, is
following: (4:64) I am the one, which is a sinner and now I did came to
you, so that you may ask for me." After that a call from the grave did
came: "Theres no doubt, you are forgiven!" [Tafsir al-Qurtubi, al-Jami
li Ahkam al-Quran Volume 006, Page No. 439, Under the Verse, 4:64]
Quran states:
وَلَمَّا جَآءَهُمْ كِتَـبٌ مِّنْ
عِندِ اللَّهِ مُصَدِّقٌ لِّمَا مَعَهُمْ وَكَانُواْ مِن قَبْلُ يَسْتَفْتِحُونَ
عَلَى الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ فَلَمَّا جَآءَهُم مَّا عَرَفُواْ كَفَرُواْ بِهِ
فَلَعْنَةُ اللَّهِ عَلَى الْكَـفِرِينَ
Translation: And when
there comes to them a Book from Allah, confirming what is with them,- although
from of old they had prayed for victory against those without Faith,- when
there comes to them that which they (should) have recognised, they refuse to believe in it but the curse of Allah is on
those without Faith. (2:89)
Imam Qurtubi related the
tradition through Ibn ‘Abbas: The
Jews of Khaybar were often at war with the
Ghatafan (tribe). When they confronted each other (in battle) the Jews were
defeated. They attacked again, offering this prayer, “(O Lord,) we beg You through the mediation of the Unlettered Prophet
(Peace Be Upon Him) about whom You have promised us that you will send him to
us at the end of time. Please help us against them.”
Ibn ‘Abbas adds: whenever they
faced the enemy, they offered this prayer and defeated the Ghatafan (tribe).
But when the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was sent, they denied (him).
So Allah the Exalted revealed the
verse: “And before that they
themselves had (prayed) for victory (through the mediation of the last Prophet
Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and the Book revealed to him) over the
disbelievers,” that is,
through your mediation, O Muhammad. [Tafsir
Qurtubi, al-Jami li Ahkam al-Quran, Volume:2, Page No. 89-90, Under the Verse
2:89] Click here for Scanned Page (4)
It is related from Anas, "If there was a drought, 'Umar ibn al-Khattab
would askal-'Abbas ibn 'Abdu'l-Muttalib to do the rain prayer. He would say, 'O
Allah we would seek intercession with You by Your Prophet and we
would ask you for rain, now we seek intercession with You by the
uncle of our Prophet, so give us rain!'" He added, "And
they were given rain."
1) Sahih
Bukhari Book:Al istasqa Chapter: Suaal An Nas Al Imam Alistasqa iza Qahatu Page
: 245 Hadith number :1010 Click here for Scanned Page (157)
2) Sahih Bukhari
Book:Fadail e Ashaab An NABI SAW Chapter: Zikr Al Abbas Bin Abdul Muttalib R.A
Page :914 Hadith number : 3710 Click here for Scanned Page (157)
3) Imam
Ibn e Hibban, Sahi ibn e Hibban, Book : As Salah Chapter : Salat Al Istasqa
Volume :7 Page :110-111 Hadith number: 2861 Click here for
Scanned Page (158)
4) Imam
Tabrani Book : Mu'jam Al Ausath Volume : 3 Page : 49 Hadith number : 2437 Click
here for Scanned Page (159)
5) Ibn
e Khuzimah , Sahih Ibn e Khuzimah, Book: As Salah Chapter: Istihbaab Al istasqa
Bi Ba'd Qarabat An NABI (663) Volume: 2 page: 337-338 Hadith number
: 1421 Click here for Scanned Page (160)
6) Imam
Bayhaqi r.a, Sunan al Kubra, Volume : 3 Page : 491 Hadith number : 6427 Click
here for Scanned Page (161)
Sheikh ul Islam Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah)
explains the Tawassul hadith of Umar (RA) and Abbas (RA)[Above one] in his
great Fath al Bari as:
اللهم إنه لم ينزل بلاء إلا بذنب , ولم يكشف إلا بتوبة , وقد توجه القوم بي
إليك لمكاني من نبيك
Translation: "O Allah, truly no tribulation descends except because of
sins, nor is lifted except upon repentance. The people have turned to you by
Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah) also explains
in his great Fath al Bari:
إن رسول الله
صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يرى للعباس ما يرى الولد للوالد , فاقتدوا أيها الناس
برسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في عمه العباس واتخذوه وسيلة إلى الله
Translation: Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him) used to take Al-Abbas(RA) like a son
considers his father. O People You should also follow the Prophet (Peace Be
Upon Him) incase of Al-Abbas(RA) and make him an Intercessor to Allah.
Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah) explains in
the same passage that:
ويستفاد من قصة
العباس استحباب الاستشفاع بأهل الخير والصلاح وأهل بيت النبوة , وفيه فضل العباس
وفضل عمر لتواضعه للعباس ومعرفته بحقه
Translation: “From the story of 'Abbas it follows that seeking
intercession through the pious, the righteous and the Ahlul Bait (family of the
Prophet) is praiseworthy
Reference: Fathul Bari Sharah Sahi Bukhari, Page :
577 Under Hadith number :1010 of Sahi bukhari Click here for Scanned Page
Imam Subki r.a said under this hadith:
From this incidence we infer that, it
is permissible to take Tawasul of all Righteous people. Infact no muslim ever
rejected this, only those people who where from different sect[Innovators in
religion] rejected Tawasul.
Reference: As Shifa As Siqam Page : 377 Click
here for Scanned Page (163)
More Proofs/Evidence: Here
Also read Ibn Kathir
[Tafsir-ul-Qur'an al-azim Volume 004,
Page No. 140, Under the Verse 4:64]
Then this man directed hundreds of his followers, imitators, and their kind among those influenced by your School, bearing arms, to destroy and unearth the graves of the pious Muslims in Aden, Yemen, a few years ago . They roamed the land spreading corruption and ruin, digging up the graves of the dead with picks and spades until they brought out the bones of some of the dead and blind dissension. We heard they even used dynamite in some places! All this is a part of the record of your deeds."
Translation: "O Allah, truly no tribulation descends except because of sins, nor is lifted except upon repentance. The people have turned to you by means of me BECAUSE OF MY POSITION IN RELATION TO YOUR PROPHET
إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يرى للعباس ما يرى الولد للوالد , فاقتدوا أيها الناس برسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في عمه العباس واتخذوه وسيلة إلى الله
Translation: Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him) used to take Al-Abbas(RA) like a son considers his father. O People You should also follow the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) incase of Al-Abbas(RA) and make him an Intercessor to Allah.
ويستفاد من قصة العباس استحباب الاستشفاع بأهل الخير والصلاح وأهل بيت النبوة , وفيه فضل العباس وفضل عمر لتواضعه للعباس ومعرفته بحقه
Translation: “From the story of 'Abbas it follows that seeking intercession through the pious, the righteous and the Ahlul Bait (family of the Prophet) is praiseworthy