The Rise of Darkness
Horns of Satan

“In that place are
and seditions, and
in that place shall
rise the
devil’s horn
(Qarn al-Shaytan).”
^His forefather:
Zul Khuwaisra
('Abdullah bin Dhil Khawaisira At-Tamimi)

^Zul Khuwaisra
This Evil man who showed so much disrespect
to the Holy Prophet
(Sallallahu Alaihe-e-Wa-Sallam)
foretold that the group (Wahhabi) who will cause much fitna,
will be the off-springs of the above Munaafiq
(Zul Khuwaisra).
will be the off-springs of the above Munaafiq
(Zul Khuwaisra).
The first of all fitnas in Islam emerged from the arrogance of Dhu’l-Khuwaysira and his like, and also the apostasy and fondness for false prophets which caused such difficulty for Abu Bakr (RA). Subsequently, the Kharijite heresy, overwhelmingly Najdi in its roots, cast a long shadow over the early history of Islam, dividing and killing Muslims.
( Sura/ chapter 49, Aya 4 )
In aya 4 of this sura, He says:
‘Those who call you from behind the chambers:
most of them have no sense.’
The occasion for revelation (sabab al-nuzul) here was as follows:
‘The “chambers” (hujurat) were spaces enclosed by walls.
Each of the wives of Allah’s Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) had one of them.
The aya was revealed in connection with the delegation of the Banu Tamim who came to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم).
They entered the mosque, and approached the chambers of his wives.
They stood outside them and called: “Muhammad! Come out to us!” an action which expressed a good deal of harshness, crudeness and disrespect. Allah’s Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) waited a while, and then came out to them.
They stood outside them and called: “Muhammad! Come out to us!” an action which expressed a good deal of harshness, crudeness and disrespect. Allah’s Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) waited a while, and then came out to them.
One of them, known as al-Aqra‘ ibn Habis, said:
“Muhammad! My praise is an ornament, and my denunciation brings shame!”
And the Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) replied:
“ Woe betide you! That is the due of Allah.”
(Imam Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Juzayy, al-Tashil [Beirut , 1403], p.702. See also the other tafsir works; also Ibn Hazm, Jamharat ansab al-‘Arab [Cairo , 1382], 208, in the chapter on Tamim.)
--- time went by the appearance of
The Master
Ibn Taymiyaah
The Imam bedrock of the Wahhabiyyah/Salafi/Ahlehadith
AH /1328 CE

^After the Death of the
" Master "
" Master "
Memoirs Of Mr Hempher
The British Spy To The Middle East is the title of a document that was published in series (episodes) in the German paper Spiegel and later on in a prominent French paper.
The British Spy To The Middle East is the title of a document that was published in series (episodes) in the German paper Spiegel and later on in a prominent French paper.

"Mr Hempher"
The British Spy To
The Middle East
Quote from -Part4:
time to time a young man would call at our carpenter's shop.
attirement was that of a student doing scientific research, and he
understood Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. His name was Mu-hammed
bin Abd-ul-wahhaab Najdee.”
youngster was an extremely rude and very nervous person. While
abusing the Ottoman government very much, he would never speak ill of
the Iranian government.
common ground which made him and the shop-owner Abd-ur-Ridaa so
friendly was that both were inimical towards the Khaleefa
in Istanbul.”

The British Spy To The Middle East
Quote - Part 7:
stayed with Mu-hammed
of Najd
for two years. We made a programma to announce his call. Eventually I
fomented his resolution in 1143
Hijri [A.D. 1730].”
we named our new religion the WAHHABI religion."

"The Ministry supported and reinforced the Wahhabi government in an underhanded way. The new government bought eleven British officers, very well learned in the Arabic language and desert warfare, under the name of slaves. We prepared our plans in cooperation with these officers. Both Mu-hammad’s (Najdi) followed the way we showed them.When we did not receive any orders from the Ministry we made our own decisions.
"We all married girls from tribes. We enjoyed the pleasure of a Muslim wife's devotion to her husband.
"Thus we had stronger relations with tribes. Everything goes well now. Our centralization is becoming more and more vigorous each day. Unless an unexpected catastrophe takes place, we shall eat the fruit we have prepared.

For we have done whatever is necessary and sown the seeds.”
[End of Quote]

Sheikh Najdi's
Which he prepared in cooperation with the British spy, was annotated by his grandson, 'Abd ar-Rahman, and was interpolated and published in Egypt with the title Fat'h al-majid by a Wahhabi called Mu-hammed Hamid.
[ Meccan Scholars wrote very beautiful answers to Kitab
at-tawhid and refuted it with sound documents in 1221. The collection of their
refutations, titled Saif al-Jabbar, which was later printed in Pakistan, was
reproduced in Istanbul in 1395 [1975 A.D.]
in the Form of the
Najdi Sheikh
Hafiz Ibn Kathir writes:
"When the kuffar of Makka had a meeting concerning the Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace), an old man came claiming: "I am a Najdi - whatever you want to know, I will be helpful." This Najdi Shaykh then gave his view against the Prophet throughout the meeting"
[Ta'rikh Ibn Kathir, Volume 4]
Sheikh an-Najdi
Qarn al-Shaytan
"Beware of Shaykhu-n-Najdi, since
he is Shaytan."
Allama Dahlaan, the
celebrated Historian of our era writes:
Khuwaira was of the Banu
Tamim tribe and so was Ibne
Abdul Wahab Najdi."
Sunniah, pp/51).
1. "Sheikh" Mu-hammed
ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhab ibn Sulaiman ibn
Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Rashid Al-Tamimi (b.1703–d.1792) was
born in Najd, in present-day Saudi Arabia.
2. "Imam" Mu-hammed
ibn Saud (d. 1765) is
considered the first head of the House
of Saud, which is technically named
for his father, Saud ibn Muhammed ibn Muqrin.
Wahhabi scholar admitted:
was indeed extraordinary was the coincidence of the ‘Alim’ and
the “prince”, Muhammad Ibn Sa’ud, who felt the need for each
other, and saw the wedding of idea to arm [with weapons, by force] as
a key to a new age of Islamic history”
[P. xvii in
the preface to Kitaab ut-Tawheed written and translated by
Isma’il R. al-Furuqi]
"Beware of Shaykhu-n-Najdi, since
he is Shaytan."
Return to Najd

the age of thirty-two (32) he
came back to Najd and started working as a teacher for Bedouins; he
also started exercising ijtihad without authorization, and accusing
Sunni scholars and Ahlu-t-tasawwuf of supposed deviances. In 1143 H.
he met a leader of a gang of marauders called Mu-hammed
Ibn Sa’ud, whose main
activity was plundering pilgrims and travellers in the desert of Najd.
most of those Bedouins living in Dar’iyyah were completely
uneducated, Ibn ‘Abdi-l-Wahhab could easily convict them of his
Sa’ud and him made an agreement, according to which the
former was appointed "amir", and
the latter as "shaykh".

^ "sheikh" declared he was ready to publish "fatawa"
where non-Wahhabi Muslims were described as apostates, idol-worshippers and grave-worshippers; this point of view obviously represented a sort of "religious justification" for Ibn Sa‘ud’s gang.
Wahhabi Barbarism
They were not, anymore, robbers and criminals, but "mujahidun", authorized to kill "kuffars", to plunder their properties and to rape their women.
An example is what the Mufti of Mecca,
Ahmad Zayni Dahlan al-Makki ash-Shafi‘i,
rahimah-Ullah, wrote in a work titled:
"In 1217 H(1802 C.E.) they
[the Wahhabis] marched with big armies to the area of at-Tayf. In
Dhu-l-Qa‘dah of the same year, they lay siege to the area the
Muslims were, subdued them, and killed the people: men, women, and
children. They also looted the Muslims belongings and possessions.
Only a few people escaped their barbarism."
[the Wahhabis]
plundered what was in the room of the Prophet, sall-Allahu
'alayhi wa sallam, took all the money that was there, and did
some disgraceful
acts of profanation."
(Profanation: The
act or an instance of profaning; desecration. An act of
disrespect or impiety toward something regarded as sacred:
blasphemy, desecration,violation. defilement, desecration, impiety, irreverence,blasphemy, sacrilege)
The Oath of Allegiance
In 1157
AH (1744 CE)
Mu-hammed ibn Abd
al-Wahhab made bay'ah (oath
of allegiance) with Mu-hammed
ibn Saud where it was
agreed that political power would remain in the hands of the clan
of Aal-Saud (House
of Saud, the Royal family) and
the religious leadership would remain in the hands of the clan
of Aal-ish-Shaykh (M.
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab Najdi and his descendants)
and this wahhabi power division
has remained ever since.
event (the oath) is written
in the book:
Unwan al-Majd fe Tarikh an-Najd "
1, page 41.
the below link to see the "only
copy" of this
historical Najdi manuscript.
‘Wahhabi’ manuscript,
Saudi Arabia, 1853 CE
ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn Bishr al-Hanbali’s
al-majd fi ta’rikh al-Najd
of the Najd region from the mid-18th to mid-19th century)
[BL Or. MS 7718, ff. 1v-2]
[BL Or. MS 7718, ff. 1v-2]
Ibn Sa‘ud’s Gang

The Fellowship of Darkness
They formed an alliance, and this was formalized by the wedding of:
Ibn Saud's son to Ibn Abdul Wahhab's daughter
The history of the Al Saud has been marked by a desire to unify the Arabian Peninsula and to spread what it promotes as a more purified and simple, view of Islam. The House of Saud is linked with (Hanbali) Wahhabism (Saudis deprecate the term, preferring the term Salafism) through the marriage of the son of Mu-hammed ibn Saud with the daughter of Mu-hammed Abd al Wahhab in 1744.
The End of Caliphate

Abdul Aziz bin Abdur Rahman Al Saud
he was commonly referred to as ibn Saud

“In that place are earthquakes,
and seditions,
in that place
shall rise the devil’s
horn "

This Evil Man
Ibn Abdul Wahab Najdi
Who killed Muslim men and made halal ( permissible) for his followers to rape Muslim women , was from the same tribe...of Zul Khuwaira (Hurqus) of the Banu Tamim!
Prince of Darkness
A statement by Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud as quoted in
"Lord of Arabia "
"I am", he continued raising his voice and repeating his favourite phrase, "I am a simple preacher. My mission is to spread the Faith, if possible by persuasion and if not by persuasion then by the sword".

has made the life of women and children inviolable in times of war.
Allah, the
exalted, says in the Nobel Qur’an:
فِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ الَّذِينَ
يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ وَلاَ تَعْتَدُواْ إِنَّ
اللّهَ لاَ يُحِبِّ الْمُعْتَدِينَ
in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress
limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.”
phrase “wa
lā ta’tadū” translated
above as ‘but do not transgress limits’, has been interpreted by
the earliest Muslim jurists to mean ‘do
not kill women
and children’ etc.
Ibn Kathīr
in his tafsīr (explanation) of the phrase “but
do not transgress limits”“Meaning,
‘Fight in Allah (SWT)’s path and do not transgress when
doing it. Entering into that (transgression) is the committal of the
forbidden acts just as Al-Hasan Al-Basrī stated.
[Those Forbidden Acts Include]
stealing from the war booty, killing women and children, Old folk who
have no notion about them and do not having fighting within them,
monks and the people of monasteries and churches, the burning of
trees, the killing of animals for other reasons than benefit. This
has been stated by the companion Ibn ‘Abbas, [scholars
and leaders such as] ‘Umar ibn Abdul-‘Azīz, Muqātil
ibn Hayyān and other than them.”[Tafsīr
Al-Qur’an by Ibn Kathīr, Arabic Edition beneath this
ibn ‘Umar (Radhiya
Allāhu ‘Anhu) narrates from the
Prophet (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) that
he found a slain woman in one of the expeditions.
Rasulullah (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa
Sallam) forbade killing women
and children.
in his Musnad 2/91, Bukhārī in his Sahīh 3015, Muslim 1744/25, Abū
Dāwūd 2668, At-Tirmithī 1569, Ibn Majah 2841]
As-Safadī stated, “When non-Muslim
women do not fight,
it is agreed that they should not be killed unless they
are leaders – nor should
the blind, the bed-ridden or old
Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisī states
in his: Al-‘Umdah,
do not kill, from
them (the enemy), a child, the clinically insane (majnūn), a woman,
a monk, an old man, a sick individual confined to their bed (or
chronically ill – Zamin), or a blind person…”

Abd al Aziz ibn Saud (left) with other members of his House 1911CE

Undoubtedly, one of the worst abominations perpetrated by the Wahhabis under the leadership of Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab Najdi:
was the massacre of the people of Ta'if. They killed everyone in sight, slaughtering both child and adult, the ruler, the lowly and well-born.

They began with a suckling child nursing at his mother's breast and moved on to a group studying Qur'an, slaying them, down to the last man.

And when they wiped out the people in the houses, in the streets, the shops and the mosques, killing whoever happened to be there.
They killed even men bowed in prayer until they had annihilated every Muslim who dwelt in Ta'if.
Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab Najdi

Qarn al Shaytan
Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi

This was done because he said:
“This is the hair of the period of Kufr therefore it must be shaven off”.
This shaving off of the female hair carried on for some time until an indignant woman stood up and challenged:
“Why don’t you shave off the beards of your recruits when they enter you Deen. That is also the hair of the period of Kufr?”
“Hair is the precious ornament of a female as is the beard for a male. Is it apt to leave
human beings deprived of their ornaments bestowed upon them by Allahu ta’ala?”

It was from then that he stopped this shameful and disgusting practice.
(AL FATUHAT ISLAMIA - Vol. 2- Page 268)
Narrated Anas: The Prophet said, "Medina is a sanctuary from that place to that. Its trees should not be cut and no heresy should be innovated nor any sin should be committed in it, and whoever innovates in it an heresy or commits sins (bad deeds), then he will incur the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the people." (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 30, Number 91- Hadith No. 409, Vol 9).
Narrated Sad: I heard the Prophet saying, "None plots against the people of Medina but that he will be dissolved (destroyed) like the salt is dissolved in water." (Sahih Bukhari: Volume 3, Book 30, Number 101)
The foremost Hanafi scholar of his time,
Imam Muhammad Amin ibn Abidin (d. 1252/1836 Rahimahullah)
said in his celebrated work: Hashiyya radd al-Mukhtar (vol. 3, pg. 309) :
Imam Muhammad Amin ibn Abidin (d. 1252/1836 Rahimahullah)
said in his celebrated work: Hashiyya radd al-Mukhtar (vol. 3, pg. 309) :
In our time Ibn Abdal Wahhab (Najdi) appeared, and attacked the two noble sanctuaries (Makkah and Madinah)
He claimed to be a Hanbali, but his thinking was such that only he alone was a Muslim, and everyone else was a polytheist! Under this guise, he said that killing the Ahl as-Sunnah was permissible, until Allah destroyed them (Wahhabi's) in the year 1233 AH by way of the Muslim army."
Shaykh Zayni Dahlan said in his book Futuhat al-Islamiyya (vol. 2, pg. 268):
"The sign of the Khawarij (the first deviant sect that appeared in the time of the Companions) concerning the shaving of the head, was not found in the Khawarij of the past, but only in the Najdi's of our time!"
read more: Here
The first among Ahlu-s-Sunnah
to issue fatawa about Wahhabism was:
Sulayman Ibn 'Abdi-l-Wahhab al-Hanbali, who issued both a tashih
and a takfir of his brother Mu-hammad Ibn
'Abdi-l-Wahhab al-Hanbali ,
asking the Chief Mufti of Mecca to confirm his fatwa and to transmit
it to the Amir.
This verdict was extended from the single person to the whole sect of those who propagate his kufriyyat by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Sulayman Effendi, who declared them not only deviant in fiqh and kalam, but apostates in Din, by saying:
Mu-hammad Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab, do not slander Muslims! I admonish
you for Allah’s sake! Does any of the Muslims says that there is a
Creator besides Allah?
you have anything to argue against Muslims, please, show them
authoritative proofs. It is more correct to declare you, a single
person, a kafir, than to call millions of Muslims kuffar."
says, “If anyone contends with the Messenger after guidance
has been plainly conveyed to him, and follows a path other than the
one followed by Believers, we shall leave him in the path he has
chosen, and land him in Hell, quite an evil refuge!”
Sulayman named his refutation against his brother Fasl-ul-Khitab
fi ar-Radd ‘ala Mu-hammad Ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhab (“The Empathic
Speech on the Refutation of Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhab”).
Yala said, The
Prophet has said, One of the things that concerns me about my
nation is a man who studied the Quran, and when its grace started to
show on him and he had the appearance of a Muslim, he detached
himself from it, and threw it behind his back, and went after his
neighbor with a sword and accused him of associating partners with
then asked, Oh, Prophet of Allah, which one is more guilty of
associating partners with Allah, the accused or the accuser?
Prophet said, It is the accuser.
of the Prophet, which has been narrated by Abu Yala, from Hudhaifa
and about which Ibn Kathir said, It’s chain of transmission is

Qarn al-Shaytan
He died a miserable death at the age of ninety-two years old in 1792 CE and was buried in an unmarked grave, nobody could visit him or pray for him nor place twigs in his grave which is a prophetic Sunnah that one may receive the mercy of Allah.

ibn Saud died 1765CE, also known as Ibn
Saud, was the emir of Ad-Diriyyah and is considered the
founder of the First Saudi State and
the Saud dynasty, which are technically named for his father –
ibn Mu-hammed ibn Muqrin dead. 1725CE
Abd al Wahhab Najdi dead. 1792CE

al Aziz died shortly before the capture of Mecca.
movement had continued, however, to recognize the leadership of
the Al Saud and
so followed Abd al Aziz's son, Saud, until 1814; after Saud died
in 1814, his son, Abd Allah, ruled.
Al Saud originated in Ad Diriyah,
the center of Najd, close to the
modern capital of Riyadh.
of Satan
1500 ancestors of Saud ibn Mu-hammad took over some date groves,
one of the few forms of agriculture the region could support, and
settled there. Over time the area developed into a small town, and
the clan that would become the Al Saud came to be
recognised as its:

In 1745CE Mu-ammed
ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab began calling for the purification and reform of
Islam, and the Wahhabi movement swept across Arabia.
By 1811CE,
Wahhabi leaders had waged a jihad—a holy war—against other forms
of Islam on the peninsula and succeeded in uniting much of it.
By 1818CE,
however, the Wahhabis had been driven out of power again by the
Ottomans and their Egyptian allies.
kingdom of Saudi Arabia is almost entirely the creation of King Ibn
Saud (1882–1953).
descendant of Wahhabi leaders, he seized Riyadh in 1901 and
set himself up as leader of the Arab nationalist movement.
1906 he had established Wahhabi dominance in Nejd and conquered Hejaz
in 1924–1925.
Hejaz and Nejd regions were merged to form the kingdom of Saudi
Arabia in 1932, which was an absolute monarchy ruled by sharia. A
year later the region of Asir was incorporated into the kingdom.
Wahhabis who massively killed Muslims in Arabia say:
should not call a Muslim as Shaytan whoever believe
Ilaha Illa Allahu Muhammadu Rasoolullah".
But the
same hypocrite Wahabis/Salafis bigots
forget, that it was their own Master who carried out his Terror
of such unimaginable Evil when he said,
these idol-worshippers, grave-worshippers, Kaffirs, Mushriks,
Biddatis... kill, kill and rape 1000's of innocent Muslims who
believed in:

Dr. Nazeer Ahmed, PhD
shaykh considered all practices which were not in strict conformance
with a literal interpretation of the Qur’an and the Sunnah to be
bida’a (innovation), and he considered it his duty to eradicate
such practices with force, if necessary.”
failure of the Wahhabi movement, however, was its extreme rigidity
and its compulsive character. Shaykh ibn Abdul Wahhab waged a
jihad against fellow Muslims in Najd who did not agree with his
views. His example, and the logic of compulsion, made the Arab
Bedouins carry the Wahhabi jihad into British Iraq after the First
World War, and it had to be put down by Emir Abdul Aziz. The Shaykh
overlooked the important contributions made by the Sufis in
India, Pakistan, southeastern Europe, Central Asia, Indonesia and
Africa. It was the Sufis who won the contest for the soul of Asia
from the Mongols and the Crusaders. They were also the decisive
element in some of the most important battles of the world, such as
the Battle of al Qasr al Kabir (1578).”
January 10, 1926 Abdul-Aziz declared
himself King of the Hejaz and,
then, on January
27, 1927 he
took the title King of Nejd (his
previous title was Sultan). By the Treaty
of Jeddah,
signed on May
20, 1927,
the United
Kingdom recognized
the independence of Abdul-Aziz's realm
(then known as the Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd)
Aziz died in 1953
sons of Abdul Aziz have, to date, ascended
the Saudi throne.
The number of children that he fathered is unknown, but it is
believed that he had 22 wives and 37 sons, of whom five have become
King. Prior to his death, he chose Saud as
his immediate successor.


June 1947: Nawaf Ibn Abdul Aziz, son of Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, King Of Saudi Arabia at 14 years, talking to girl students on the steps of the Bayside High School at Long Island, New York. The girls are Dot Billings (left), Matina Pappas (upper right) and Helen Wilhelm. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)

Gangsters... brother:
Aziz Al ibn Saud
in 1924:
and this Land
belongs to the
Entire Ummah”

Does it?

You Muslim?
Arabia Entry
visitors, including pilgrims, need a visa to enter Saudi Arabia.
You should apply for a visa through visa agencies accredited to the
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia.
the Hajj, all Muslim visitors travelling to Jeddah and Medina will
need to have a valid Hajj visa.
visitors travelling to these destinations may be asked to explain the
purpose of your trip or asked to show evidence of appointments before
being allowed to board a flight to Jeddah.
Muslim visitor arriving in Jeddah or
Medina without a valid Hajj visa will
be refused entry.
requirement does not apply to other airports or British residents in
Saudi Arabia.
further detailed advice on visa requirements for Hajj and Ummrah,
contact the Royal
Embassy of Saudi Arabia in London.
residents in Saudi Arabia will need a valid exit or re-entry permit
from the Saudi Ministry of Interior to leave the country.
An ancient document has revealed how Sultan Abdul
Aziz, the founder of Saudi Arabia assured Britain of
creating a Jewish state on Palestinian lands, a news report says.
The document, expose the deep commitment of first Saudi King to the United
Kingdom and his assurance to British authorities to give Palestine to the Jews.
The controversial document, written as a notice to then British delegate Major General Sir Percy Zachariah Cox, is yet another proof of Saudi royal family's hostile approach to the Palestinian nation.
am the Sultan Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud al-Faisal and I
conceded and acknowledged a thousand times to Sir Percy Cox, delegate
of Great Britain, that I have no objection to giving Palestine to the
poor Jews or even to non-Jews, and I will never ever violate their
[the UK] orders,"
the note signed by King Abdul Aziz.
The note
also expose the extent of Saudi royals' fidelity to the UK
Britain used to attaché great
importance to Saudi Arabia in 1930's, as it was located along the
shortest seaway to India and Australia throughout the Red Sea and
shortest air route to the east. Saudi Arabia was also close to the
main British motor route and oil pipeline between Iraq and Palestine
through Trans Jordan.
The ruling of Al Saud
family also added to the importance of Saudi Arabia for Britain, as
the UK believed ibn-e Saud kings could greatly influence the Arab
The Sultanate
of Nejd was
a result of transformation of the Emirate of Riyadh by Abdul
Aziz ibn Saud, who in 1921 declared himself Sultan over Nejd and
its dependencies, as a monarchy led by the House of
Saud. [Madawi
Al-Rasheed. A History of Saudi Arabia. Cambridge, England, UK:
Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. 63.]
1926, the Sultanate of Nejd was
expanded to include the conquered Hejaz, and the political union
of Kingdom of Nejd and Hejaz was declared, with Abdul Aziz
ibn Saud as King.
(Edited by ADHM)