update: April 2019

Pakistan Data Darbar Sufi shrine
in Lahore
least nine people have been killed in an explosion outside a major Sufi Muslim
shrine in the Pakistani city of Lahore, officials said.
Five police
officers are reportedly among the dead. A police van was the prime target,
authorities said.
Police have
described the blast as a suicide attack.
has been claimed by the Hizbul Ahrar, a splinter group of the Pakistani
The explosion
occurred at 0844am local time (0344 GMT) near the Data Darbar Sufi shrine, one
of the oldest Sufi shrines in South Asia.The bloodshed comes as Pakistani Muslims mark
the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. Here
Pakistan: 10 dead after blast near Sufi shrine in
Suicide bomb attack reportedly targeted security
guards at 11th-century site
A suicide bomber has killed at least 10 people and
injured 24 outside Lahore’s Data Darbar, the largest Sufi shrine in south Asia,
police in the Pakistani city said.Here
The attack, which has been claimed by the Pakistani
Taliban, took place at about 8.45am local time (4.15am GMT) on Wednesday
outside the female entrance to the 11th-century shrine, which has been under
heavy guard since it was attacked by terrorists in 2010.
forces arrest 4 from Lahore in connection with Data Darbar bombing
forces in Lahore picked up four suspects during a late night raid on Thursday
in Lahore's Garhi Shahu area soon after agencies investigating the Data Darbar
bombing traced the alleged suicide bomber to the locality.
individuals lost their lives in what officials had described as a suicide
bombing targeting an Elite Force van detailed to the security of the Data
Darbar shrine on Wednesday.
investigating the bombing said they had identified the motorcycle rickshaw used
to transport the suspected bomber to the shrine.
suspect took the rickshaw from near the railway station. Video footage obtained
by the agencies reportedly shows that the rickshaw driver approached the bomber
as the latter approached from Garhi Shahu.
law enforcement agencies said they had shifted their focus to three major
terrorist networks of the outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban
Pakistan (TTP) in Punjab to uncover
handlers/facilitators of the attack.
about the ongoing investigation into the suicide blast, a senior police officer
told Dawn that two high-profile teams had been assigned the task to go after
three offshoots of the TTP and their
said the major focus was on Hizbul Ahrar, which had claimed responsibility for
sending the teenage suicide bomber to Data Darbar on Wednesday. Here
---21 Nov 2018
Evil Strikes Mawlid un Nabi



Wahhabi Evil
Hatered of Sufis
Hatered of Sufis

Wajdi Abu Musab Akkari this Evil Dog is Born and Bred by Wahhabi/salafi
Najdi Ideology

^This Najdi Jackal forgets that his imam (MIAW) Najdi was once a Sufi himself and his Master (IT)
wore the Cloak of Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) The Master
of all Sufi's.
To the People who live in The UK Watch out for this one as
well! Graduated Wahhabi Terrorist Hiding in the UK:
Dog is named: Abu Hasnayn Murtaza Khan Ibn Iblis
^Who graduated
from the International Islamic University, Islamabad Pakistan in June 2001 with
BA Honours in Usool-ud-Din watch video:Here
^His "Grandfather" Nawab
Saddiq Hassan Khan Bhopali said: "What is
wrong in it if we cannot do dhikr of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam)’s
Seerah, his Hidaya, his Birth and his death everyday, then we should do it
every month and the days of Rabi Ul Awwal should not be left empty"
He writes further: "A Person who does NOT get
happy upon incidents of Mawlid and does NOT thank Allah for such a
great blessing then SUCH A PERSON IS NOT
MUSLIM" [Ash Shamama tul Anbarah min Mawlid al Khayr ul Barah,
Page No. 12]
^His Father the Devil (Iblis) cried let
out a Terrible Scream… on the day of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe-e-Wa-Sallam) was Born!
Wahhabi said: “The Wool (Sufi's)”
Nu’aym reports from Abdullah bin Abbas ( رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ ) who narrated that the mother
of the Apostle (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم), Sayyidah Amina (رضئ الله تعالى عنها) used to state : (When the Apostle of Allah (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) was born, he
fell straight into prostration. Then I saw a white cloud from the sky appearing
and covering the Apostle of Allah (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) such that he disappeared from me.
When the cloud appeared, I saw that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) was covered in
a white woolly shawl and there was a green mat spread on the floor…
Ahmad, narrated from Ibn Mas’ud, Sunan al-Darimi, the chapter on Ma U’tiya
al-Nabiyyu Min al-Fadl, Al-Khasais al-Kubra, the chapter on Ma Zahara Fi
Lailat Moulidi]
In a manuscript of the Hanbali 'alim, Shaikh Yusuf bin 'Abd al-Hadi (d. 909H), entitled Bad' al-'ula bi labs al-Khirqa [found in Princeton, Sorbonne and Damascus], Ibn Taymiyya is found in a Sufi spiritual genealogy with other well-known Hanbali scholars, all except one (Say. Jilani) here to fore unknown as Sufis. The links in this genealogy are, in descending order:
1. 'Abdul Qadir Jilani (d. 561 H.)
2.a. Abu 'Umar bin Qudama (d. 607 H.)
2.b. Muwaffaq ad-Din bin Qudama (d. 620 H.)
3. Ibn Abi 'Umar bin Qudama (d. 682 H.)
4. Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728 H.)
5. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (d. 751 H.)
6. Ibn Rajab (d. 795 H.)
(Both Abu 'Umar b. Qudama and his brother Muwaffaq received the khirqa directly from Abdul Qadir Jilani himself.)
Further corroboration of two links separating him from 'Abdul Qadir Jilani comes from Ibn Taymiyya himself, as quoted in a manuscript of the work al-Mas'ala at-Tabriziyya (manuscript, Damascus, 1186 H):
"labistu al-khirqata mubarakata lish-Shaikh 'Abdul Qadir wa bayni wa baynahu 'than"
"I wore the blessed Sufi cloak of 'Abdul Qadir, there being between him and me two."
Ibn Taymiyya is quoted by Yusuf ibn 'Abd al-Hadi, affirming his Sufi affiliation in more than one Sufi order:
"have worn the Sufi cloak [khirqata at-Tasawwuf] of a number of shaikhs belonging to various tariqas [min turuqi jama'atin min ash-shuyukhi] , among them the Shaikh 'Abdul Qadir al-Jili, whose tariqa is the greatest of the well-known ones."
Further on he continues: "The greatest tariqa [ajallu-t-turuqi] is that of my master [sayyidi], 'Abdul Qadir al-Jili, may Allah have mercy on him."
[found in "Al-Hadi" manuscript in Princeton Library, Collection fol. 154a, 169b, 171b-172a and Damascus University, copy of original Arabic manuscript, 985H.; also mentioned in "at-Talyani", manuscript Chester Beatty 3296 (8) in Dublin, fol. 67a.]
Additional evidence of Ibn Taymiyya's connection to the Qadiri silsila (lineage) is found in his lengthy commentary on the seminal Sufi work by his grand-shaikh, 'Abdul Qadir Jilani, entitled "Futuh al-Ghayb." [this is found in a Princeton manuscript, uncataloged, also in Leipzig University Library, Arabic manuscript #223, and Istanbul University, Turkish translation, "Futuh ul-Gayb Hakkinda Yorum"]
more info Here
" The Pir's "
Historian Richard
Eaton believes that it was pirs that initially made Islam accessible to the
unlettered masses of the subcontinent by providing them with concrete
manifestations of the divine order. They remain a pivotal feature of local,
popular understandings and practices of the religion. Their focus on faith and
not on doctrine implicitly brings them in opposition to the scriptural Islam of
"learned" theologians and clerics."
Prof. Dr. Nazeer Ahmed, PhD
“The failure of the Wahhabi movement, however, was its extreme
rigidity and its compulsive character. Shaykh ibn Abdul Wahhab waged a jihad
against fellow Muslims in Najd who did not agree with his views.
His example, and the logic of compulsion, made the Arab Bedouins
carry the Wahhabi jihad into British Iraq after the First
World War, and it had to be put down by Emir Abdul Aziz.
The Shaykh overlooked the important contributions made by the
Sufis in India, Pakistan, southeastern Europe, Central Asia,
Indonesia and Africa. It was the Sufis who won the contest for the soul of
Asia from the Mongols and the Crusaders. They were also the decisive element in
some of the most important battles of the world, such as the Battle of al Qasr
al Kabir (1578).”
Some People today stubbornly reject the status of Sufis and the Importance of Islamic science called Tassawuf. In this process they try to expel them out of the folds of Islam, however let us see how the eminent scholars of Shariah accepted the validity of Tassawuf in Islam (Including highly revered scholars of Salafi school)
The Sufis like Fudhayl bin Iyaad (rah) are amongst the Rijaal of all major hadith works and they are unanimously agreed upon to be "THIQA (RELIABLE)" "SUDUQ (TRUSTWORTHY)" "THIQA THABIT (UTTERLY RELIABLE) "SALIH (RIGHTEOUS)" etc... hence the hadith science itself reaches us through eminent Sufis.
Imam al Bayhaqi (rah) narrates many ahadith in praise of Sufis in his hadith work Shu’ab ul Iman, in one hadith he mentions the chain of narrators as
أخبرنا ابو عبد الله الحافظ أخبرني ابو بكر محمد بن داود بن سليمان شيخ عصره في التصوف حدثني علي بن محمد بن خالد
Translation: It is narrated by Abu Abdullah al-Hafidh who heard from Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Dawud bin Sulayman“THE SHEIKH OF HIS TIME IN TASSAWUF” who heard from Ali bin Muhammad bin Khalid…[Shu’ab ul Imaan, Volume No. 3, Page No. 170, Hadith # 3251]
al-Dhahabi says of this Muhadith
الإِمَامُ الْحَافِظُ الرَّبَّانِيُّ الْعَابِدُ، شَيْخُ الصُّوفِيَّةِ أَبُو بَكْرٍ، مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ دَاوُدَ بْنِ سُلَيْمَانَ النَّيْسَابُورِيُّ الزَّاهِدُ… قَالَ أَبُو الْفَتْحِ الْقَوَّاسُ: سَمِعْتُ مِنْهُ، وَكَانَ يُقَالُ: إِنَّهُ مِنَ الأَوْلِيَاءِ وَسُئِلَ الدَّارَقُطْنِيُّ عَنْهُ، فَقَالَ: فَاضِلٌ ثِقَةٌ أَرَّخَهُ الْحَاكِمُ، وَقَالَ: هُوَ شَيْخُ عَصْرِهِ فِي التَّصَوُّفِ،
Translation: The Imam, the Godly Hafidh. The devout worshipper. “THE SHEIKH OF SUFIS” Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Dawud bin Sulayman al-Naysaburi. “THE ZAHID”...Imam Abu Fatah was heard saying: He is amongst the “AWLIYA”...Imam DaraQutni was asked about him and he said: He is “FADHIL AND THIQA”...Imam Hakim also narrated from him and said: He was sheikh of Tasawwuf in his time [As-Siyar A'lam al-Nubala Volume No. 12, Page No. 83]
introduces another great Muhadith as:
الصُّوفِيُّ الشَّيْخُ الْمُحَدِّثُ الثِّقَةُ الْمُعَمَّرُ أَبُو عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، أَحْمَدُ بْنُ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ عَبْدِ الْجَبَّارِ بْنِ رَاشِدٍ الْبَغْدَادِيُّ، الصُّوفِيُّ الْكَبِيرُ
Translation: The Sufi, the sheikh, the truthful Muhadith. Abu AbdUllah Ahmed bin Hassan bin Abdul Jabbar bin Rashid al Baghdadi. “THE GREAT SUFI” [As-Siyaar A'lam al-Nubala, Volume No. 17, Page No. 211]
Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani (Rahimuhullah)
Is amongst those scholars who is respected highly by all Muslim thinkers. Sheikh Abdul Qadir al Jilani (Rahimuhullah) in the book attributed to him i.e. Al-Ghuniya tut Talibeen did not dedicate one page, nor 20 nor a chapter rather dedicated the last whole section to “Tassawuf” and praised Sufis immensely, he also advocated to have followed their path himself (rather is amongst the greatest Sufis known to Muslim Ummah)
Sheikh Abdul Qadir al Jilani (Rahimuhullah) In beginning of Section 5 writes on Page No. 449:
The Truthful Fuqara are those people who walk the path of Sufis, They clean themselves from the evil desires. They are amongst the Abdaal and Awliya… [Al-Ghuniya Tut Talibi Fi Tariq al Haqq, Page No. 449]Click here for Scanned Page (64)
Imam Abdur Rahman Ibn Khuldun (Rahimuhullah) whose Muqadma and Tarikh is placed at top ranks, he writes in his magnificent Muqadma, Page No. 381 [Published by Dar ul Kutab al ILmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon.]
علم التصوف هذا العلم من العلوم الشرعية الحادثة في الملة وأصله أن طريقة هؤلاء القوم لم تزل عند سلف الأمة وكبارها من الصحابة والتابعين ومن بعدهم طريقة الحق والهداية واصلها العكوف على العبادة والانقطاع إلى الله تعالى والإعراض عن زخرف الدنيا وزينتها والزهد فيما يقبل عليه الجمهور من لذة ومال وجاه والانفراد عن الخلق للعبادة وكان ذلك عاما في الصحابة والسلف فلما فشا الإقبال على الدنيا في القرن الثاني وما بعده وجنح الناس ف إلى مخالطة الدنيا اختص المقبلون على العبادة باسم الصوفية والمتصوفية
Translation: The Knowledge of Tassawuf is a branch from the sciences of Shariah that originated within the Umma from beginning, their way is the way of truth (haqq) and guidance (Hidaya) adopted by the great early Muslims (salaf), Imams, the Sahaba (Ridhwan Allaho Ajmain) their followers (Tabiyeen) and those who came after them. The approach is based upon constant application of worship, complete devotion to Allah, aversion to the false splendor of the world, abstinence from pleasure, property, and position to which the great mass aspire, and retirement from the world into solitude for divine worship. This was the norm of Sahaba and Islaaf, however when worldly aspirations increased in the second century and after, but those dedicated to worship came to be known as Sufiya or People of Tassawuf.
Hafidh Abu Nu'aym the great Muhadith on Sufis!
Imam al-hafidh Abu Nu`aym Isfihani (Rahimuhullah) mentions right in the Muqadma of his acclaimed Hadith work Hiliya tul Awliya (Volume 1, Page No 32)
أما بعد: أحسن الله توفيقك فقد استعنت بالله عز وجل وأجبتك إلى ما ابتغيت، من جمع كتاب يتضمن أسامي جماعة وبعض أحاديثهم وكلامهم، من أعلام المتحققين من المتصوفة وأئمتهم، وترتيب طبقاتهم من النساك ومحجتهم، من قرن الصحابة والتابعين وتابعيهم ومن بعدهم، من عرف الأدلة والحقائق
Translation: Ama Ba’d: (O concerned) May Allah grant you good, I ask for help from Allah and write this book fulfilling your proposal. The compilation of this book deals with the sayings and conditions of an eminent group (amongst Muslims). This group is of Sufis and A’ima, their merits shall be mentioned in order of their Tabaqat i.e. starting from the era of Sahaba, then Tabiyeen and then those who followed them. These are the people who knew well the proofs and realities.
Note: The first Hadith which al-hafidh narrates is the beautiful Hadith al Qudsi saying: Whosoever nurses a grudge against a friend of mine (i.e. Wali Ullah) I declare war on him [Also narrated by Imam Bukhari in his Sahih: Volume 8, Page No. 131)
The righteous Ruler Al-Muzzafar Abu Sa’eed (Rahimuhullah) and his gathering for Mawlid which included eminent ulama and Sufiya - (Ibn Kathir in: Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah, Volume 13, Page No. 174)
The Glorious Ruler Muzzafar ibn Zayn un din (rah)
الملك المظفر أبو سعيد كوكبري
ابن زين الدين علي بن تبكتكين أحد الاجواد والسادات الكبراء والملوك الامجاد له آثار حسنة وقد عمر الجامع المظفري بسفح قاسيون وكان قدهم بسياقه الماء إليه من ماء بذيرة فمنعه المعظم من ذلك واعتل بأنه قد يمر على مقابر المسلمين بالسفوح وكان يعمل المولد الشريف في ربيع الاول ويحتفل به احتفالا هائلا وكان مع ذلك شهما شجاعا فاتكا بطلا عاقلا عالما عادلا رحمه الله وأكرم مثواه وقد صنف الشيخ أبو الخطاب ابن دحية له مجلدا في المولد النبوي سماه التنوير في مولد البشير النذير فأجازه على ذلك بألف دينار وقد طالت مدته في الملك في زمان الدولة الصلاحية وقد كان محاصر عكا وإلى هذه السنة محمودالسيرة والسريرة قال السبط حكى بعض من حضر سماط المظفر في بعض الموالد كان يمد في ذلك السماط خمسة آلاف راس مشوى وعشرة آلاف دجاجة ومائة ألف زبدية وثلاثين ألف صحن حلوى قال وكان يحضر عنده في المولد اعيان العلماء والصوفية فيخلع عليهم ويطلق لهم ويعمل للصوفية سماعا من الظهر إلى الفجر ويرقص بنفسه معهم وكانت له دار ضيافة للوافدين من أي جهة على أي صفة وكانت صدقاته في جميع القرب والطاعات على الحرمين وغيرهما ويتفك من الفرنج في كل سنة خلقا من الاسارى حتى قيل إن جملة من استفكه من ايديهم ستون ألف أسير قالت زوجته ربيعة خاتون بنت أيوب وكان قد زوجه إياها أخوها صلاح الدين لما كان معه على عكا قالت كان قميصه لا يساوي خمسة دراهم فعاتبته بذلك فقال لبسي ثوبا بخمسة واتصدق بالباقي خير من أن البس ثوبا مثمنا وادع الفقير المسكين وكان يصرف على المولد في كل سنة ثلاثمائة ألف دينار وعلى دار الضيافة في كل سنة مائة ألف دينار وعلى الحرمين والمياه بدرب الحجاز ثلاثين ألف دينار سوى صدقات السر رحمه الله تعالى
Note: Before biography of this great Ruler written in golden words is given, whom Salah-ud-din Ayyubi (Rahimuhullah) himself wed to his sister, one has to beware of a forgery which Salafis try to make common in name of Imam Ibn Kathir (rah). The culprits corrupted the translation and made this brave, wise, upright and scholarly ruler into a wicked, cruel and Bidati one (Naudhobillah)
The actual words of Imam without forgery
Translation: The ruler Muzzafar Abu Sa’ed Kawkaburi Ibn Zayn-ud-din Ali bin Tabaktakin was a generous, mighty master, and glorious ruler, whose works were very good. He built Jamiya al Muzaffari near Qasiyun…During Rabi ul Awwal he used to celebrate Mawlid ash Shareef (يعمل المولد الشريف في ربيع الاول) with great celebration, Moreover, he was benevolent, brave, wise, a scholar, and just person – Rahimuhullah wa Ikraam – Sheikh Abul Khattab (rah) wrote a book on Mawlid an Nabwi for him and named it At-Tanwir fi Mawlid al Bashir al Nazeer, for which he gave him 1000 dinars. His rule stayed till the Rule of Salahiya and he captured Aka and he remained a man worthy of respect.
During the Mawlid there used be a big gathering of Ulama and Sufiya with him, whom he used to grant gifts and also arrange (Mehfil) of Sama for Sufis from Dhuhr till Asr in which he himself did Raqs. [Note: Raqs is proven and allowed in Shariah, It should not be mixed with vulgar dancing of west done on music] and he had built a Dar ul Ziafat for everyone who came no matter what position the person held, and he used to give sadaqat for Haramain Shareefain and also used to get many prisoners free from Farangis (i.e. white people probably Christian/Jews), It is said that he got 60,000 prisoners free from them.
His wife Rabiya bint Ayyub who was married to him by her brother Salah ud din Ayyubi (rah) said that his shirt was not even worth 5 Dirhams, so she complained to him about it at which he replied: For me to wear shirt of 5 Dirhams only and give remaining as Sadaqa is better than wearing expensive clothes or to leave the Fuqara and Masakeen. He used to spend Three hundred thousand Dinaar on Mawlid every year, Hundred thousand Dinar on welcoming guests, and 30,000 dinars to provide water for Pilgrims on travel – Rahimuhullah -
Imam al-hafidh al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ayb ul Iman Volume 6, Page No. 356, Hadith No. 8501
أخبرنا أبو زكريا بن أبي إسحاق قال حضرت مجلس أبي الحسن بن سمعون فسأله رجل عن التصوف ما هو قال إن له اسما وحقيقة فعن أيهما تسأل فقال عنهما جميعا فقال أما اسمه فنسيان الدنيا ونسيان أهلها وأما حقيقته فالمداراة مع الخلق واحتمال الأذى منهم من جهة الحق
Translation: Narrated by Abu Zakriyyah bin Abi Ishaq who said that he went to the gathering of Abul Hassan bin Samoon (rah) where a person asked him: What is Tassawuf?, He replied: It has a name and also reality, which of the two have you asked about? The questioner said: Both, He replied: In name it means to forget the world and its residents (i.e. dedicate yourself only to Allah), whereas the reality of it is to deal nicely with creation, not to harm them and also to share their pain for the sake of Allah.
Merits of Sheikh Shahab ud din Suharwardi (Rahimuhullah) In Tarikh Ibn Khalkan (i.e. by Sheikh Shams ud din Abul Abbas) Volume 4, Page No 446
الملقب شهاب الدين السهروردي وقد تقدم تتمة نسبه إلى أبي بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه في ترجمة عمه الشيخ أبي النجيب عبد القاهر فأغنى عن إعادته كان فقيها شافعي المذهب شيخا صالحا ورعا كثير الاجتهاد في العبادة والرياضة وتخرج عليه خلق كثير من الصوفية في المجاهدة والخلوة ولم يكن في آخر عمره في عصره مثله
Translation: And lineage of Shahab ud din Suharwardi has been mentioned before in the biography of his uncle Abul Najib Abdul Qahir (rah) reaching back to Sayyidna Abu Bakr (RA). You were a shafi’i Faqih and a Salih (righteous) sheikh, who did a lot of striving in worship and Riyazah. Many of the Sufis took you as a teacher in Mujahida and Khalwat. And in your era till your last age there was none like you.
Sheikh Shahab ud din Suharwardi (Rahimuhullah) in words of Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) [Al-Bidayah Wal Nihayah Volume 13, Page No. 176]
الشيخ شهاب الدين السهروردي
صاحب عوارف المعارف عمر بن محمد بن عبد الله بن محمد بن محمد بن حمويه واسمه عبد الله البكري البغدادي شهاب الدين أبو حفص السهروردي شيخ الصوفية ببغداد كان من كبار الصالحين وسادات المسلمين وتردد في الرسلية بين الخلفاء والملوك مرارا وحصلت له أموال جزيلة ففرقها بين الفقراء والمحتاجين وقد حج مرة وفي صحبته خلق من الفقراء لا يعلمهم إلا الله عز وجل وكانت فيه مروءة وإغاثة للملهوفين وأمر بالمعروف ونهي عن المنكر… وذكر له أبن خلكان أشياء كثيرة من أناشيده وأثنى عليه خيرا وأنه توفي في هذه السنة وله ثلاث وتسعون سنة رحمه الله تعالى
Translation: The Author of Awarif ul Mu’arif, Umar bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Hamuya. Your name was Abdullah al Bakri al Baghdadi Shahab ud din Abu Hafs Suharwardi (Rahimuhullah)..Sheikh of Sufiya in Baghdad, amongst the “major” righteous masters of Muslims (شيخ الصوفية ببغداد كان من كبار الصالحين وسادات المسلمين). You travelled with Khulafa and leaders many times and gathered abundant amount of wealth which you distributed amongst Fuqara and the needy. Once when you went for Hajj, you had with yourself so many Fuqara that their quantity is known to none but Allah. You had the qualities of youth, of helping the saddened ones, of amr bil maroof wa nahi al munkar (to stop from evil and advocate good). You used to preach people in old trodden clothes… Ibn Khalkan (rah) has mentioned many of your poetry and praised you in good terms. You passed away in this year (630AH) - Rahimuhullah Ta'la
Detailed explanation of Tassawuf by Imam Ibn Khaldun (Rahimuhullah) again (Muqadma Page No. 158)
وأما المتصوفة فرياضتهم دينية وعرية عن هذه المقاصد المذمومة
وإنما يقصدون جمع الهمة والإقبال على الله بالكلية ليحصل لهم أذواق أهل العرفان والتوحيد، ويزيدون في رياضتهم إلى الجمع والجوع التغذية بالذكر، فبها تتم وجهتهم في هذه الرياضة. لأنه إذا نشأت النفس على الذكر كانت أقرب إلى العرفان بالله؛ وإذا عريت عن الذكر كانت شيطانية.
وحصول ما يحصل من معرفة الغيب والتصرف لهؤلاء المتصوفة إنما هو بالعرض، ولا يكون مقصوداً من أول الأمر؛ لأنه إذا قصد ذلك كانت الوجهة فيه لغير الله؛ وإنما هي لقصد التصرف والاطلاع على الغيب، وأخسر بها صفقة فإنها في الحقيقة شرك. قال بعضهم: "من آثر العرفان للعرفان فقد قال بالثاني ". فهم يقصدون بوجهتهم المعبود لا لشيء سواه. وإذا حصل في أثناء ذلك ما يحصل فبالغرض وغير مقصود لهم. وكثير منهم يفر منه إذا عرض له ولا يحفل به؛ وإنما يريد الله لذاته لا لغيره. وحصول ذلك لهم معروف. ويسمون ما يقع لهم من الغيب والحديث على الخواطر فراسة وكشفاً، وما يقع لهم من التصرف كرامة؛ وليس شيء من ذلك بنكير في حقهم. وقد ذهب إلى إنكاره الأستاذ أبو إسحاق الأسفراييني وأبو محمد بن أبي زيد المالكي في آخرين فراراً من التباس المعجزة بغيرها. والمعول عليه عند المتكلمين حصول التفرقة بالتحدي فهو كاف
Translation: The Sufi training is a religious one. It is free from any reprehensible intentions. They aspire to total concentration upon Allah with a direct approach towards him so that they also get the zawq as attained by knowers of Allah and his Tawhid (Ahlul Irfan wa-tawhid). This is why to create an accord in their thoughts they keep themselves hungry in order to flourish their soul in remembrance of Allah and thus attain success in achieving their goals, because when the soul feeds on Dhikr (of Allah) it attains knowledge and closeness to Him, but if it is far from Dhikr (of Allah) then Shaytan becomes dominant upon it.....
Whatever knowledge of the unseen and Tassaruf attained (by Sufis) is not what they intended for originally. Had it been intentional then the devotion of Sufis would have been directed toward something other than Allah, namely toward knowing unseen and get Tassaruf. What a losing business that would have been! In reality, it would have been Shirk. Some (Sufis) said: Whosoever tried to attain Marifah for the sake of Marifah (committed shirk), this is why their devotion is only (to come near) the Master, and nothing else.
If meanwhile some (supernatural perception) is obtained then it is accidental and unintentional. Many (Sufis) hate and shun (supernatural perception) when it accidentally happens to them, and pay no attention to it. They only want Allah for his sake only and nothing else. It is well known that (supernatural perception) does occur among (Sufis). If they attain knowledge of Unseen and have Firasah (sight) then they call it the un-covering. Their experiences of supernatural activity creating a change in environment are called Karamah. Nobody can deny their Kashf, Firasah and Karamah, however Abu Ishaq Isfraini and Abu Muhammad bin Abu Zayd Maliki have rejected the Karmah (of Sufis) so that no comparison is made between Mojiza (Mircales performed by Anbiya) and others, But the Mutakalimeen showed a distinction between Mojiza and Karamah i.e. former is shown as a challenge whereas latter is not.
Note: After this Ibn Khaldun (rah) mentions Karamah of non-anbiya i.e. Sahaba and Awliya, the first example he gives is of Hadrat Umar(RA) saying loudly “Ya Sariyah tul Jabal” while giving Khutba in Madina and Sariya (ra) heard it too though he was very far away in Iraq.
Imam Baihaqi in Shu’ayb ul Iman Volume 3, Page No. 261-262 Hadith No. 3487--
أخبرنا ابو عبد الرحمن السلمي قال سمعت عبد الواحد بن بكر يقول سمعت محمد بن داود الرقي يقول عن أبي العباس بن عطاء قال سعى ساع بالصوفية إلى الخليفة فقال إن ها هنا قوما من الزنادقة يرفضون الشريعة فأخذ ابو الحسين الثوري وأبوحمزة والرقام وتستر الجنيد بالفقه فكان يتكلم على مذهب أبي ثور فأدخلوا على الخليفة فأمر بضرب اعناقهم فبرز ابو الحسين إلى السياف ليضرب عنقه فقال له السياف مالك برزت من بين أصحابك فقال أحببت أن أوثر أصحابي بحياة هذه اللحظة فتعجب السياف من ذلك وجميع من حضر وكتب به إلى الخليفة فرد أمرهم إلى قاضي القضاة
إسماعيل بن إسحاق فقام إليه الثوري فسأله عن أصول الفرائض في الطهارة والصلاة فأجابه ثم قال وبعد هذا فإن لله عبادا يأكلون بالله ويلبسون بالله ويسمعون بالله ويصدرون بالله ويردون بالله فلما سمع القاضي كلامه بكى بكاء شديدا ثم دخل على الخليفة وقال إن كان هؤلاء القوم الزنادقة فما على وجه الأرض موحد
Translation: Abul Abbas bin Ata (rah) narrates: Some backbiter complained about Sufis to the Caliph that these people are zindeeq and those who have departed from the religion, hence Abul Hassan Thawri (rah), Abu Hamza (rah) and Riqam (rah) were captured, and Junaid got busy in fiqh as he used to do kalaam on the way of Abu Thawr (rah). These people were presented infront of the Caliph of that time who ordered them to be killed. Abul Hassan quickly came infront of the Jallad so that he is the one to be killed first.. The Jallad asked him: What happened, Why did you come ahead from amongst all? He (Abul Hasan) replied: I have given preference to my friends so that they live a little more than me. The Jallad became amazed upon looking at the Isaar (of these Sufis) and refused to kill anyone of them, he was amazed from the one and also all of them.
...He wrote a letter to the caliph and sent their case to the Qadhi ul Qudha who was Ismail bin Ishaq (rah). Even in the court Abul Hasan Thawri (rah) came ahead first. The Judge asked him about the Usool of Deen, Faraid, Taharah and Salaat. He (Abul Hasan) gave (perfect) answers to all and said: after these usool and faraid there are special people of Allah who get food and drink by Allah who hear with (his hearing) and He is the one who answers for them. When the Qadhi heard his speech he wept profoundly and went to the Caliph and said: If these people have departed from religion and are zindeeq then there is no Mawhid on the face of this earth.
-End of narration by Imam al Hafidh al-Bayhaqi (Rahimuhullah) -
Dhahabi on Imam of Sufis, Al Qushayri (rah)
Dhahabi says about Imam Al Qushayri (Rahimuhullah):
القشيري الإمام الزاهد القدوة الأستاذ أبو القاسم عبدالكريم بن هوازن بن عبدالملك بن طلحة القشيري الخراساني النيسابوري الشافعي الصوفي المفسر صاحب الرسالة ولد سنة خمس وسبعين وثلاث مئة
Translation: Al Qushayri (rah), the Imam of abstinence, the model, the teacher, Abul Qasim Abdul Kareem bin Hawazin bin Abdul Malik bin Talha al Qushayri (rah), the Khurasani and Naysaburi, “SHAFI’I, SUFI AND MUFASIR” the author of Ar-Risalah, he was born in 375 AH [As-Siyar al Alam an Nabula, Volume No. 11, Page No. 487, Published by Dar ul Kutb al iLmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon.]
Imam Qushayri (rah) writes in the same Risalah mentioned by Dhahabi
هذه رسالة كتبها الفقير إلى الله تعالى عبد الكريم بن هوازن القشيري، إلى جماعة الصوفية ببلدان الإسلام، في سنة سبع وثلاثين وأربعمائة. أما بعد: رضي الله عنكم فقد جعل الله هذه الطائفة صفوة أوليائه، وفضلهم على الكافة من عباده، بعد رسله وأنبيائه، صلوات الله وسلامه عليهم، وجعل قلوبهم معادن أسراره، واختصهم من بين الأمة بطوالع أنواره.
Translation: This is a precise book written by a Faqir of Allah called Abdul Kareem bin Hawazin al Qushayri. It is written about the group of Sufis living in Islamic world, the year of its writing is 437 AH. Ama Ba’ad (O the one listening, reading and seeing) May Allah be pleased with you. Allah has granted these (Sufis) a top ranking status, He has chosen them above all slaves after the Prophets and Messengers. Allah’s blessing and Peace be upon them, may Allah keep on choosing their hearts for expressing His secrets as amongst whole Ummah they are granted the Nur (of guidance) [Ar Risalah al Qushayriya, Page No. 42]
Junayd Baghdadi (RA) [Taken from Ibn Kathir's Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah Volume 11, Page No. 218]
الجنيد بن محمد بن الجنيد
أبو القاسم الخزاز ويقال له القواريري أصله من نهاوند ولد ببغداد ونشأ بها وسمع الحديث من الحسين بن عرفة وتفقه بأبى ثور إبراهيم بن خالد الكلبي وكان يفتي بحضرته وعمره عشرون سنة وقد ذكرناه في طبقات الشافعية واشتهر بصحبة الحارث المحاسبي وخاله سرى السقطى
ولازم التعبد ففتح الله عليه بسبب ذلك علوما كثيرة وتكلم على طريقة الصوفية وكان ورده في كل يوم ثلثمائة ركعة وثلاثين ألف تسبيحة ومكث أربعين سنة لا يأوى إلى فراش ففتح عليه من العلم النافع والعمل الصالح بأمور لم تحصل لغيره في زمانه وكان يعرف سائر فنون العلم وإذا أخذ فيها لم يكن له فيها وقفة ولا كبوة حتى كان يقول في المسألة الواحدة وجوها كثيرة لم تخطر للعلماء ببال وكذلك في التصوف وغيره ولما حضرته الوفاة جعل يصلي ويتلو القرآن فقيل له لورفقت بنفسك في مثل هذا الحال فقال لا أحد أحوج إلى ذلك منى الآن وهذا أوان طى صحيفتى قال ابن خلكان أخذ الفقه عن أبي ثور ويقال كان يتفقه على مذهب سفيان الثورى وكان ابن سريح يصحبه ويلازمه وربما استفاد منه أشياء في الفقه لم تخطر له ببال ويقال إنه سأله مرة عن مسألة فأجابه فيها بجوابات كثيرة فقال يا أبا القاسم ألم أكن أعرف فيها سوى ثلاثة أجوبة مما ذكرت فأعدها علي فأعادها بجوابات أخرى كثيرة فقال والله ما سمعت هذا قبل اليوم فأعده فأعاده بجوابات أخرى غير ذلك فقال له لم أسمع بمثل هذا فأمله علي حتى أكتبه فقال الجنيد لئن كنت أجريه فأنا أمليه اى إن الله هو الذى يجري ذلك على قلبي وينطق به لساني وليس هذا مستفاد من كتب ولا من تعلم وإنما هذا من فضل الله عز وجل يلهمنيه ويجريه على لساني فقال فمن أين استفدت هذا العلم قال من جلوسي بين يدي الله أربعين سنة والصحيح أنه كان على مذهب سفيان الثوري وطريقه والله أعلم وسئل الجنيد عن العارف
فقال من نطق عن سرك وأنت ساكت وقال مذهبنا هذا مقيد بالكتاب والسنة فمن لم يقرأ القرآن ويكتب الحديث لا يقتدى به في مذهبنا وطريقتنا ورأى بعضهم معه مسبحة فقال له أنت مع شرفك تتخذ مسبحة فقال طريق وصلت به إلى الله لا أفارقه وقال له خاله السري تكلم على الناس فلم ير نفسه موضعا فرأى في المنام رسول الله ص فقال له تكلم على الناس فغدا على خاله فقال له لم تسمع منى حتى قال لك رسول الله ص فتكلم على الناس فجاءه يوما شاب نصراني في صورة مسلم فقال له يا أبا القاسم ما معنى قول النبي ص اتقوا فراسة المؤمن فإنه ينظر بنور الله فأطرق الجنيد ثم رفع رأسه إليه وقال أسلم فقد آن لك أن تسلم قال فأسلم الغلام
Translation: Abul Qasim al-Khazzaz and It is also said Al-Qawairi, in reality he was from Nahawand, born and grew young in Baghdad, heard ahadith from Al Hussain bin Arfa (rah) and got the knowledge of Fiqh from Abul Thawr Ibrahim bin Khalid Kalbi (rah) and in his presence at the age of about 20 he started to give verdicts. We have mentioned him in Tabaqat al Shafiyyah. He was student of Siri Saqti (rah) and Harith al-Muhasibi (rah) which made him attain a lot of fame. He was firm in worship due to which Allah opened doors of many uloom upon him and he talked about the tariqa of Sufiya. It was his norm that he used to pray 300 Rakaat everyday and recite 30,000 Tasbihat and for 40 years he did not sleep on (soft) bed, due to such deeds Allah granted him beneficial knowledge along with correct implementation in a way that nobody else in his time had acquired. He knew all the branches of Uloom very well to the extent that he left no shortcoming in whatever matter he talked about, rather he used to explain every single ruling in such many ways that no other alim could have done. Same was his situation in (uloom) of Tassawuf.
The Inspiration from Allah azza Wajjal
...When his time for death came near, he started to pray and recite Quran, someone said: If in this critical time you give your soul some rest then it would be better for you, he replied: Nobody is dependant and deprived more than me right now as the time for my Amaal to be wrapped up has arrived.
Ibn Khalkan (rah) said that he got the knowledge of fiqh from Abu Thawr (rah) and it is also said that he was on the methodology of Sufyan Thawri (rah). Ibn Sharih (rah) used to stay in his Suhbah all the time. It is said that once when he was asked about a certain matter, he gave so many answers to it that the questioner was dumbstruck and thus said: All the answers which you gave I don’t know any except for 3 therefore kindly repeat them again. He gave more answers but different ones, the questioner exclaimed: Wallah I have never heard such answers before, therefore kindly repeat them once more, He again gave many other answers, the questioner said: I have never heard these before, please dictate them to me.
At this Junayd (rah) said: If I were giving those answers from myself then I would have made you write them, meaning these answers are those which Allah inspired on my heart and made my tongue say them, finally the questioner asked: From where did you get this knowledge? He answered: By sitting in the court of Allah (i.e. his bestowal) for 40 years and the correct thing is that he was on the way of Sufyan Thawri (rah) and Allah knows the best.
At this Junayd (rah) said: If I were giving those answers from myself then I would have made you write them, meaning these answers are those which Allah inspired on my heart and made my tongue say them, finally the questioner asked: From where did you get this knowledge? He answered: By sitting in the court of Allah (i.e. his bestowal) for 40 years and the correct thing is that he was on the way of Sufyan Thawri (rah) and Allah knows the best.
Junaid (rah) said: Our Madhab is based upon Quran and Sunnah, a person who does not read Quran but writes only Hadith then according to our way his ittiba should not be done. Someone saw a tasbih in his hand and asked him, Even after reaching this high stage you use Tasbih? He replied: I have found the way to Allah through this therefore I do not want to leave it.
The Miraculous incident
Once a young Christian disguised as a Muslim came in his presence and asked him: What is the meaning of this saying of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam): “Beware of Momin’s insight as he sees with the Nur of Allah”.Hearding this (Junayd) lowered his head for sometime and then raised it saying: Your time to accept Islam has arrived therefore accept it. The youngster accepted Islam there and then.
Extreme Hatred
Sufi Muslims
July 2010
Data Darbar
is one of the oldest Muslim shrines on the subcontinent

Wahhabi Suicide attacks at Data Darbar
July 2010
Two suicide bombers have carried out a deadly attack on a Sufi shrine in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore.
1st July 2010
At least 42 people died in the blasts at the popular Data Darbar shrine late on Thursday evening, officials say. At least 175 other people were hurt in the attack, believed to be the first to target a shrine in Lahore.
Thousands of people were visiting the shrine at the time, officials say. It holds the remains of a Persian Sufi saint, Abul Hassan Ali Hajvery.
Oct 2010
Abdullah Shah Ghazi's Shrine
Thursday, October 7, 2010
HAZRAT ABDULLAH SHAH GHAZI ( RAHMATULLAH ALLAIH ) is one of the Greatest and Famous Sufi saint. Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi (RA). Belongs to the 4th generation of Hazrat Amir ul Momineen Hazrat Ali Karam Allahu Wajhu. Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi (RA) migrated from Arab to Karachi area and took wisal here.

10 killed in bombings at Muslim Sufi shrine in Pakistan
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wahhabi groups regard the Sufi discipline of Islam to be
tantamount to heresy.
Reporting from Islamabad — Two suicide
bombers attacked crowds of Pakistanis visiting a Sufi Muslim shrine in
the country's largest city, Karachi, Thursday night, killing at least 10 people
and wounding 65 others in an attack that reminded the nation of extremists'
ability to strike virtually at will.
The blasts appeared to be timed to
coincide with when crowds are largest at a shrine for Abdullah Shah Ghazi,a
revered 8th-century saint of the Sufi doctrine of Islam. The shrine sees its
biggest crowds on Thursday nights and draws people from throughout Karachi and
the rest of Sindh province.
Hazrat Syed Ahmad Sultan Sakhi Sarwar (RA)
April 2011

Syed Ahmad Sultan Sakhi Sarwar is also known as Lakh Data, Sakhi Sultan and Lalan Wali Sarkar. He was the son of Hazrat Zainul Abedin, who migrated from Baghdad and settled in Shahkot (near Multan) in 1220 AD. He studied in Lahore and later went to Dhounkal, near Wazirabad for higher education.
Sakhi Sarwar preached Islam in Sodhra, near Wazirabad. He also stayed at Dhounkal with his contemporary saints Shaikh Shahabuddin Suhrawardy and Hazrat Moinuddin Ajmeri. From Dhounkal, Sakhi Sarwar came to Dera Ghazi Khan and settled in Nagaha, now named after him, Sakhi Sarwar.
Sunday April 03, 2011

Two back to back bombs have exploded outside a Sufi Muslim shrine in central Pakistan, killing at least 41 people and injuring scores of others.
Sunday Apr 03, 2011

Wahhabi Bomb went off on Sunday outside the shrine of Sakhi Sarwar in Dera Ghazi Khan District, which is one of the most populated areas in Southern Punjab.
Pro-Taliban militants and Saudi-inspired Wahhabi extremist groups have launched a violent campaign against Shia Muslims and Sufi gatherings. They appear to have widened their terror campaigns in major Pakistani cities.
Attack Mosque in Libyan Capital
None of the National Transitional Council leaders
have until now failed to comment on reports by witnesses that a group of more
than 200 heavily armed gunmen, Sunday night, attacked a mosque in the
northeastern Al-Masri district of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, ransacked the tombs
of two imams, and made off with their relics.
According to witnesses the gunmen arrived at around 10.00 p.m. on pickup trucks
fitted with heavy machine guns, forced open the mosque's door, and in three
hours dug up the tombs of imams Abdel Rahman el-Masri and
Salem Abu Seifnd, stole their
relics, burnt copies of the Koran,
ran havoc inside the mosque and caused destroyed much of the inside.
A teacher at the adjoining Koranic school, told AFP on condition of anonymity,
that the gunmen wore beards and were in military uniform. He said they must
have been Islamic extremists wanting to make trouble. “They want power, they
want to control Libya," he said.
According to witnesses the men were very well organised. Some of the men sealed
off the perimeter of the mosque and were communicating with walkie-talkies,
while others did what they must have planned to do inside the mosque.
This is the third such incident in just over a week. A few days ago a Muslim
cemetery in the western district of Gargaresh and another close to the Tripoli airport
were also ransacked, apparently with pneumatic drills and other heavy tools,
according to witnesses.
Read more: Here

12/ OCT/ 2011
In yet another display of disunity between Libya's new conquerors there is a growing trend of grave desecration occurring. The interim head of the NTC denounced the practice on Tuesday, which is instigated by rebel fighters who adhere to Salafi Islam.
In post Gaddafi Libya intolerance is becoming the norm. The new wave of grave desecrations and vandalism is carried out by Muslims on Muslim graves, as proponents of Salafi Islamism vent their disapproval of the idolatrous nature of graves.
On Sunday night a mosque in Tripoli’s Al-Masri district was violated by a group of 200 armed gunmen. Gulf News reported that local resident Mahmud Rahman described the incident, saying the gunmen
“arrived in pickups fitted with heavy machineguns.” He went on to say "They forced open the mosque's door and then started to dig up the tombs of imams Abdel Rahman el-Masri and Salem Abu Seif, and made off with their relics.”
Another witness recounted that the gunmen were well organized, sealing off the mosque and communicating via walkie-talkies.
He said "They had beards and were in military uniform. They must have been Islamic extremists wanting to make trouble. They want power, they want to control Libya.”
Sunday’s attack was at least the third so far. The Tripoli Post reported that last week pneumatic drills were used to attack a Muslim cemetery in Gargaresh and another close to Tripoli airport. Hard line extremists believe that gravestones are in violation of Islamic law.
On Tuesday Mustafa Abdul Jalil, interim head of the NTC, condemned the attacks for the first time. The Wall Street Journal reported he asked religious authorities to issue a decree against such acts, saying
“It’s not allowed in Islamic law to do this.”
Jalil has already publicly announced that post Gaddafi Libya will follow sharia law but the extent of its interpretation is already coming to the forefront. Muammar Gaddafi ruled over a country that practiced moderate Islam and kept a constant vigil against the rise of extreme Islam. Without his firm hand at the helm Libya is factoring into divisive groups, not only between anti-Gaddafi groups and pro-Gaddafi loyalists, but between Libya’s new conquerors. There is an increasing trend towards power falling into the hands of extremists, as Gaddafi warned
Tripoli’s commander Abdel Hakim Belhadj is an advocate of a caliphate state though has moderated his views when interviewed by the Western media. Nevertheless he is considered to be the leader of extremists and was imprisoned under Gaddafi due to his leadership role in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. His influential friend Sheik Ali Al-Salabi has called for a moderate Islam in Libya but the extremists appear to becoming impatient at maintaining the facade of moderatism.
July 2012
Libyans walk in front of an empty grave hole at the Shrine of Sidi al Masry, in Tripoli, Libya.

bomb exploded at the Sahaba Mosque in Derna this morning destroying
the tomb of Zuhayr Ibn Qais Al-Balawi, a seventh century Arab commander
who helped bring Islam to the region.
Ibn Qais Al-Balawi
who was active in North Africa between 683 and 689, is revered locally as
a leader of the Companions of the Prophet in North Africa."
"Salafists have
destroyed a number of Sufi shrines in Libya since the revolution..."
more: Here
over 140 innocent Children killed
July 2013
Wahhabi terrorists in Syria Destroy
The Tomb of
Khalid ibn Walid (RA)
The Sword of Allah
(may Allah be pleased with him), the companion of Rasulullah (peace and
blessings of Allah be on him) and the greatest Muslim general to have lived is
buried along with his son in a corner of this mosque in Homs which has now been partially destroyed in the ongoing war in
Syria by Wahhabi Terrorist video Here
His old Friend said:
"You must understand, O Khalid," the friend explained, "that when the
Messenger of Allah, on whom be the blessings of Allah and peace, named
you Sword of Allah, he predetermined that you would not fall in battle.
If you had been killed by an unbeliever it would have meant that Allah's
sword had been broken by an enemy of Allah; and that could never be."
And Now these so called "Muslims" who say: "We only follow Quran & Sunnah" want to destroy the "Sword of Allah" what a shame!
May Allah(SWT) protect us from this Wahhabi Evil
25 Aug 2012
Sufi Shrines Attacked in Libya
Wahhabi/Salafi Terrorists
more pics: Here
A Sufi shrine in Libya's capital has been bulldozed, the latest in a string of attacks on Sufi religious sites.
Men in bulldozers partially destroyed the shrine on Saturday, bystanders told BBC News. Attackers also set a historic library in a nearby mosque on fire, Reuters reported.
The attacks come just a day after the tomb of revered Sufi scholar Abdel Salam al-Asmar in the city of Zlitan was found desecrated, according to BBC News.
The region has been experiencing clashes between tribal groups that have killed two and injured 18, according to Reuters.
read more here
Tripoli, 25 August:
Al-Sha’ab suffi shrine, opposite the Radisson Blu Hotel in central Tripoli, is
currently being demolished by heavy machinery, under the protection of security
forces. It is understood that the shrine was vandalised by Salafist extremists
this morning and the demolition is a preventative measure against further
there are growing suspicions that the destruction of the shrine has some form
of official approval. According to
Reuters Middle East correspondent Hadeel Al-Shalchi on Twitter, the
Ministry of the Interior gave consent for the demolition due to “evidence of black magic”, as it is believed that some
worshippers prayed at tombs on the site.
Deputy Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur also took to the social networking site
to say “the destruction of shrines and mosques is a
crime. those who commit these crimes will be held responsible… I asked the
Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defence to intervene yesterday but
they did not do their duty to protect these sites.”
Mohammed Magarief,
the president of the General National Congress, released a similar statement
via Twitter condemning such attacks.
appear to be on edge at the scene, the Libya
Herald witnessed a
fight between a bystander and a guard, and those taking photographs were asked
to leave.
is not the first attack on the mosque. An attempt earlier this year to destroy
the shrine resulted in a demonstration outside the hotel and security forces
being brought in to protect the tomb.
have destroyed a number of Sufi shrines in
Libya since the revolution. On Thursday night, the shrine of Sidi
Abdul-Salam Al-Asmar Al-Fituri in Zliten was also attacked. In
March, they tried to destroy one of the most important shrines in the
country, that of Sidi Abdul-Salam Al-Asmar Al-Fituri in Zliten and in June
the Sahaba mosque in Derna was destroyed in a bomb attack.
Read: Here
Shaykh Ahmad Zarruq’s
grave has been desecrated In Libya
Sunday 26th August 2012 The Salafis came at
night 3 AM while people were sleeping and dug out the blessed resting place of
Hazrat Shaykh Ahmad Zaruq Alayhi Rahma.
Have Just Been Informed By Brothers In Libya that The Salafis
Have Taken The Blessed Body of Shaykh Ahmad Zarruq Alayhi Rahma and They
Have Dumped It At An Unknown Location and the
Salafis are on their way to destroy the tomb of the Sahabi, Ruwayfi’ b.
Thabit al-Ansari in Libya.
Who was
Shaykh Ahmad Zaruq Alayhi Rahma ?
Abdul Aziz Dehlwi
(radi Allahu anhu), in his book, “Bustaanul Muhaditheen”, praises Hazrat
Sayyidi Ahmed Zarooq (radi Allahu anhu), by describing him as follows:
“Hazrat-e-Arfa wa Ah’la, Imaamul Ulema and Nizaamul Awliya (The
Highly Exalted Shaikh, Leader of the Ulema and the Governor of the Awliya).
This great Saint is also among the Abdaal Sab’a (The Seven Magnificent Abdaal)
and is an authority amongst the Sufis. Among his illustrious students are
personalities like Imaam Shamsudeen Lagaani and Imaam Shahabudeen Qastalaani
(radi Allahu anhuma). The Saint was a master in Shari’ah, Haqiqat and all
Mystical Facets. Some of his books can be consulted to gain a better
appreciation of his immense qualities.”
more info: here
JULY 2014
Most Extreme Evil ISIS
“When a people cannot themselves
see, there will always be those who would gleefully exploit the opportunity to
put a chain around their necks, weapons in their hands and money in their
pockets, in order to lead them to establish such absurdities as a bogus Islamic Caliphate and to recognize and embrace a
and bogus Imām al-Mahdi.
That is precisely
what is now emerging in Iraq ”
by Imran N Hosein
Wahhabi Evil
The Pakistani city of Peshawar is burying its dead after a Taliban
attack at a school killed at least 140 children and nine staff.
Many schools in Pakistan closed as a mark of respect, with those remaining open holding special prayers
17- Dec- 2014 another cowardly Evil Attack:
New Pakistan school attack: Taliban bomb girls' college in Khyber Province
Two bomb blasts have struck a girls' college in Pakistan's
Khyber Province just a day after the Pakistani Taliban killed 141 in an
attack on a school in Peshawar.
The explosions were reported at the Girls Degree College in the city of Dera Ismail Khan, in the same province as Peshawar where the Taliban school attack took place, according to Indian outlet NDTV. No injuries were reported in the blasts.
The explosions were reported at the Girls Degree College in the city of Dera Ismail Khan, in the same province as Peshawar where the Taliban school attack took place, according to Indian outlet NDTV. No injuries were reported in the blasts.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the attack on the
school and vowed to launch fresh operations against terrorism in the
"Our aim is to clean this region of terrorism. Not only Pakistan and
Afghanistan but indeed this entire region should be cleaned of
terrorism," Sharif reportedly said, at a news conference on Wednesday."
Pakistan: Three years after 140 died in the
Peshawar school massacre, what has changed?
Some labelled
the attack 'Pakistan’s 9/11 moment'
16 December 2017 00:28
Who was responsible?
hardline Islamist gunmen who carried out the attack were all foreign nationals,
including a Chechen, three Arabs and two Afghans.
Affiliated with the Tehrik and Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militant
movement, all six were killed by the Pakistan Army’s Special Services Group
(SSG), who rescued a total of 960 people in an eight-hour operation.
At the time of the attack, the Taliban had been weakened through
Pakistani military operations in the region and it was believed the slaughter
was carried out in response to the crackdown.
are the TTP?
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan is a loose association of various militant groups who
oppose the Pakistani state and want to implement Sharia law. Most of the
Taliban militants are believed to have their origins in groups sponsored, aided
and abetted in some way by the state.
the Peshawar atrocity, the Prime Minister recognised the country had appeared
ambivalent towards the extremists, and vowed to end the distinction between
“good” and “bad” Taliban.
Sharif said of the new approach: “All Taliban are bad
Taliban. Extremism of any kind – of thought, action, religious or political
extremism – is bad. We have to eliminate them wherever we find them.”
also vowed to “regulate” madrassa – the teaching of Islam – admitting that
unregulated education could be “very dangerous”.
Taliban has controlled areas in the north-west of Pakistan for recent years, as
well as proving a major force in Afghanistan. [Here]
Jan 2015
Read: Here
17 Jan 2015
Dogs of Hell Fire
Syria 's invaluable cultural heritage is
in serious danger as the country’s artifacts are either smuggled across borders
or destroyed at the hands of ISIL terrorists.
17 Jan 2015
The graves of al-‘Arif Sayyiduna Sayyid Shaykh Muhammad al-Nabhan al-Shadhili
al-Halabi, may Allah have mercy upon him, his wife and son have been
desecrated and their remains removed
Shaykh Nabhan was no ordinary Scholar but was
widely regarded as a Wali and was deeply loved and adored by the scholars of Syria , Iraq and Hijaz. Even the former
king of Saudi Arabia, King Faisal called him a king, the King Handed him the
keys to enter al-Rawdah al-Sharifah but he refused and said this is not from
the etiquette that we have with Sayyiduna Rasul Allah ﷺ and he spent the Day in front of the Rawdah weeping, -
Shaykh used to be constantly in the presence of Sayyiduna Rasul Allah(s) and
Sayyiduna Sayyid Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani RadiAllahu Anhu in the state of
wakefulness and he was a good friend of al-‘Arif Sayyiduna Shaykh Ahmad
al-Harun al-Dimashqi Rahimahullah -
Dogs of Hell Fire
Evil terrorists
also vandalized the seminary’s library, which contained hundreds of books. The
Takfiri militants also broke into a number of neighboring houses and looted
people’s properties.
Takfiri militants, who are fighting the Syrian government, have launched a
systematic campaign to damage and destroy the country’s historic sites in an
attempt to erase Syria ’s
rich cultural heritage.
terrorists have already destroyed or damaged over 300 Syrian historical sites.
and militants seizing the archaeological sites as their strongholds have caused
irrevocable damage to the [Syrian] tourism,” Bashar Jazmati, a Syrian tour
guide, said.
200,000 people have been killed in the crisis in Syria over the past nearly four
years, according to reports. New figures show that over 76,000 people,
including thousands of children, lost their lives in Syria last year (2014) alone.
Some of the Evil Attacks by them in Libya include:
October 2011
– Desecration of the Al-Masry shrine in Tripoli
and the extraction from their burial crypts within it of the bodies of two
Muslim scholars, Abdul-Rahman al-Masri and Salem Abu Seif.
November 2011
– Sidi Nasr shrine and mosque in Tripoli
was similarly damaged, again including theft of the remains of distinguished
Muslim clerics.
January 2012
– fanatics wrecked the cemetery of Sidi Ubaid in Benghazi ,
stealing 31 corpses.
March 2012
– the Tomb of a 15th-Century scholar Abdel Salam al-Asmar in Zlitan, about 160km
(100 miles) south-east of Tripoli .
July 2012
– the historic Sahaba Mosque in the eastern Libyan port of Derna
was bombed and the shrine of Zuhayr Ibn Qais Al-Balawi, companion of Prophet
Muhammad and Muslim military leader, was demolished.
August 2012
– Al-Shaab Al-Dahman mosque housed close to 50 Sufi graves inside and, outside,
the tombs of Libyan Sufi scholar Abdullah al-Sha’ab and a martyr who fought
Spanish colonialists.
August 2012
– digging out the blessed resting place of renowned 13 th century scholar and
sufi, Sheikh Ahmad Zaruq in Misrata.
August 2012
– The shrine of Sheikh Abdul Salam Al Asmari was blown up in addition to a
large part of the mosque named after him, as well as burning the ancient
library which held a huge number of books and manuscripts dating back
April 2013
– Bombing of the Masouleum of Sidi Mohammed al-Andulsi (b 1490)
Praise be to Allah(SWT), one of the Head Dog's of the Khawarij cult group
in Libya has been killed!
Read Here
January 2016
Muslims killed near Sayyida Zeinab(ra) Shrine
The Shrine of Sayyida Zainab bint Ali رضي الله عنهما in Damascus,
Sayyida Zainab is the
blessed gran-daughter of The Messenger of Allah ﷺ. The blessed Daughter of Sayuduna Ali Al
Murtadha & Sayyida Fatima Az Zahra رضي
الله عنهما. The blessed sister of
Imam Hassan Al Mujtaba & Imam Hussain Al Mujtaba رضي
الله عنهما.
At least 70 people were killed and 110 wounded on Sunday
by a car bomb and two suicide bombers in the Sayeda Zeinab district of Damascus.
Wahhabi/Salafi (Isis) claimed responsibility for the
attacks, according to Amaq, a news agency that supports the group.
The Sayeda Zeinab(ra) shrine area witnessed heavy clashes in the first few years of the war but has
since been secured by the Syrian army and Shi’ite militias led by Hezbollah,
which has set up protective roadblocks around it.
The destroyed prayer hall of Sayyida
Zeinab(ra) shrine after a car bomb exploded near the shrine, in a suburb of
Damascus, Syria, Thursday June 14, 2012.
16 Feb 2017
At least 70
dead as bomb rips through Lal Shahbaz shrine in Sehwan, Sindh
least 70 people were killed and more than 150 injured in a suicide attack on
the shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Sehwan on Thursday evening.
far 70 people have been killed and more than 150 have been wounded,” Inspector
General Police Sindh A.D. Khawaja said.
of the wounded are in critical condition and they will be shifted to Karachi as
soon as navy helicopters and the C-130 plane reach the nearest airport."
Superintendant Dr Moinuddin Siddiqui of Sehwan Taluka Hospital confirmed that
61 bodies were received by the hospital.
all the bodies were brought here. We have handed over 26 bodies to the heirs of
the deceased, while those that remain unidentified are at the hospital,” said
Commissioner Munawar Maheesar confirmed the dead
included at least four children and 12 women.
Wahhabi/Deobandi (Tehreek e Taliban deobandi terrorist)
Evil suicide bomber blew himself up near the gate of the shrine of Sufi saint Lal
Shahbaz Qalandar, also famously called Sehwan da Sakhi Shahbaz Qalandar, in
Sindh province of Pakistan on Thursday, killing at least 100 people and
injuring more than 250.This is the same famous Sufi pilgrimage centre which is
mentioned in the popular qawwali Dama Dam Mastt Qalandar.
shrine bombing: Isis claims responsibility for suicide attack killing at least
72 at Sufi Muslim site
Blast comes after Taliban's Jamaat-ur-Ahrar faction launches new
wave of violence in Pakistan
source: Here
24 Nov 2017
21 Nov 2018

24 Nov 2017
Hundreds of
worshippers killed in Egypt mosque attack
Scores more wounded after al-Rawdah mosque in north Sinai targeted in attack marking major escalation in battle with insurgents
At least 235 people have been killed and scores more injured in a
bomb and gun assault on a mosque in Egypt’s north Sinai, in the deadliest
attack in the country in recent memory.
bomb ripped through the mosque as Friday prayers were finishing, before
militants in four off-road vehicles approached and opened fire on worshippers,
a military source told the Guardian. Some witnesses said they had seen around 20 attackers.
than 50 ambulances ferried casualties from al-Rawdah mosque in Bir al-Abed,
about 25 miles (40km) west of the city of Arish, to nearby hospitals. Pictures
from the scene show rows of bloodied victims inside the mosque, and at least 130 people were reported to be injured.
Egyptian president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi,… “He added: “We will respond with
brute force to combat these terrorists and deviants ... This is an attempt to
deter us from fighting terrorism and to destroy our will, but we are steadfast,
and I say to all Egyptians, the battle you are fighting is the most
said residents went to every pharmacy and clinic they could to gather medicine
and instruments for local hospitals treating the wounded.
the Ber al-Abd hospitals, there was chaos,” he said. “Blood and screaming were
everywhere. We heard that [all] male members of one family were killed, the
elders, the youth and the children.”
grand imam of al-Azhar mosque in Cairo, the centre of Sunni learning, condemned
the attack as an “attempt to spread chaos”.
targeting Christians, the turn for mosques have come,” he said in a statement.
“As if terrorism wants to unite Egyptians in deaths and chaos, nevertheless it
will be defeated, and the will of Egyptians will prevail.”
mosque belongs to a Sufi order – a mystical branch of Islam whose followers
are regarded by hardline Islamists as apostates because they revere saints and
Isis propaganda outlet has previously published an interview with the commander
of its “morality police” in Sinai who said their “first
priority was to combat the manifestations of polytheism including Sufism”.
attack came days before the annual celebrations of the prophet Muhammad’s
birthday. Festivals are being held by Sufi-affiliated mosques around the
21 Nov 2018

Their Evil Root
Bedrock of Wahhabiyyah
Salafi/Ahlehadith &
Deobandi /Tablighi ...etc
Their imam
Bedrock of Wahhabiyyah
Salafi/Ahlehadith &
Deobandi /Tablighi ...etc
Their imam
ibn Abd-al-Wahhab Najdi
(Mu-hammed ibn Abd-al-Wahhab at-Tamimi an-Najdi)
(b.1117 A.H - d.1206 A.H /b.1703CE -d.1792CE)
Najdi said :
“The people that ask for intercession through the Prophets and Angels, calling upon them and making supplication through their waseelah in attempt to draw nearer to Allah are committing the greatest of sins. Thus it is permitted to kill them and take their property” [Kashf ash-Shubbahaat ]
Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab Najdi in “Nawaaqid ul-Islaam” on page,
308 said:
“He who sets up intermediaries between him and Allah, calling
unto them and asking them to intercede on his behalf with Allah, and
putting trust in them is an infidel [i.e. a Kaafir, a disbeliever] according to
the consensus of the scholars”.