The Tree at Hudayibiyyah
Bay'at al-Ridwan
"Verily Allah, subhanaHu wa Ta`ala, is Pleased with those Believers
who gave Bay'ah to you under the Tree".
Holy Qur'an (48:18)
Wahhabi/Salafis argue that
"not only did Hazrat Umar (r) chop the tree at Hudaibiya but all the trees under which the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) had ever sat."
Wahhabi say:
Hazrat Umar (RA) chopped...
"all the trees which the Prophet(صلى الله عليه وسلم) had ever sat."
That is a Big lie as you can see Here
Also the wahhabis evil allegation regarding the reason why Hazrat Umar(RA) chopped the Tree at Hudayibiyyah- another big lie against one of the greatest Sahaba- Khulfaahe Rashideen Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA)
Allah Almighty mentions in the Qur’an, ‘And do not tell a lie which your tongues utter: “This is lawful and that is forbidden,” thus fabricating a lie against Allah. Indeed those who fabricate lies against Allah will (never) be delivered’ (Qur’an 16:116).
A refutation to Shaykh Faaik Gamieldien's letters and program on VOC Radio
"The Voice of the Cape"

Sheikh Fake Comedian
Refutations of the Cape Town Wahhabi
Is it true that Sayyidana Umar, radi Allahu `anh, chopped down the tree where he saw people praying to attain the Barakah of Nabi Muhammad, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam?
It was believed that special Bay'ah-or oath of allegiance to the Prophet, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, was taken at this tree.
Is it true that Sayyidana Umar, radi Allahu `anh, chopped down the tree where he saw people praying to attain the Barakah of Nabi Muhammad, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam?
It was believed that special Bay'ah-or oath of allegiance to the Prophet, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, was taken at this tree.

^Mr.Gamieldien uses this to show that the Sahabah did not believe in the Barakah of Sayyidina wa Mawlana Rasul Allah, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, and were against honouring his monuments.
It is well known that when the Holy Prophet Muhammad, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, was in Hudaybiyyah he gave Bay'ah to the Sahabah under a certain tree.
It is well known that when the Holy Prophet Muhammad, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, was in Hudaybiyyah he gave Bay'ah to the Sahabah under a certain tree.
This incident is known as Bay'at al-Ridwan
The tree became famous when Allah, subhanaHu wa Ta`ala, mentioned it in the Holy Qur'an (48:18) saying: (Laqad radiy Allahu anil muminina iz. Yubayi-oonaka tahta ash shajarah) "Verily Allah, subhanaHu wa Ta`ala, is Pleased with those Believers who gave Bay'ah to you under the Tree".
In the time of Sayyidina Umar, radi Allahu `anh, people were going to this historical tree and praying there to receive the Barakah of the Blessed Prophet, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam. Upon knowing this, Sayyidina Umar went there and chopped down the tree.
In the time of Sayyidina Umar, radi Allahu `anh, people were going to this historical tree and praying there to receive the Barakah of the Blessed Prophet, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam. Upon knowing this, Sayyidina Umar went there and chopped down the tree.
Faaik Gamieldien uses this Hadith, wrongly, to prove that praying under the blessed tree was Shirk. Also, to search for Tabarruk and blessings of Holy Prophet Muhammad, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, and pious people is Shirk and it is for this reason that Sayyidina Umar chopped down the tree.
This is a great lie and some people fabricate this to suit their own ideas and nafs.
Sayyidina Umar, radi Allahu `anh, did chop down the tree, but not because he thought the people praying there were Mushriks, who, by the way, were Sahabah and Tabi'een themselves. That kind of a silly thought did not even occur to his mind.
This incident as recorded in Sahih al-Bukhari (Kitab al-Maghazi) and Muslim (Kitab al-Imamah) took place because there was controversy over which tree was the one where the honourable Bay'ah was taken and reliable sources from amongst the Sahabah held that that tree in question was definitely the wrong tree and the original Tree could no longer be located and had mysteriously vanished.
Ibn Umar (who was present in the Bay'ah under the Tree) said:
This is a great lie and some people fabricate this to suit their own ideas and nafs.
Sayyidina Umar, radi Allahu `anh, did chop down the tree, but not because he thought the people praying there were Mushriks, who, by the way, were Sahabah and Tabi'een themselves. That kind of a silly thought did not even occur to his mind.
This incident as recorded in Sahih al-Bukhari (Kitab al-Maghazi) and Muslim (Kitab al-Imamah) took place because there was controversy over which tree was the one where the honourable Bay'ah was taken and reliable sources from amongst the Sahabah held that that tree in question was definitely the wrong tree and the original Tree could no longer be located and had mysteriously vanished.
Ibn Umar (who was present in the Bay'ah under the Tree) said:
"No one could locate the Tree after that year". (Bukhari)
Thus, the tree that the Sahabah and Tabi'een were visiting at Hudaybiyyah, in the era of Sayyidina Umar was not the real one, but it was in the same valley where the real one was.
Hence, the real reason for Sayyidina Umar's chopping down of the tree was because it was wrongly believed to be the Tree under which the Holy Bay'ah was taken.
In fact, the mysterious vanishing of the Real Tree by Allah, subhanaHu wa Ta`ala, shows how important it was. The honourable Sahabah actually looked for the Tree and could not find it.
Thus, the tree that the Sahabah and Tabi'een were visiting at Hudaybiyyah, in the era of Sayyidina Umar was not the real one, but it was in the same valley where the real one was.
Hence, the real reason for Sayyidina Umar's chopping down of the tree was because it was wrongly believed to be the Tree under which the Holy Bay'ah was taken.
In fact, the mysterious vanishing of the Real Tree by Allah, subhanaHu wa Ta`ala, shows how important it was. The honourable Sahabah actually looked for the Tree and could not find it.
“ The Companions (radhi allaho anhum) used to stop by that tree and say their prayers underneath its shade.
Umar b. al-Khattab (radhi allaho anho) is fasely alleged to have ordered the felling of that tree so as to obviate any chance of it being over-sanctified by unscrupulous people in the future"
(Ferozabadi, Mughanam al-mutaba fi alam at-Taba. p. 199).
But when we dig deep into this report it turns out to be a sheer allegation; we discover that according to the most authentic report of Sa’id b. al-Musayyab (radhi allaho anho), whose father (Musayyab radhi allaho anho) had participated in person in the Bai’ah of Ridhwan, said that that nobody could locate the tree a year after the incident of the Bai’ah.
Therefore, the question of felling of that tree at the orders of Umar b. al-Khattab (radhi allaho anho) simply does not arise as he had taken oath as Caliph.
Six years after the incident and, especially so, when he was himself an ardent lover of the relics of his beloved Prophet (sallallaho alaihi wasallam): all through the tenure of his caliphate he wore the signet ring of the Messenger of Allah (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) and held it dear to him more than anything else; he had also preserved the spear (Anaza) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) had used at the Battle of Badr.
As against this, there is a chain of numerous reports that suggest that in commemoration of the event and as a mark of respect to the Prophet (sallallaho alaihi wasallam)’s stay at that place, the Companions (radhi allaho anhum) had constructed a small mosque at that site.
Narrated Tariq b. Abdul Rahman (radhi allaho anho):
When I set out for Hajj, I passed by some people offering a prayer. I asked, “What is this mosque?” They said, “This is the tree where Allah’s Apostle (sallallaho alaihi wasallam) took the ar-Ridhwan Pledge of Allegiance.” [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 5, Number 481]
The people who stick to the claim about the cutting of the tree by Hazrat Umar (radhi allaho anho), should rather feel ashamed of their false accusation of the Companion of the stature of Hazrat Umar (radhi allaho anho). They should give credence to the statement of Hazrat Musayyab (radhi allaho anho) who was a participant in the Bai'ah Ridhwan.
If at all he cut a tree, it was due to the reason that people had mistaken a different tree for a tree that had disappeared due to a flood in that valley and where a mosque had already been constructed by the illustrious Companions of the Messenger of Allah. (sallallaho alaihi wasallam).
Big Lie!
“Omer (r) cutting Tree where Prophet (PBUH) took biyah fearing people will worship it.”
“It states it is narrated that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him) heard that some people were visiting the tree under which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had accepted the bay’ah of people, so he commanded that it should be cut down.”
[Narrated by Ibn Waddaah in his book al-Bida’ wa’l-Nahiy ‘anhaa, and by Ibn Abi Shaybah in al-Musannaf, 2/375. Its isnaad was classed as saheeh by Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Baari, 7/448]
Wahabis quote this ^narration to prove “ visiting dargahs are haram as people may worship graves so let’s demolish them!”
Wahabis use this Hadith, wrongly, to prove that praying under the blessed Tree was Shirk.
Also, to search for Tabarruk and blessings of Nabi Muhammad (s) and pious people is Shirk and it is for this reason that Sayyidina Umar chopped the tree down.”
This is a great lie and some people fabricate this to suit their own ideas and Sayyidina Umar (RA) did chop the tree down, because he thought the people praying there were mushriks. (naoozbila)
That kind of a silly thought did not even occur his mind.
This incident -“as recorded in Sahih Bukhari (Kitab al-Maghazi) and Muslim (Kitab al-Imamah) -“ took place because there was controversy over which tree was the one where ba’yah was taken and reliable sources from amongst the Sahabah held that that tree was definitely the wrong tree and the original tree could no longer be located and had vanished .
Sahih Bukhari Book 52 Hadith 205
Narrated Ibn ‘Umar(RA):
When we reached (Hudaibiya) in the next year (of the treaty of Hudaibiya), not even two men amongst us agreed unanimously as to which was the tree under which we had given the pledge of allegiance, and that was out of Allah’s Mercy.
The tree that the Tabi’een were visiting at the Hudaybiyyah , in the the time of Sayyidina Umar was not the real one, but it was in the same valley where the real one was.
Hence, the real reason Hazrat Umar had the tree chopped down (because it was wrongly attributed to the Prophet (sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam).
Imam Tabari said:
During the period of Umar (Radiall hu anhu’s) Khalifet, he went for pilgrimage, when he passed Hudaiba’ he asked: “Where is the tree under which the bay’a took place?” A person replied: ‘This one”. Someone said: ‘This one”. Umar (Radiall hu anhu) said: “Forget the inconvenience”.
[Tafsir Tafhemul Qur’an Surah Fata’h under verse 18 by Sayyid Maududi].
In fact, the mysterious vanishing of the real tree by Allah (SWT) shows how important it was In the last moments of Jabir Bin Abdullah he had lost his sight he use to say:
‘If I could see today I would show you where the tree was, where the Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) received the Ba’ya of the companions”.
[Sahih Bukhari chap,Al-Magazi]
Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani says in the commentry: “Some people forgot where this place was like Sa’eed Bin Al-Musayib’s Father, and some knew where it was like Jabir Bin Abdullah”.
[Fathul bari, chapter Bay'a Ridwan]
Sayyidina Umar, radi Allahu `anh, did not cut the tree because he believed the people were making Shirk, he cut it because it was not the original tree.
Sayyidina Umar, radi Allahu `anh, had complete respect and honour for all things related to the Prophet, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, and it is unimaginable that he should show any kind of disrespect to them.
The Sahabah gave a lot of importance to that tree and that is why they tried to locate it after the year of the Bay'ah. The Tabi'een would also go to the valley of Hudaibiyyah looking for that tree. However, Allah, subhanaHu wa Ta`ala, had made the original tree vanish for mysterious reasons
Sayyidina Umar, radi Allahu `anh, had complete respect and honour for all things related to the Prophet, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, and it is unimaginable that he should show any kind of disrespect to them.
The Sahabah gave a lot of importance to that tree and that is why they tried to locate it after the year of the Bay'ah. The Tabi'een would also go to the valley of Hudaibiyyah looking for that tree. However, Allah, subhanaHu wa Ta`ala, had made the original tree vanish for mysterious reasons
Wahabis/Salafis say
"not only did Hazrat Umar (r) chop the tree at Hudaibiya but all the trees under which the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) had ever sat."
There was no evidence to back up their false claim. What an evil allegation against a true Aashiq-e-Rasool (صلى الله عليه وسلم) like Sayyidina Farooq-e-Azam (RA).
Sayyidina Umar's respect for the relics and things of the Nabi , sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, can be ascertained from the following incident narrated in Kanzul Ummal
(vol.7 p.66) and Ibn Qudamah (al-Mughni vol.4 p.554):
Once while going to the Mosque to lead the Jum'ah Salah, Umar passed by a canal (Mizab), which was in the way, and the dirty water from the canal messed up his clean clothes. Umar got angry and took the canal out of the way, went back home, dressed up again and went to Mosque.
In the Mosque, the Prophet's, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, uncle Sayyidina Abbas confronted him and said: "That canal was put there by the Messenger of Allah, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, as I saw with my own eyes".
When Sayyidina Umar heard that, he immediately left the Mosque with Abbas and went where that canal was, bent himself like in Ruku and said to al-Abbas:
"O Uncle of the Messenger of Allah, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, climb on my back and put the canal back where Allah's Messenger put it".
Once while going to the Mosque to lead the Jum'ah Salah, Umar passed by a canal (Mizab), which was in the way, and the dirty water from the canal messed up his clean clothes. Umar got angry and took the canal out of the way, went back home, dressed up again and went to Mosque.
In the Mosque, the Prophet's, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, uncle Sayyidina Abbas confronted him and said: "That canal was put there by the Messenger of Allah, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, as I saw with my own eyes".
When Sayyidina Umar heard that, he immediately left the Mosque with Abbas and went where that canal was, bent himself like in Ruku and said to al-Abbas:
"O Uncle of the Messenger of Allah, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, climb on my back and put the canal back where Allah's Messenger put it".

Sheikh Fake Comedian
Letter to the Cape Argus by Shaykh Faaik Gamieldien:
To the Editor,
On Sunday December 31 SABC (channel) 2 screened a documentary showing "Muslims" visiting the shrine at Robben Island. The presenter of the programme went to great pains to try to link the occasion to Islam and "spirituality".
In fact the whole presentation was peppered with the word "spirituality" and the visuals of "Muslims" chanting and putting their foreheads on the grave seemed to reinforce the existence of such a connection.
I wish to state clearly and categorically that this kind of "shrine-worship" or "shrine-honouring" has absolutely nothing to do with Islam as a religion nor with its sense of spirituality.
In fact, Islam abhors such practices as shirk (ascribing partners to Allah) which is an unpardonable sin. Islam prides itself on its uncompromising monotheism and the absence of forms and figurines in its sacred spaces.
The erection of shrines to the dead and the veneration of such shrines are anathema to these fundamental beliefs. In fact the eradication of pagan beliefs and the physical destruction of all forms of idolatry were the central focus of the calling of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Draping the grave with multi-coloured layers of cloth in an eloborate pagan ceremony of chanting and incense burning in veneration of the occupant of the grave becomes laughable when one considers that, historically, the corpse supposed to be buried there was taken back to Madura in the Indonesion archipelago for burial.
And to add further insult to injury the present shrine was constructed by the apartheid regime in 1969, two hundred and fifteen years after the death of Sayed Abdurahman Moturu, also known as Hadji Matarim, who is supposed to be buried there.
This was yet another elaborate ploy by the apartheid regime to keep the Muslims in spiritual serfdom. Many are the Muslims, but few are those who have accepted Islam.
Sheikh Faaik Gamieldien
Imam - Masjid Sunni
Rondebosch East
(Cape Town, South Africa)
Cape Argus, Monday, January 8, 2001 (Page 11)
[End of Quote]

Refutations of the “Fake Comedian” Cape Town Wahabi
(Edited by ADHM)