Holy Prophet (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
said: "When my mother gave birth to me she saw a light
proceeding from her which showed her the castles of Syria".
أمي حين حملت بى أنه خرج منها نور أضاء له
قصور بصرى من أرض الشام
Hisham; Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 4, Page 360.
Dala’il an-Nubuwwah, Vol. 1, Page 110.
Zawa’i, Vol. 8, Page 221.
al-Jawzi ‘al-Wafa’.
Iyad, ‘al-Shifa’.
Ahmad Vol. 4, Page 127.
Nu’aym reports from Abdullah bin Abbas (
اللہ تعالی عنہ )
who narrated that the mother of the Apostle (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم),
Sayyidah Amina (رضئ
الله تعالى عنها)
used to state :
خرج من بطني فنظرت اليه فاذا انابه ساجد
ثم رايت سحابة بيضاء قد اقبلت من السماء
حتى غشيته فغيب عن وجھي ، ثم تجلت فاذا
انابه مدرج في ثوب صوف ابيض وتحته حريرة
خضراء وقد قبض على ثلٰثة مفاتيح من اللؤلوء
الرطب واذا قائل يقول قبض محمد على مفاتيح
النصرة ومفاتيح الربح ومفاتيح النبوة ثم
اقبلت سحابة اخرٰى حتى غشيته فغيب عن عيني
ثم تجلت فاذا انابه قد قبض على حريرة خضراء
مطوية واذ قائل يقول بخٍ بخٍ قبض محمد على
الدنيا کلھا لم يبق خلق من اھلھا الادخل
في قبضته
the Apostle of Allah (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
was born, he fell straight into prostration. Then I saw a white cloud
from the sky appearing and covering the Apostle of Allah (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
such that he disappeared from me. When the cloud appeared, I saw that
the Prophet (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
was covered in a white woolly shawl and there was a green mat spread
on the floor. Within the hands of the Apostle (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
there were three keys made of diamonds and there was an unseen voice
heard saying, ‘The Apostle of Allah (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
has grasped the key of giving victory, the key of giving benefit and
the key of Prophet-hood.’ Then I saw another cloud which enclosed
the Apostle of Allah (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
such that he disappeared from my view and it became illuminated. I
saw that the Apostle of Allah (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
is holding a folded piece of green silk in his blessed hands and an
unseen voice was heard was saying, ‘How great! How great! The
Apostle of Allah (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
has grasped the all worlds; all the creation has entered into his
grasp, with none left out.’”
Ahmad, narrated from Ibn Mas’ud( رضئ
اللہ تعالی عنہ ),
(Published Al-Maktab al-Islami, Beirut), Vol. 1, Page 386.
al-Darimi, the chapter on Ma U’tiya al-Nabiyyu Min al-Fadl,
(Published Dar al-Mahasin li al-Taba’ah, Cairo), Vol. 1, Page
al-Kubra, the chapter on Ma Zahara Fi Lailat Moulidi, (Published
Markaz Ahl Sunnat, Gujarat), Vol. 1, Page 48
Abbas (
اللہ تعالی عنہ)composed
poetry praising the birth of The Holy Prophet (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
in which the following couplets were mentioned. "When you were
born, a light rose over the Earth until it illuminated the horizon
with its radiance. We are in that illumination and that original
light and those paths of guidance and thanks to them we pierce
the Hadith book of Ali Ibn Abu Bakr al-Haythami (735-897 AH).
Sayyid al-Nas narrated it with his Isnad through
Al-Bazaar mentioned it in 'Minah al-Madh, Pages
Ibn Kathir wrote it in al-Sira al-Nabawiyya (Edition -
Mustafa Abd al-Wahid 4:51).
Ali Al-Qari wrote it in his 'Sharh
al-Shifa' (1:364).
Ibn Hajar mentioned it in 'Fath al-Bari'.
al-Qayyim ( Salafi scholar and famous student of Ibn Taymiyya)
mentioned it in Zad al-Ma'ad.
Bin Wahia Kalbi has
narrated this Hadith in his book
'At tanweer fi Mauludil basheer
an-nazeer' that
Hadhrat Abu Darda (رضئ
اللہ تعالی عنہ)
narrates that
"I went to the house of Aamer Ansari (رضئ
اللہ تعالی عنہ)
along with the Prophet (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم).
Aamer (رضئ
اللہ تعالی عنہ)
was narrating the events of the birth of The Holy Prophet (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
to a gathering of his relatives and children and was repeating; "this
was the day and this was the day".
The Holy Prophet (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
said, O'Aba Amer (رضئ
اللہ تعالی عنہ),
و تعا لی)
has opened the doors of His mercy for you and the angels are praying
for your absolution (Maghfirah). Whoever does this act of yours, he
would also get the Salvation like yours". [ Shaykh ul Islam Imam
Jalaluddin Suyuti has narrated this Hadith in his book "Siblul
Huda fi Mauludil Mustafa صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم "
Abdullah Ibn Abbas (رضئ
اللہ تعالی عنہ)
said that "one day at my home I had gathered people and was
describing about the birth of The Holy Prophet (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
and the people were feeling over joyous and were invoking the praise
of The Holy Prophet (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
and Holy Prophet (صلى
الله عليه و آله وسلم)
himself came to our gathering and said "My intercession for you
( حلّت
لكم شفاعة )
has become legitimized."
Suyuti in his book "Siblul Huda"
Ahmad Bin Hujr
Al-Makki in his book "Maulud al-Kabeer"
Abul Qasim
Mohammad Ibn Osman in his book "Addurul Munazzam"

Within Maulud In Old Mekah
FOR centuries, the
birthday of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, upon him blessings and peace,
was celebrated in and around the actual house in Mekah where he was
born. Since the Arabic words for "birthday" and
"birthplace" are one and the same, it was literally
a"Maulud within Maulud"
In his book
Akhbar Makka the third-century historian of the Mother of
Cities, al-Azraqi, mentions as one of the many places in Mekah
in which the performance of salat is desirable the house where the
Prophet was born (mawlid al-Nabi)
The Noble House
(located in what became known as Suq
al-Layl, Shuaab Bani Amir, Shuaab Ali and Shuaab al-Mawlid,
present-day Qashshashiyya Street in Mekah), belonged to his father
Abd Allah by inheritance from his father Abd al-Muttalib,
then passed on to the Prophet himself. It is said that the
Prophet passed it on to his cousin Aqil ibn Abi Talib in whose
hand it remained even after the conquest of Mekah.
son sold it to Muhammad ibn Yusuf the brother of al-Hajjaj. He
expanded it and the house became known as al-Bayda' and Dar Ibn
When al-Khayzaran the mother of the
caliphs Musa al-Hadi and Harun al-Rashid performed pilgrimage, she
brought out Ibn Yusuf from the house and turned it into a mosque,
after which the house became known as Zuqaq al-Mawlid.
Quranic scholar al-Naqqash (266-351) mentions this Birthplace
Mosque as a place where dua by noon on Yawm al-Ithnayn
(Mondays) is answered.
Ibn Jubayr (540-614) in his
Rihla ("Travels") states: "This
blessed place (the Birthplace Mosque of the Prophet) is opened, and
all men enter it to derive blessing from it (mutabarrikin bih) on
every Monday of the month of Rabi al-Awwal, for on that day and in
that month was born the Prophet."
7th-century historians Abu al-Abbas al-Azafi and his son Abu al-Qasim
al-Azafi wrote in their Kitab al-Durr al-Munazzam:

"Pious pilgrims and prominent travellers testified that, on the day of the mawlid in Mecca, no activities are undertaken, and nothing is sold or bought, except by the people who are busy visiting his noble birthplace, and rush to it. On this day the Kaabah is opened and visited."
---The Salaf turned the birthplace of the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم into a Mosque
al-Walīd al-Azraqī (d. 250 H) in his books of Akhbar Makkah wa ma
ja’ fiha min aathaarin (The Reports of Makkah and What Relics are
Therein, pg. 158), in the mention of the locations in which it is
commendable to pray in Makkah and what lies therein of the relics of
the Prophet (صلى
الله عليه وسلم)
and what is venerable from them cites:
The house, in which the
Prophet (s) was born, is the house of Muhammad bin Yūsuf, the
brother of al-Hajjāj bin Yūsuf. ‘Aqīl took the responsibility at
the time the Prophet (صلى
الله عليه وسلم)
migrated. The Messenger of Allāh (صلى
الله عليه وسلم)
says on the year of the Farewell Speech, when it was said to him,
“Where shall we live O Messenger of Allāh (صلى
الله عليه وسلم),”
asked “has ‘Aqīl left for us a shade (shelter or house)?” And
the house remained in he and his son’s custody until his son sold
it to Muhammad bin Yūsuf after which he moved in and is call
‘al-Baydā,’ which is known [even] today as “ibn Yūsuf.” And
this household remained until (the Abbasid queen) al-Khayzurān (d.
173 AH), mother of the two khalīfs, Mūsa and Hārūn made hajj and
changed it into a place of worship and evicted them from the house
and bought it from the foundation to the alley which runs by the
house, for which it is called the Alley of the Birthplace of the
Prophet (صلى
الله عليه وسلم)
bin Jarīr at-Tabarī (224-320 H) said is his Tārīkh, from Ibn
Ishāq relates:
The Messenger of Allāh (صلى
الله عليه وسلم)
was born on Monday in the year of the Elephant. And it is said that
he (pbuh) was born in the house related to ibn ‘Aqīl. Indeed the
Messenger of Allāh (صلى
الله عليه وسلم)
granted it to ‘Aqīl bin Abī Tālib and it did not leave the care
of ‘Aqīl until his death. His son sold it to Muhammad bin Yūsuf,
the brother of al-Hajjāj bin Yūsuf, who sold it and built his house
to what it is referred to as ‘the house of ibn Yūsuf’ and this
household remained therein until al-Khayzurān ejected them and made
it into a place of worship. [Muhammad
bin Jarīr at-Tabarī, Tārīkh al-umam wal-muluk (History of Nations
and Dynasties), p. 156.]
to Wahhabis,
although they claim to follow the salaf, they say: “It
is not permissible for Muslims to build Masjids or to offer Salah
(Prayer) at the places trodden by the Prophets as this is a means to
Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship).”
of Ibn Baz]
the Wahabis
Mecca in the 1920s
destroyed the dome on top of the house where the Prophet(s) was born.
It was then used as a cattle
before being turned into a library
a campaign by Meccans.
Shaykh as-Sayyid Yusuf al-Rifa‘i: Eradicating
the House of his Mawlid
You tried and continue to try – as if it were your goal in life –
to destroy the last remnant of the historical vestiges of the
Messenger of Allah , namely the noble place where he was born.
This house was razed then changed into a cattle market, then some pious people used ruse to transform it into a library which became “Maktabat Makka al-Mukarrama.”
You began to pry at that place with evil stares and vengeful threats, trying to entrap it with the official departments.
You openly requested that it be destroyed and have shown hostility to the authorities, pressing them hard to effect such destruction after the decision taken to that effect by the organization of your major scholars a few years ago. I have an explicit taped recording of this decision.
But the Custodian of the Two Sanctuaries, King Fahd – the prudent and wise man who is aware of next-worldly consequences – ignored your request and froze it indefinitely. Alas, for shame! Such disrespect and disloyalty against this noble Prophet by whom Allah brought us out and yourselves and your ancestors into light! What shamelessness in his presence the Day we come to drink from his blessed Basin!...” [Excerpt from Nasiha li Ikhwanina ‘Ulama’ Najd by Shaykh as-Sayyid Yusuf al-Rifa‘i] Read more: Here
famous eighth-century historian Ibn Battuta relates in his Rihla
that on every Jumua after the salat and also on the birthday of the
Prophet, the door of the Kaabah is opened by the head of the Banu
Shayba the doorkeepers of the Kaabah while on the Maulud, the Shafii
head judge of Mekah, Najm al-Din Muhammad ibn al-Imam Muhyi al-Din
al-Tabari, distributed food to the descendants of the Prophet and to
the people of Mekah.
The house is described in full
by the ninth-century historian Taqi al-Din al-Fasi in his book Shifa'
al-Gharam bi-Akhbar al-Balad al-Haram.
The following
description consolidates eyewitness accounts by three 10th-century
the historian Ibn Zahira from his Jami al-Latif fi
Fadli Makkata wa-Ahliha; al-Haytami from his book al-Mawlid al-Sharif
al-Muazzam; and the historian al-Nahrawali from al-Ilmam
Bayt Allah al-Haram:
Each year on the twelfth of Rabi
al-Awwal, after salat Maghrib, the four qadis of Mekah
(representing the Four Sunni Schools) and large groups of people
including the jurists and notables of Mekah, Shaykhs, zawiya teachers
and students, magistrates and scholars, leave the Mosque and set out
collectively for a visit to the birthplace of the Prophet, shouting
out zikir and tahlil (a statement that there is no god but
The houses on the route are illuminated
with numerous lanterns and large candles, and a great many people are
out and about. They all wear special clothes and they take their
children with them.
Inside the birthplace, a
special sermon for the occasion of the birthday of the Prophet is
delivered. Hereafter the doa for the (Ottoman) Sultan, the Emir of
Mekah, and the Shafii qadi is performed and all pray humbly.
before the Isyak prayer, the whole party returns to the Great Mosque,
which is almost overcrowded, and sit down in rows at the foot of
Maqam Ibrahim.
In the mosque, a preacher first mentions
the tahmid (a statement that all praise only be to Allah) and tahlil.
Once again the doa for the Sultan, the Emir, and the Shafii qadi is
performed, followed by the Isyak prayer.
A similar
description is given by al-Diyarbakri (d 960) in his great Sirah
entitled Ta'rikh al-Khamis fi Akhbari Anfasi Nafis.
al-Islam Ibn Hajar al-Haytami al-Makki (909- 974) in the
beginning of his commentary on al-Busiri's Hamziyya poem
mentions: "the present well-known mosque that was the house
where the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace, was born."
Labib al-Battanuni in the year 1327/1909 in his book al-Rihlat
al-Hijaziyya described the house in similar detail as others before
him and the fact that "al-Khayzaran turned it into a mosque and
it remains thus to our present day".
Knowledge and
upkeep of the hallowed birthplace of the Prophet is
From Abbasid times the Muslims up kept
the Birthplace Mosque for centuries, each king and prince of Egypt,
Yemen, Syria and the Ottoman Sultans buttressing it and lavishing
upon it gifts and precious ornaments from East and West until: ...
the Hijaz was overrun by zealots 200 years ago, at which time the
Mosque was destroyed and its endowments dispersed.
act was committed in ignorance of the explicit hadith, "Do
not raze the vestiges of the past for they are the adornment of
Madina", as narrated from Ibn Umar by al-Tahawi
in Sharh Ma'ani al-Athar.
Dr Muhammad Said al-Buti (d.2013CE) wrote in his preface to Sayyid Yusuf al-Rifai's book Advice to our brothers the scholars of Najd: "I truly do not know if the Islamic World ever concurred in its indignation over a single matter in its entire history the way it does today over what is being perpetrated by the brethren who are in charge of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and by its scholars in the evisceration of Makka and Madina and their vicinities of all the historical remnants connected with the life of the Messenger of God, upon him blessings and peace, both as a private person and as a Prophet, and, subsequently, their perpetrating deeds that violate Islamic Law and violate the method which the pious Predecessors used to follow."
Years later, King Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud gave the vacant land to the Amin al-Asima at that time, Shaykh Abbas ibn Yusuf al-Qattan, who built upon it the library known as Maktabat Makkat al-Mukarrama

“Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh has warned against celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (peace be upon him), saying that it is a superstitious practice that was illegally added to the religion.
is a bida (a
sinful religious innovation)
that crept into Islam after the first three centuries when the
companions and successors of the companions lived.”
it is obligatory for Muslims to follow the Prophet’s teachings as
contained in the Sunnah,
the sheikh said in his Friday congregational sermon at the Imam Turki
bin Abdullah mosque in Riyadh.(Najd)
said that those
who urge others to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet are evil
and corrupt.
true love of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is manifested by following
in his footsteps and supporting his Sunnah ... that is how the love
for the Prophet (pbuh) is expressed.”
said Almighty Allah has said: “Say: ‘If you do love Allah, follow
me: Allah will love you and forgive your sins.’” Muslims have a
duty to believe in the Prophet (pbuh) as the servant and messenger of
Allah, who was sent as a guide to the entire universe, Al-Asheikh
is the duty of Muslims to love and respect him.
They should also defend him against those who misinterpret his
teachings, the atheists who deny him, and those who abuse or mock
him. These are the duties of Muslims who truly love the Prophet
the sheikh said.
He said that Almighty Allah states in the Holy
Qur’an: “Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your
brothers, your mates, or your kindred; the wealth that you have
gained; the commerce in which you fear a decline; or the dwellings in
which you delight, are dearer to you than Allah, or His messenger, or
the striving in His cause, then wait until Allah brings about His
decision, and Allah guides not the rebellious.” Here

Wahhabis have now:

Watch Video: Here for more info click: here
Saudi Destruction of Muslim Historical Sites, Sheila Musaji
Saudi Royals Destroying Home of Muhammad, Tarek Fatah
Muslim hush over Saudi destruction of prophet (p) home shocking, By: Nabil Raza
Destruction of historic Mecca under Saudi Trusteeship, by Mirza A. Beg

“The fact that this dome has remained for eight centuries does not mean that it has become permissible, and being silent about it does not indicate approval of it or that it is permissible.
They should remove the dome and the adornments and engravings that are found in the mosques, above all the Prophet’s Mosque, so long as that will not lead to an even greater fitnah. If it would lead to an even greater fitnah, then the ruler should postpone the matter until he finds an opportunity for that.”
[Bida’ al-Quboor, Anwaa’uha wa ahkaamuha (p. 253).]