The great scholar of Ahlus Sunnah Mufti Hashmat Ali khan (ra), sent this fatwa of Hassamul Harmayn to all the scholars of Indian subcontinent of that time (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh being one at that time) Two hundred and sixty eight (268) leading Muftis of Indian subcontinent of that time issued the fatwa on these 5 personalities:
2. Rashid Ahmed Gangohi
3. Khaleel Ahmed Anbethawi
4. Qasim Nanotvee
5. Asharf Ali Thanvee
It should be noted that 268 Muftis were all leading muftis from the madarsa of Firang mahal , Rampur , Hyderabad ( deccan) , Sindh , Lahore. Agra , Surat... etc.
He published those fatwa under the name of ‘As sawahir rul Hindiya’ After Hassmal Harmayn was accepted by the scholars of Makkah and Medina, the Deo-bandis were in a state of shock!
They were clueless as to what to do next?
In an attempt to confuse the masses they said that: “Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (ra) has wrongly translated the original statements of Deo-bandi scholars from Urdu into Arabic and so the scholars of Makkah and Medina did not know the true matter!”
Note: Does our learned (Deobandi) author means that these scholars who were expert in Urdu, Arabic and Persian, got confused with “Urdu wordings” like the Arabian scholar?
Deo-bandis can close their eyes and be happy with this “assumption”?
Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Barelvi(ra) was able to put up scholastic attack against these heretical tendencies among the Muslims. In this respect his major contribution was to assert the supremacy of the Shariah in all his writings but in particular in this scholarly tract, Imam Ahmad Raza propounded his basic doctrines against the popular heretical tendencies. However, in order to appreciate his significant contribution, it might be useful to examine his views in the historical perspective.
M.Ismael Dehlvi (died 1246 AH-1830/31CE)
Doctrines and Teachings
M. Qasim Nanotvi (died 1297 AH-1879C.E.)
Together with
Rashid Ahmad Gangohi (died 1323 AH-1905 C.E.)
Khalil Ahmad Anbethawi (b.1269AH-d.1346AH) (b.1852CE – d.1927CE)
Ashraf Ali Thanvi (died.1362 AH-1943 C.E)
Mu-hammed Ismail Dehelwi’s scholarly treatise Taqviatul Iman (The Power of Faith) which was directed against another book, Kitabal Tawhid written by Mu-hammed Ibn Abdul Wahab Najdi al Tamimi in which he deliberately ignored the doctrine of Risalat and the Finality of the Prophethood of Holy Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
After this one in 1874 A.D. Mu-hammed Qasim Nanawati of Deoband school wrote Tahzeerun Nas (Warning/condemantion of People),
Similarly in 1887 A.D. Khalil Ahmad Ambathwi wrote Brahin-e-Qa’tia (The Arguments in Refutation), and it was followed by another important work in 1901 A. D. by Ashraf Ali Thanwai entitled, Hifzul Iman (Protection of faith).
Rashid Ahmad Gangohawi wrote an extensive work entitled, Fatawa-e-Rashidiya (Religious verdicts of Rahsid).
In this connection one may also mention the work of Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani’s book entitled, Khutbat-e- Ghulamiya (Speeches of Gulam Ahmad) and other works in which he claimed for himself the status of prophethood.
These writings tended to destroy the doctrinal foundations of Islamic orthodoxy.
Imam Ahmad Raza (ra) in fact dedicated himself to wage war against these popular heresies and presented a powerful defense of true Islam. In 1905 A. D
Imam Ahmad Raza (ra) visited Holy places in Hejaz for performing pilgrimage. During this period he prepared a draft document entitled: Al Motamad Al Mustanad (The Reliable Proofs): for presentation to the eminent Ulamas of Mecca and Madina.
Imam Ahmad Raza (ra) collected scholarly opinions of the Ulama of Hejaz and compiled them in a compendium written in Arabic language with the title: Husam al Harmain (The Sword of two sanctuaries):
English: Here - Urdu Pdf: Here
The Deo-bandis firmly follow the golden rule:
“If you cannot convince someone, confuse them” with
Al Muhannad
Please Note!
The "original": Al Muhannd was written exclusively for Ahlus Sunnah scholars of Arab to prove that the Deobandis are not wahabis.
Muhannd has
only deceived people and Mawlana
Khaleel Ahmed did not write those
beliefs which were present in Deobandi books.
The Deobandis will
give a list of scholars who signed Al
Muhannad but they will shy away
from giving the comments of many scholars who
signed. Also, Deobandis should
present the book in
the original form in which it was
presented to the Arab scholars, that is, in
question and answer form, so that everyone can see the truth!
Letter to: Asraf ali Thanvi
Kindly see one of the letter which Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (ra) wrote to Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanvee. This letter was published in 1329 AH:
Scan Letters:
Ahmed Raza Khan (ra) invited Mawlana
Ashraf Ali Thanvee for
a public meeting
at Muradabad. Mawlana
Ashraf Ali Tanvi never turned up.?
NOTE: Even before issuing the fatwa, Imam Ahmed Raza (ra) sent letters to Deobandi scholars requesting them to explain the statements. There was no reply from the Deo-bandi scholars. Ala Hazrat (ra) gave Ashraf Ali Tanvi, more than 10 years to explain and repent from his writing of kufr! He did not do so, then, and only then, did Ala Hazrat (ra) passed the fatwa of kufr!
NOTE: Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (d.1340H) He (ra) was not the originator of refutations of the Deobandis!
Regarding: Ismail Dehlvi passed away many years before Imam Ahmed Raza Khan's(ra) time. Therefore, although Imam Ahmed Raza wrote in his book refuting the writing of Ismail Dehlvi that some of Dehlvi's writings were of kufr; he did not pass kufr fatwa on the Ismail Dehlvi because Dehlvi was deceased (dead) and Ismail Dehlvi could obviously not write defence or explanation of himself.
Many had written against the `Ulama' of Deoband prior to him, such as:
Mawlânâ Fadl al-Haqq Khayrabâdî (r) in"Tahqîqul-Fatâwâ"
Hadrat Fadl al-Rasûl Badayûnî (r) in "Sayful-Jabbâr" and others.
In fact, Ala Hadrat (Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (rah) had not yet been born when these were written!
Imam Fazle Haq khairabadi (rh) wrote: Tahqeeq al-Fatwa fi Ibtal al-Taghwa Refuting various Anti Islamic belief of Mawlana Ismaeel Dehalvee. The fatwa of Kufr was issued on Mawlana Isameel Dehalvee and his book: Taqwiyatul Iman. It was signed by 17 (seventeen) leading scholars of Ahlus sunnah wal jamah. Scan: Here
Takfeer Rules: Deo-bandi View: Part 1
Condtions and Rules for making Takfir upon some one : by Murtaza Hasan Darbhangi ( who was Head , Dept of Tableegh, Darul Uloom Deoband).
* To
disrespect prophets and deny the essential parts of the
*The one who does not make takfir upon those who
show disrepect to prophet or takes precaution in it , is also
commiting an act of kufr.
^This is from Murtaza Hasan Darbhangee al Deobandi (As shadeedul adhaab, page 9)
Takfeer Rules: Deo-bandi View: Part 2
"Did those who harbor doubts in their hearts think that Allah will not bring out their evil thoughts? If we will, we can expose them for you, so that you can recognize them just by looking at them. However, you can recognize them by the way they talk. Allah is fully aware of all your works." [47:29-30]
We can fill a volume with misguided beliefs, but what has been presented here is sufficient for any believing person. The following are the books and authors who have insulted the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) time and time again:
Wahhabi/Deobandi forefathers writings/books:
Please Note!
From the Original books in Urdu and Persian language of the
Not the *Edited:
*New Versions/Editions and the Translations that deobandi keep boasting about!
Isma’il Dihlawi’s: Yek Roza , Sirat-e-Mustaqeem & Taqwiyatul Iman...
Qasim Nanotwi’s : Tahzeerun Naas...
Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi’s : Fataawa Rasheediyah…
Khalil Ahmad Anbethawi’s: al-Baraheen al-Qati’ah...
Ashraf Ali Thanwi’s: Hifzul Iman...
Mahmood Hasan Deobandi’s: al-Jahd al-Maqal.
Other writings:Tazkiratur Rasheed by Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi
Aabe Hayaat and Tasfiyatul 'Aqaa'id by M- Qasim Nanontvi
Risaalah Al Imdaad by Ashraf Ali Thanvi
Tafseer Bulghatul Hairaan by Husain Ali Wan Bhachrani

- Aab-e-Hayat, page 169, (1936 AD -1355 H) (Qasim Nanotvi, publication, Kutub Khana Khadeemi, Delhi.
- Akhbar-e-Ehl-e-Hadith Amritsari, page 2.
- Al-Jehdul Muqal, page 41( Mahmoodul Hasan, matkata Urdu Bazar, Lahore,1409 H /1989 AD).
- Aljahdul Mikl, page 41.
- Ash-Shahabus Saaqib, page, 46-47.
- Ashrafus Sawaneh – Page, 2-42-99.
-Al Imdaad, page 35, month of Safar 1366AH.
-Al Baraheynul Kathahaat, Page 26 (published in Kutubkhana Imdaadeyaa, Deoband, Uttar Pradesh)
-Balagatul Hairaan, Page 8,(Hussain Ali Deobandi, Himayat Islam Press, Lahore Publication).
- Braaheen-e-Qate'a, page 51( Khaleel Ambehetvi, Kutub Khana Raheemiya, Saharanpur, 1365 H / 1944 AD)
-Baraaheen-e-Qaati'ah, page 26-51-52-274 (Publisher by Kutub Khana Imdadiya, Deoband UP India 1962).
-Bulghatul Hairaan, page 8.
- 'Deeni Da'wa' – page205 and p,234 (Mohammad Ilyas).
- Fatawa Rashidia:
- Fatawa Rashidia, (Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, Rahimia Publishers, Delhi, (1363 H /1944AD) Volume 1- Page 19) .Gangohi is the teacher of Mohammad Ilyas, the founder of Tablighi Jama'at.
- Fatawa Rasheediya, page 12, Volume 2, (1352 H, Raheemiya Kutub Khana, Sunehri Masjid, Delhi, Publication. Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi)
-Fataawa Rashidiyya, part 1 page 20.
-Fataawa Rasheediyah, page 218.
-Fatawa Rasheediyah, Vol.2 page 130 (Fataawa Rashidiyya part 2 pg. 130).
-Faza'el Amaal, page 52 page 73 (Mohd Zakariya Kandehelvi, Chapter Fazaa'ele Durood, Maktaba Aarifeen, Karachi Publication.)
-Fatwa Naziriah, page 449.
- Ĥifžu’l Īmān, 1319 AH, page 8 , published by Iyzāziyyah Book House, Deoband.
- Hifzul Iman, Page 7 (published by Shaikh Jan Mohammad Publication, Allah Baksh, Uloom-e-Mashriqiya, Kashmir Bazar, Lahore, Pakistan. Ashraf Ali Thanvi)
-Hifzul Imaan-page 6 (printed in Mazahirul Uloom).
-Izaahul Haqq - Ismail Dehelwi.
- Malfoozat-e-Ilyas-( Mohammad Ilyas, founder, Tablighi Jam'at).
- Malfuzaat,-e-Ilyas, page57 ( Mohammad Ilyas).
- Risaala Al-Imdad, page 34-35( 1136 H (month of Safar), Imdad Al-Mutabe, Thana Bhawan Publication. Ashraf Ali Thanvi)
-Sirat-e-Mustaqeem, (Ismail Dahlawi (persian language) page 86, Delhi 1308 H publication.
-Sirat-e-Mustaqeem, (Urdu language) page 150, November 1956 publication, Lahore.
-Siratul Mustaqeem, page86- page169 by (Sayyid Ahmed Shaheed & Shah Ismail Shaheed, Maktaba Salafiyya, Lahore).
- Ta'aleefat-e-Rashidia, Kitabul Aqa'ed, page 98( Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, Idara-e-Islamiyaat, Lahore Publications, Pakistan).
-Tahzeerun Naas:
-TahzeeranNaas, page 5 ( published in Maktaba Fayz Nazd Jami Masjid, Deoband and also published from Kutub Khana Qasimi, Deoband publication).
-Tahzeerun Naas, Pg. 18 and 34 by Qaasim Nanautwi,Nanotvi is the founder of Darul Uloom Deoband which was established in 1867.
- Tafseer Balagatul Hairaan, page 43, (Hussain Ali Deobandi, Himayat Islam Press, Lahore Publication).
-Tafseer Balaghatul Hayyraan, pages 157-158 (Himayat-e-Islam Press, Lahore, written by Hussain Ali Deobandi).
-Taqwiyatul Imaan :
-Taqwiyatul-lmaan by Ismail Dehlwi (Taqwiyatul Imaan is a literal translation of Arabic book ‘Kitab At-Tawheed’ written by Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi).
- Taqviyat-ul-Imaan, page,7- 13-14-16-18-29-30-44-45-61 (Faiz Aam, Sadar Bazar, Delhi Publication).
Note the Taqwiyatul Iman, editions:
Faruqi press Delhi 1895
Mujtabai press Delhi (1900)
Kanpur,1905 edition
Delhi edition,1920
jayyed press Delhi (1937)
Muhsini press culcutta (1954)
Deoband edition 1976
Salfiyah Varanasi 1986 -1987
Bombay edition 1987
Mubarakpur edition 1997
1990, Riyadh edition (was distributed freely to Urdu speaking pilgrims on Hajj during that year!)
-Taqseedul Qadeer page 79.
-Tasfiyatul 'Aqaa'id, page 25.
- Tazkiratul Khaleel, page 135, (Maktaba-e-Qasimya, Siyalkot publication, written by Khaleel Ambehetvi, compiled by Ashiq Ali).
- Tohfa-e-Wahhabiyyah, originally written by Suleman bin Sehman Najdi and translated in Urdu by Ismail Ghaznawi, page - 59)
-Yak Rozi, page 151.
-Yak Roza, Farsi (Persian) page 17-18.
- Urf al Jadi Farsi(Persian) version, page 60.


They write very Wrong about Deoband Ulama. And they call NAJADI TO DEOBAND ULAMA.
And i want to know what is NAJAD...”
Open Secret
Hence how is it possible that both ‘Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza and Maulvi Ashraf ‘Ali Thanvee were classmates at Deoband?