Maulānā Husain Ahmad Madanī
(b.1879 - d.1957)
Shaykh al-Hadith of Dar
al-Ulum Deoband
Ibn Taymiyya

حضرت شیخ الاسلام مولانا حسین احمد مدنی شیخ الحدیث دار العلوم دیوبند نور الله مرقده اور لقب شیخ الاسلام براے ابن تیمیه
حضرت الاستاذ شیخ الاسلام مولانا مدنی رحمة الله عليه تو حضرت شاه عبد العزیز رحمة الله علیه سے بهی اس (ابن تیميه كے) معامله میں سخت تهے کیونکه انهوں نے علامه کی قلمی تالیفات کا بهی مطالعه کیا تها اور وه علامه ابن تیمیه کے لئے شیخ الاسلام کا لقب بهی پسند نه کرتهے تهے اسی ليے حضرت شیخ الحدیث مولانا محمد زکریا صاحب رحمة الله علیه کو بذل المجهود (کاتب کی غلطی؛ صحیح اوجز المسالک) میں علامه کو شیخ الاسلام لکهنے پر سخت ناراضگی کا اظهار کیا تها اور حضرت رحمة الله علیه کی الشهاب الثاقب تو احقاق حق و ابطال باطل کا بے نظیر علمی و تحقیقی شاهکار هے. رحمه الله رحمة واسعة.
ملفوظات محدث کشمیری: صفحه 414
بیت الحکمت دیوبند
ملفوظات محدث کشمیری: صفحه 414
بیت الحکمت دیوبند
" Hadhrat Shaykh al-Islām, Maulānā Husain Ahmad Madanī; the Shaykh al-Hadīth of Dār al-'Ulūm Deoband (may Allāh illuminate his grave) on the title of 'Shaykh al-Islām' for ibn Taymiyyah
" Our teacher Shaykh al-Islām Maulānā Madanī (rahmatullāhi 'alaih) was more strict than Hadhrat Shāh 'Abd al-Azīz (rahmatullāhi 'alaih) on this matter regarding ibn Taymiyyah because he had read the written works of 'Allāmah (ibn Taymiyyah), and he didn't like the title of 'Shaykh al-Islām' being used for 'Allāmah ibn Taymiyyah.
" This is why he showed severe dislike towards the usage of 'Shaykh al-Islām' for ibn Taymiyyah by Shaykh al-Hadīth Maulānā Muhammad Zakariyyā Sāhib (rahmatullāhi 'alaih) in 'Badhlul Majhūd' (mistake of the scribe; correction - should be - 'Awjāz al-Masālik'), and Hadhrat ([Husain Ahmad Madanī -] rahmatullāhi 'alaih)'s book al-Shihāb al-Thāqib is an incomparable awesome book in terms of 'ilm [knowledge] and tahqīq [research/verification] regarding the establishing of truth and vanquishing of falsehood - may Allāh shower him with mercy in abundance."
[Shaykh Anwār Shāh Kashmīrī, in Malfudhāt Muhaddith Kashmīrī; pg. 414, published by Bait al-Hikmat Deoband]
Quote Deobandi apologetic said:
“ The fact that Shaykh Husain Ahmad Madani's views changed dramatically once he had access to more of Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah's works seems to indicate that, as with Shaykh Ibn Abdul Wahhab, mixed views from our Akaabir regarding Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah were based on the information available to them at the time."
“ The fact that Shaykh Husain Ahmad Madani's views changed dramatically once he had access to more of Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah's works seems to indicate that, as with Shaykh Ibn Abdul Wahhab, mixed views from our Akaabir regarding Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah were based on the information available to them at the time."
" While Shaykh
Ibn Abdul Wahhab was later exonerated
from much of the extremism and deviances his followers exhibited, it appears that those who researched the
views of Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah inclined
towards the opposite direction.”
^ Quote from Deobandi Forum: Here
حضرت شیخ الاسلام مولانا حسین احمد مدنی شیخ الحدیث دار العلوم دیوبند نور الله مرقده
درس بخاری و ترمذی دار العلوم دیوبند کے زمانے میں حافظ ابن تیمیه کے تفردات عقاید و مسایل فروع کا نهایت شدت سے رد فرمایا کرتهے تهے اور آپ نے بتلایا که میں نے مدینه منوره کے قیام کے دوران ان کی تصانیف و رسائل دیکهے هیں اور بعض ایسی کتابیں بهی دیکهی هیں جو هندوستان میں شاید کسی کتب خانه میں موجود ہوں اور ان سب کے مطالعه سے میں اس نتیجه پر علی وجه البصیرت پهنچاهوں که اهل سنت والجماعت کے طریقه سے کهلا هوا انحراف و عدول ان کے اندر موجود هے
انعام الباری شرح صحیح البخاری: 13 / 463
اداره تالیفات اشرفیه، ملتان، پاکستان
درس بخاری و ترمذی دار العلوم دیوبند کے زمانے میں حافظ ابن تیمیه کے تفردات عقاید و مسایل فروع کا نهایت شدت سے رد فرمایا کرتهے تهے اور آپ نے بتلایا که میں نے مدینه منوره کے قیام کے دوران ان کی تصانیف و رسائل دیکهے هیں اور بعض ایسی کتابیں بهی دیکهی هیں جو هندوستان میں شاید کسی کتب خانه میں موجود ہوں اور ان سب کے مطالعه سے میں اس نتیجه پر علی وجه البصیرت پهنچاهوں که اهل سنت والجماعت کے طریقه سے کهلا هوا انحراف و عدول ان کے اندر موجود هے
انعام الباری شرح صحیح البخاری: 13 / 463
اداره تالیفات اشرفیه، ملتان، پاکستان
" Hadhrat Shaykh
al-Islām Husain Ahmad Madanī, the Shaykh al-Hadith of Dar al-'Ulūm
Deoband (may Allāh illuminate his grave) on ibn Taymiyya
'During the Bukhārī and Tirmidhī lectures at Dar al-'Ulūm Deoband he would strongly refute Hafiz ibn Taymiyyah's lone opinions on 'aqā-id and masā-il.
He also said, "While I was residing in Madīnah al-Munawwarah I read his books and literature, some are such that you would be lucky to find it in a bookshop in India.
" After studying all these books, I have come to the conclusion through wisdom and foresight that there is a blatant turn away found in him from the way of ahl al-sunnah wa al-jamā'ah".'
[Mufti Taqī al-'Uthmānī, in In'ām al-Bārī Sharh Sahīh al-Bukhārī 463/13; published by Idāra Tālīfāt Ashrafiyyah, Multān, Pakistān]
'During the Bukhārī and Tirmidhī lectures at Dar al-'Ulūm Deoband he would strongly refute Hafiz ibn Taymiyyah's lone opinions on 'aqā-id and masā-il.
He also said, "While I was residing in Madīnah al-Munawwarah I read his books and literature, some are such that you would be lucky to find it in a bookshop in India.
" After studying all these books, I have come to the conclusion through wisdom and foresight that there is a blatant turn away found in him from the way of ahl al-sunnah wa al-jamā'ah".'
[Mufti Taqī al-'Uthmānī, in In'ām al-Bārī Sharh Sahīh al-Bukhārī 463/13; published by Idāra Tālīfāt Ashrafiyyah, Multān, Pakistān]

^Shaykh Anwār Shāh Kashmīrī

^Maulānā Muhammad Zakariyyā Sāhib
^Mufti Taqī al-'Uthmānī
Shaykh al-Hadith of Dar
al-Ulum Deoband
Mu-hammed bin ‘Abdul Wahhab Najdi
Where Husain Ahmad Madani also claimed that Mu-hammed bin ‘Abdul
Wahhab Najdi preached ‘patent falsehood’ (‘aqa‘id-i batila),
killed numerous Sunni Muslims and forced many others to accept his ‘false’ creed (‘aqa‘id-i fasida).
He referred to him as a ‘tyrant’ (zalim), ‘traitor’ (baghi), and ‘despicable’ (khabis), and labelled him and
his followers as the ‘despicable
Wahhabis’ (wahhabiya khabisia).
[ Cited in Mahfuz
ur-Rahman Faizi, Shaikh Muhammad bin ‘Abdul Wahhab Ke Bare Mai Do Mutazid
Nazren, Varanasi: Jami‘a Salafiya, 1986, p.i.]
He wrote that:
“Mu-hammed bin ‘Abdul Wahhab Najdi had declared the
wealth of all Muslims, including Sunnis, who did not follow him as property
that could be rightfully looted (mal-i ghanimat), and their slaughter as a
cause of merit (sawab), considering all but his own followers as apostates.”
This is why, he claimed, the Arabs ‘detested’ Mu-hammed
bin ‘Abdul Wahhab Najdi and his followers, their hatred for them ‘exceeding
their hatred for Jews, Christians, Magians and Hindus’.
‘Undoubtedly’, Madani asserted that, Mu-hammed bin ‘Abdul
Wahhab Najdi had committed such heinous crimes that ‘such hatred for him is a
[Cited in Qadri, op.cit., p.136.]