Monday, November 4, 2013

The Mufti of Mecca Shaykh Ibn Humayd denounced Mu-hammed Ibn 'Abdi l-Wahhab

The Mufti of Mecca
Shaykh Ibn Humayd 
Mu-hammed Ibn 'Abdi l-Wahhab

Imam, the illustrious scholar, Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdi l-Lah Humayd Ibn An-Najdi al-Hambali died in 1295 AH (1878CE) (rahimahullaah), that is to say, there are about 140 years. He was Hambalite Mufti of Mecca.

In his collection of biographies of Scholars Hambalites entitled:

 "Al-Souhoub Wabila al-'ala al-Dara'ih Hanabilah" (pages 275-276 of this issue), the Shaykh Ibn Al-Hanbali Humayd An-Najdi 

which he says:

قرأ في الفقه على أبيه صاحب المنسك المشهور و على غيره و حصل و تفقه ودرس و كتب على بعض المسائل الفقهية كتابة توفي سنة 1153
وهو والد محمد صاحب الدعوة التي انتشر شررها في الافاق, لكن بينهما تباين مع أن محمدا لم يتظاهر بالدعوة إلا بعد موت والده,
وأخبرني بعض من لقيته عن بعض أهل العلم عمن عاصر الشيخ عبد الوهاب هذا أنه كان غضبان على ولده محمد لكونه لم يرض أن يشتغل بالفقه كأسلافه وأهل جهته ويتفرس فيه أن يحدث منه أمر, فكان يقول للناس: يا ما ترون من محمد من الشر, فقدر الله أن صار ما صار,
وكذلك ابنه سليمان أخو الشيخ محمد كان منافيا له في دعوته ورد عليه ردا جيدا بالآيات والآثار لكون المردود عليه لا يقبل سواهما ولا يلتفت إلى كلام عالم متقدما أو متأخرا كائنا من كان غير الشيخ تقي الدين بن تيمية وتلميذه ابن القيم فإنه يرى كلامهما نصا لا يقبل التأويل ويصول به على الناس وإن كان كلامهما على غير ما يفهم,
وسمى الشيخ سليمان رده على أخيه "فصل الخطاب في الرد على محمد بن عبد الوهاب" وسلمه الله من شره ومكره مع تلك الصولة الهائلة التي أرعبت الأباعد, فإنه كان إذا باينه أحد ورد عليه ولم يقدر على قتله مجاهرة يرسل إليه من يغتاله في فراشه أو في السوق ليلا لقوله بتكفير من خالفه واستحلاله قتله,
وقيل إن مجنونا كان في بلدة ومن عادته أن يضرب من واجهه ولو بالسلاح, فأمر محمد أن يعطى سيفا ويدخل على أخيه الشيخ سليمان وهو في المسجد وحده, فأدخل عليه فلما رءاه الشيخ سليمان خاف منه فرمى المجنون السيف من يده وصار يقول: يا سليمان لا تخف إنك من الآمنين ويكررها مرارا, ولا شك أن هذه من الكرامات

"He studied law with his father, the author of the famous book Al-Mançak, as well as with other teachers, and he acquired the science. He has composed well-written books on legal issues. He died in the year 1153 of the Hegira. "

Then after this he said:

"And he is the father of Mu-hammed [Ibn 'Abdi l-Wahhab], the founder of the movement whose sparks are prevalent in all walks of life, but there is a big difference between them.
 Mu-hammed has shown his preaching after the death of his father. 
Some few of those I met have told me from the people of knowledge who lived at the same time that Shaykh 'Abdi l-Wahhab that he was angry with his son
Mu-hammed, for the reason that he would not care to learn the Fiqh (jurisprudence) as his ancestors, and he sensed that something was going to happen to him blameworthy, then he said to the people:
"What do you see as evil from Mu-hammed!

And it happened what happened according to the predestination of God.
Also, the [other] son ​​Sulayman, the brother of Mu-hammed [Ibn 'Abdi l-Wahhab], was also opposed to his preaching. And he refuted beautiful way, by verses (ayah) and traditions, for he that refuted (Mu-hammed Ibn 'Abdi l-Wahhab) would accept nothing else, and was careful to speak no scholar, among the ancient or contemporary, whatever, except Ibn Taymiyah and his student Ibn al-Qayyim as he considered their words as texts not accept any interpretation. And he was just that among the people, even if their words were more than he understood.

And Shaykh Sulayman named his refutation against his brother "Faslou Khitab fi l-r-radd 'ala Mu-hammed ibn Abdi l-Wahhab" (the sharp speech in refutation of Mu-hammed ibn Abdi l-Wahhab).
And Allah has preserved its evil and cunning [from Mu-hammed ibn 'Abdi l-Wahhab], despite this terrible tyranny that horrified even the inhabitants of distant lands. Because he (Mu-hammed Ibn 'Abdi l-Wahhab) was when someone contradicted and refuted and he was unable to kill him in broad daylight, he sent someone to kill him in his bed or in the market at night, because he considered infidel anyone who disagreed with him and he made his lawful killing.

It is said that there was a fool in a village, who used to hit anyone faced him, even if he was armed. Then Mu-hammed [Ibn 'Abdi l-Wahhab] in order not to give this fool a sword and we do it entered the Mosque which was only his brother Shaykh Sulayman, then brought him, and when the Shaykh Sulayman saw he was afraid of him. But the fool threw his sword and began to say is:

"O Sulayman has fear, you are part of the protected people," and he began to repeat it several times. There is no doubt that this a Karamah (prodigy) ... ".

- In his book "Al-Souhoub Wabila al-'ala al-Dara'ih Hanabilah" (The clouds pouring rain on the graves of hambalites), the Shaykh Ibn Humayd has identified more than 800 biographies of scholars and learned the school of jurisprudence of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal.

Among these biographies, we do not find the biography of Mu-hammed ibn 'Abdi l-Wahhab, although Shaykh Ibn Humayd be 80 years after he died. This means that Mu-hammed Ibn 'Abdil-Wahhab was not regarded as a man of science by scholars of his time and region. However we find the biography of shaikh 'Abdil-Wahhab ['s father Mu-hammed ibn' Abdi l-Wahhab] from which the above quote.

- Note that unlike his father and his grandfather, Mu-hammed Ibn 'Abdi l-Wahhab whose claim to the Wahhabis, was not a man of science, he was not a faqih (an expert in jurisprudence), it was not a muhaddith (that is to say, those who transmit the hadith) and he was not a Nahwi (a grammarian of the Arabic language). This is why scholars have made in the list of biographies, Hanbali scholars did not include Mu-hammed Ibn 'Abdi l-Wahhab in the number of scholars Hambalites, the only ones who praised him, it is those who followed and there is no consideration to this.

- Through this historical evidence we can not help but make the obvious parallel between Mu-hammed Ibn 'Abdi l-Wahhab and his followers in our time who also do not want to learn the science of religion in the correct way, and who accept not the words of the scholars except those of Ibn Taymiyyah , Ibn Al-Qayyim and recent leaders of Wahhabism, which declared disbelievers those who oppose their Wahhabi religion while declaring their lawful blood, and who use violence and cunning methods to impose their doctrine.


Muhammad ibn Sulaiman al-Madani ash-Shafi'i( 1780 CE )


