Abu Dhar (ra) said, "I was with the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) one day and I heard him saying: "There is something I fear for my Ummah than the Dajjal."
was then that I
became afraid, so
I said: " Oh
Rasool Allah! Which
thing is that?" He (صلى
الله عليه وسلم)
said; "Misguided and astray
Recorded in Musnad
Imam Ahmad (no.21,334
and no.21,335). Sheikh Shu'ayb al Arna'ut graded it sahih li ghayri
(authentic due to corroborating narrations) in his tahqiq of the
Musnad (1999 ed., 35:21,296-97).
Tirmidhi (no.2229)
and others record the following hadith:
إنما أخاف على أمتي الأئمة المضلين
Wahhabi/Salafi and Deobandiyyah start
preaching "Oh! My Brother "Unity"
Quote: Wahhabi/Deobandi said:
"We are living in he UK! Leave those issues for the citizens of those countries to deal with. The UK is not Pakistan so if there is disunity there that is the responsibility of the Ulama (scholars) of Pakistan not yours. Your mission should be to unite the Ummah not divide."
You can't even "Unite" Yourselves in the UK, when it comes to the moon sighting ?
So, Wahhabi/Deobandi "Unity" is only for Muslims in UK NOT for Muslims living in Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India...etc?
Their "Unity" is more about their (£$) ! keeping their ugly heads above water!
IMAMS" Ulama (scholars)
When their "unity" is confronted
by Real Sunni Scholars regarding their imams/scholars (akabirs) Najdi beliefs & misguidance they shy away and turn their backs from their so called "unity" mission, agenda/call?
*Fact Check: The Disunity amongst the Muslims in our time was originally caused by the Najdi movement (after 1740CE Here) which caused the sectarian,
split/division amongst the Ummah
itself. (*Also Note: after 1823CE Here and not to forget originally as far back as to 698AH Here and also don't forget to Fact Check: Here!)
The "Unity" callers should ponder and ask themselves: "hold on mate what caused this disunity and why
has so many sub divisions, sects/cults developed within us/Ummah?"
You know? How many types of wahhabi/salafi/ahlehadith...
sects, groups/cults are there Within the
Ummah? (not just your terrorist groups:
Qaeda and ISIS/Daesh )
count how many different type of deobandi terrorist
groups exist, Just (sheikh)
Google: " Taliban" and don't forget about CIA ?
Now: trace their .................................Roots !
Deobandi seminars (education)= Influenced by extreme
radical wahhabi/salafi ideology
that "You" (Najdi) have
let this CANCER (virus) spread
in the "Ummah" How are you going to find a CURE?
Note: As a "Whole" The Muslim Ummah is United against those who Insult/Blasphemy Allah(SWT) and His Messengers and Islam but its those hypocrites (Within) us that we as Muslims should also worry and deal with! be they in the UK or the World!
Most Wahhabi/Salafi/Ahlehadith/Deobandi do NOT Denounce but Support Extreme Wahhabi/Deobandi Terrorism !

At-Tabarani in al-Awsat , Nu'aym and Ibn 'Asakir narrated from 'Ali ibn Abi Talib [radhiyallahu 'anhu] that the Messenger of Allah [sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam] said:"There will be at the end of time a trial that will sort out men as gold is sorted out from metal.So do not revile the people of ash-Sham, but revile their evil ones, for among them are al-Abdal. A flood is about to be released upon the people of ash-Sham that will split their unity, so that even if foxes attacked them they would defeat them. At that time, a man from my household will come out with three banners. The one who estimates highly will say: They are fifteen thousand. And the one who estimates lower will say: They are twelve thousand. Their sign will be: " Amit, amit [kill, kill]." They will meet in battle seven banners, and under each of those banners shall be a man seeking the kingdom. Allah will kill all of them, and restore to the Muslims their unity and bounty, and their far ones and near ones."
And Abu Nu'aym narrated from Hudhayfah [radhiyallahu 'anhu]: "I heard the Messenger of Allah [sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam] saying: "Woe to this Ummah from tyrannical kings! Why do they kill and terrorise those who are obedient [i.e. to Allah], except those who display obedience to them, so that the pious believer compromises with them by his tongue, and resists them in his heart? When Allah wants to restore al-Islam in its dignity and power, He will crush every stubborn tyrant, and He is Able, in every way that He wishes, to repair a nation after its corruption. O Hudhayfah, if there remained for this world only a single day, Allah would prolong that day until a man from my household rules. The Malahim [i.e. the great battles] will be at his hands, and al-Islam will be victorious. He [i.e. Allah] does not go back on His promise, and He is Swift in reckoning."
Full Video:
Not unless you, yes YOU! completely Reject and Denounce them and their misguided beliefs (Aqida) Those so called "imams/scholars" You: Honour, Admire and Love and hold in a high esteem more than the Holy Prophet(s).
*You will ALL unable to achieve "Unity" amongst the Ummah period!

You! Want to Challenge
Ibn Umar (RA) said that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said:
Allah will not Unite this Ummah on misguidance "FOREVER."It states in Sunnan Ibn Majah:
قَالَ سَمِعْتُ أَنَسَ بْنَ مَالِكٍ، يَقُولُ سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ يَقُولُ " إِنَّ أُمَّتِي لَنْ تَجْتَمِعَ عَلَى ضَلاَلَةٍ فَإِذَا رَأَيْتُمُ اخْتِلاَفًا فَعَلَيْكُمْ بِالسَّوَادِ الأَعْظَمِ " .
Anas bin Malik said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: ‘My nation will not unite on misguidance, so if you see them differing, follow the great majority.’” [Sunnan Ibn Majah. Book of Fitan, chapter "Sawaad ul Azam" Hadith # 3950. Wrongly declared as weak in Dar us Salaam Salafi version although it has many authentic shawahid]
Witness over it from Ibn Umar (RA):
ما حدثنا أبو الحسين محمد بن أحمد بن تميم الأصم ببغداد ثنا جعفر بن محمد بن شاكر ثنا خالد بن يزيد القرني ثنا المعتمر بن سليمان عن أبيه عن عبد الله بن دينار عن ابن عمر قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : لا يجمع الله هذه الأمة على الضلالة أبدا وقال : يد الله على الجماعة فاتبعوا السواد الأعظم فإنه من شذ شذ في النار
Translation: Ibn Umar (RA) said that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Allah will not unite this Ummah on misguidance "FOREVER." The Prophet(s) further said: The hand of Allah is over the group so follow "THE GREAT MAJORITY BECAUSE ANYONE WHO SEPARATES FROM THEM GOES TO HELL FIRE" [Mustadrak ala Sahihayn by Imam al-Hakim, Vol no. 1, Pages no. 199-201, Hadith # 391-397.] All are authenticated by Imam al-Hakim and agreed by al-Dhahabi. [al-Hakim made detailed discussion under Hadith # 397 and proved through Usool ul hadith that these hadiths are authentic]
So when Allah will not unite the Ummah (including scholars) on misguidance "FOREVER" and His hand (support) is over the great majority (Sawad ul Adham) then Ahlus Sunnah wa'l Jammah with all its concepts becomes the Firqat al Najiyyah (saved group). All their concepts such as Taqlid, being Ash'ari/Maturidi in Aqida and following Sufi Silasil are supported by Allah and his Messenger (Peace be upon him).
Shaykh al-Islam
Taqi al-Din al-Subki (ra)
for the Hashwiyya, they
are a despicable and ignorant lot who claim to belong to the
school of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. They
have corrupted the creed (Aqeedah)
of a few isolated Shafi’is,
especially some of the Hadith scholars among them who are lacking in
They were held in utmost contempt, and then towards the end of the seventh century (AH) a man appeared who was diligent, intelligent and well-read and did not find a Shaykh to guide him, and he is of their creed and is brazen and dedicated to teaching his ideas.
He said that non-eternal attributes can subsist in Allah عزوجل, and that Allahعزوجل is ever-acting, and that an infinite chain of events is not impossible either in the past or the future.
*He split the ranks and cast doubts on the creed (Aqeedah) of the Muslims and incited dissension amongst them.
did not confine
himself to creedal matters
of theology, but transgressed the bounds and said that travelling
to visit the tomb
of the Prophet صلى
الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم is
a sin.
scholars of Ahlus Sunnah agreed to imprison him for a long time, and
the Sultan imprisoned him and he died in prison.
*Then some of his followers started to promulgate his ideas and teach them to people in secret (Here) while keeping quiet in public, and great harm came from this.”
[al-Zabidi, Ithaf al-Sada al-Muttaqin, 2:11. al-Zabidi is quoting from al-Subki’s al-Sayf al-Saqil fi al-Radd ‘ala ibn Zafil, see al-Rasa-il al-Subkiyya, 84-85]
Shaykh ul Islam Imam Taqi al-Din al-Subki said in his book
al-Saqam :
that it is permissable and good to perform Tawassul, Istighathah
and Tashaffu' (seeking
intercession) through the
Prophet - sallallahu
'alayhi wa sallam -
unto his Lord subhanahu wa ta'ala.
The permissibility and desirability of this is from the matters that are well known among all those who have religion, and well known from the actions of the Prophets and Messengers, and the way of the righteous Salaf, the scholars, and the layman among the Muslims.
No one has denied this from the people of religion, nor has anyone heard about [denying] this in any time until Ibn Taymiyyah came:
So he spoke regarding this with words that deceive the weak inexperienced ones and he innovated that which no one from the eras before held.
is the reason why he attacked the
story which has been already mentioned from [Imam]
Malik - may Allah have mercy upon him - for it contains the
statement of [Imam] Malik to al-Mansur: "Seek
intercession through him".
And we've already made its health/correctness clear. And this is why we've also mentioned Istighathah in this book, because of the attack against it together with [the attack against] the visiting [of the grave of the Prophet - sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam -] and it should be enough for you [to know] that the denunciation of Ibn Taymiyyah against [performing] Istighathah and Tawassul is a statement that no scholar before him had said and he created dissent among the people of Islam by it." [ Shifa` al-Saqam,p. 357]
Ibn Taymiyyah admitted, “no jurist has refuted me except al Subki.” [Al Safadi, A’yan al ‘Asr, vol. 111, 1196, quoted from The Mamluks in Egyptian and Syrian Politics and Society, ed. Michael Winter and Amalia Levanoni, Leiden: Brill, 2004, p. 207.]
Imam al-Suyuti stated: "Ibn Taymiyyah was arrogant and full of himself. It was his habit to represent himself as superior to everybody, to look down on the person whom he talked to, and to make fun of great scholars." [Kam-ul Muarid]
Mullah Ali Qari said: Ibn Taymiyyah has disputed on the issue of traveling to visit the grave of Prophet (Peace be upon him) as he has declared it "HARAM TO DO SO" Some scholars have gone to the extent of doing Takfir upon a person who forbids this traveling (Mullah Ali Qari said):"This second qawl is closer to soundness and reward"because when on permissibility of something (scholars/Muslims) are unanimous then to reject it is "KUFR" especially when scholars are unanimous on something being Mustahab, then someone calling it Haram is "BY GREATER STANDARDS A KUFR" [Sharh ash-Shifa (3/514)]
In the book Tathir-ul-fuad min-danis-il i'tiqad written by Muhammad Bahit, who was a Hanafi scholar in Jami-ul-Azhar, and in the other books, such as At-Tawassuli bin-Nabi wa bis-Salihin, Shawahid-ul-Haqq, Jawahir-ul-Bihar, Sayf-ul-Jabbar, and Talim-us-Subyan, it is proven with evidence that Ibn Taymiyyah lapsed into heresy.
Imam Taqi al-Din al-Hisni al-Shafi’i (d.829AH) mentions some points regarding Imam ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (d.795AH) and some of his negative views concerning ibn Taymiyya:
al-Shaykh Zayn al-Din ibn Rajab al-Hanbali was from among those who firmly believed in ibn Taymiyya’s kufr (disbelief), and had (authored) refutations against him. He would say at the top of his voice during some gatherings:“al-Subki is excused – meaning in regards to his takfir“. [al-Hisni, Daf’ Shubah man Shabbaha wa Tamarrad, ed. Dar al-Mustafa, pg. 535]
Al-Dhahabi also said about his teacher Ibn Taymiyyah:
مع أني مخالف له في مسائل أصلية وفرعية
"However I disagree with him in creedal (Aqidah) and legal issues." [Dhayl Tareekh Al Islam, pg. 329]
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (d. 852AH) recorded al-Dhahabi as saying in his al-Durar al-Kamina (1,161): “But I do not believe him to be infallible; indeed, I disagree with him on both basic and secondary issues.”
Note: Al-Dhahabi (b.673AH - d. 748 AH) his book Al-`Uluw li al-`Ali al-Ghaffar written under Ibn Taymiyya’s influence – as stated by al-Kawthari in his Maqalat when al-Dhahabi was twenty-five (25 years old) and which he later disavowed as related by its copyist the hadith master Ibn Nasir al-Din al-Dimashqi (d. 842): Its author stated – as Allah is His witness – in his own hand-writing as I read it in the margin of the original manuscript written in the year 698 AH. Al-Dhahabi nevertheless commits several blunders in al-`Uluw, despite its small size, because of his evident search for evidence that supports the conception of Allah’s literal height so dear to his teacher."
Also Note: Al-Nasîha al-Dhahabiyya li Ibn Taymiyya (Here) is an epistle written when al-Dhahabî was around fifty-five (55 years of age) and addressed to Ibn Taymiyya (d.728AH) towards the end of his life.
wrote: " How
long will you exalt it, and despise the
How long will you be its closest
friend, and detest the abstinent?
How long will you
praise your own words in a manner you do not even use for the Sahihs
of Bukhari and Muslim?
Would that the hadiths of the two
Sahihs were safe from you, as you
continually attack them, by
suggesting weakness, considering
them fair game, or with figurative explanations and denial.[ Nasihah
al-Dhahabia li ibn Taymiyya, (letters of al-Dhahbi)]
al-Dhahabi was fan of Ibn Taymiyya. When he noted such harshness in Ibn Taymiyya’s stance, he had to say : “I wish you had spared the Ahadith cited by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim. You constantly attack these in order to devalue and reject these.” (Al-Radd ‘ala al-Akhnai, p.189)
al-Dhahabi wrote: “For years I tried to understand him and then gave up. Eventually, I saw the fate of his pride and arrogance, his immense lust for fame of being noble scholar and his habit of belittling the masters.” “…Rather, all this resulted from Ibn Taymiyya’s own sins.” [Zaghl al-Ilm]
Even if Ibn Taymiyya excels all the scholars in his accomplishments it does not entitle him to reject any authentic Hadith. In his Minhaj al- Sunnah Ibn Taymiyya stands guilty on this count. Allama Subki has criticized him on the same ground, though subtly. [Here]
Imam Ibn Hajr Asqalani states the truth thus: “In sum, these people, in view of Ibn Taymiyya’s view that undertaking a journey for visiting our master, the Prophet’s grave is forbidden, considered Ibn Taymiyya as unbeliever. We do not approve all these. Explaining the position of both the parties on the issue is quite lengthy. It is one of the absha’ rulings of Ibn Taymiyya.” [Fath al-Bari (III, 53)] In Muntaha al-Arab absha’ is defined as something odious, of foul taste which hurts the throat on eating.”
Ibn Hajar al-Haytami : “The scholars of his age rose against him (ibn Taymiyya) and impelled the Sultan to either kill or imprison him, so he imprisoned him until he died and his innovations died out and his darkness disappeared. Then he was supported by followers whose heads Allah has not raised, nor has He granted them power or strength; rather they were afflicted with humiliation and remained under Allah’s wrath, due to their disobedience and their beliefs.” [al-Jawhar al-Munazzam]
Ibn Katheer said – when he wrote the biography of Ibn Al-Qayyim, “And when Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah returned from Egypt in the year 712 A.H, Ibn Al-Qayyim kept his company until he died, and he received considerable knowledge from him.”
Ibn al-Qayyim in his Ijtima` al-Juyush al-Islamiyya (p. 88) revealed that Ibn Taymiyya "praised and recommended al-Darimi's two books [Naqd al-Jahmiyya and al-Radd `ala Bishr al-Marrisi] most strenuously"!
Which proves he (ibn Taymiyya) never truly repented otherwise his loyal student Here would not have propagated his evil teachings… Ibn Taymiyya ardently defends al-Darimi's views, citing them time and again in al-Ta'sis Radd Asas al-Taqdis -an all-out attack on Fakhr al-Din al-Razi's refutation of anthropomorphism titled : Asas al-Taqdis - including the gnat remark (Bayan Tablis, 1:568, 2:160).
How does one take Aqida/core beliefs from an extremely misguided controversial individual?
Quote: “ Aqeedah refers to those matters which are believed in, with certainty and conviction, in one’s heart and soul. They are not tainted with any doubt or uncertainty. "Allaah will not punish you for what is unintentional in your oaths, but He will punish you for your deliberate oaths (bimaa ‘aqqadtum al-aymaan)…" [al-Maa’idah 5:89]”
Ibn Hajr al Asqalani wrote: “ He (Ibn Taymiyyah) was kept in Jail till Ameer of Aal al Fadhl did Shaf’aat (intercession) for him. In the month of Rabi ul Awwal dated 23rd Ibn Taymiyyah was brought to the fortress where he debated with some scholars, then a report was written that
handwriting is found
with what he wrote verbatim, namely:
believe that the Qur'an is a meaning which exists in Allah's
and that
it is an Attribute from the pre-eternal Attributes of
His Entity,
and that
it is uncreated,
and that
it does not consist in the letter nor the voice,
and that
His saying: "The
Merciful established Himself over the Throne"
(20:4) is
not taken according to its literal meaning (laysa
`ala zahirihi),
and I
don't know in what consists its meaning, nay only Allah knows
and one
speaks of His 'descent' in the same way as one speaks of His
was written by
Ahmad ibn Taymiyya and they witnessed over him that he had repented
of his own free will from all that contravened the
This took place on
the 25th of Rabi` al-Awwal
707 and it was
*witnessed by a huge array of scholars and *others." [al-Duraar
al Kameena (1/47)]
*Al-Urmawiyy (who told Ibn Taymiyyah during a debate: “like a sparrow, flying here and there,” in his arguments.
Taymiyyah was rarely very explicit, he plays word
games, changing definitions, not stating them, discussing
what the opponent might mean by a word when he know very well what he
means, arguing through a fictive person so that it would not be
directly related to him, and so on. If
they finally caught him, he would simply
pretend to repent, as he
did in Kairo. (above^)
don’t think his mind was all that lacking, he was evil,
like Ibliis, and
used deception and lies to
make people follow him in kufr.
He made an official repentance in Kairo in front of a board of scholars. However, he continued again as usual after this. He was from what I can gather from the writings attributed to him a zindiiq, that is a very bad kaafir who plays word games to hide and escape the consequences. He was an expert in writing in such a way that his followers know exactly what he means, without being too explicit. It is very rare that he makes himself very clear.
---Shaykh the Point is regarding his (IT) Aqidah NOT 'Wudu'?
This “ very ‘pious’ youngster” also performed 'wudu': Here
Quote Shaykh said: "he(IT) had immense knowledge"
Note: Devil/Iblis also has immense knowledge!
Quote Shaykh said: "End of his Life" Ask his loyal student Ibn Al-Qayyim ? Here
Ibn Taymiyyah Indulged himself in Kufr : Here
The reason is that Allaah has told us in the Qur’aan that the kaafir will not have any mercy in the Hereafter, so asking Allaah for mercy for a dead kaafir is to disbelieve in the Qur’aan.
This (Here) is a condensed timeline of the conflict between Sunnis and Deobandis in the subcontinent.
It is often falsely claimed that Alahazrat Imam Ahmad Rida Khan is responsible for such a rift; whereas, these issues were present long before Alahazrat and sunni scholars refuted the grand-daddy of Wahabism in India, who is responsible for these ugly beliefs championed by Deobandis, such as Allah ta’ala being capable of lying and the overall culture of disrespect towards prophets and awliya’a Allah – except THEIR own ilk, whom they praise to the skies.
Deobandis claim that Allah ta’ala can lie and can be flawed – ta’ala Allahu `uluwwan kabeera.
Ridawi Press Page Link Low-Resolution Version {~ 8 MB} High-Resolution Version { ~ 21 MB}
^This short timeline gives a glimpse of how events unfolded long before Husam al-Haramayn and the various books written by Deobandis and their refutations by Sunni ulama.
Notice that the group that dissented from Ahl al-Sunnah was the Deobandi group, who are actually a watered down version of Wahabis, but present themselves as Sunnis to scholars outside the subcontinent and slander Alahazrat without any compunction.